Quote Originally Posted by jeffro View Post
Thankss everyone,i will make a list of everything ,and thanks for all your advice I cant wait until October,i am looking forward to meeting my anghel in person,and hugging her so tight,tsupsss,and im also a nervous wreck tooor at least i will be once i arrive Cebu!! Is it really true everyone who visits is plagued buy mm, the runs ???!!,ill take incontinece pants too,im only slim to begin with ,if i dehydrate i dread to think ,ill return lookin like tutankhamen,ha ,well at least Maria my daughter will have a mummy,ha ,just kiddin,my ex is a good mum.Thankyou all so much for truly kind messages of goodwill and support and avice,and Godbless you all and your loved ones always,,
Jeff and Maria

There is a bigger chance you will get the runs out of the airplane food.
Stay off the chicken, i got myself a visitor from there. (salmonella)

OH, an also bring dollar to change in to peso. If u go to Manila and have to change terminal, u need to take a taxi. You shoul not pay more than 200p
to change terminal. Ask the Taxi driver CALM AND EASY, how mutch to other terminal. And remember to bring airport TAX money. (300p domestic and 750 going out)