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Thread: Essential items for visiting the Philippines,just for fun .

  1. #1
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    Essential items for visiting the Philippines,just for fun .

    Hi everyone,hope your all great!!,
    other than my passport,money etc what are the essential items i need and should take with me when i visit Cebu in October?.
    So far,ive a camcorder and some CK boxer shorts,and after shave of course ,and im not even on a promise ,ha ha

  2. #2
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Hi jeff,good luck for your journey.dont forget your sunblock with you.and by the way a small reminders beware of pickpocketters dont put your wallet at the back of your jeans.hubby was once a victim they didnt got the wallet of my hubby but they took with them the digicam goodluck jeff and God Bless
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  3. #3
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    I suggest don't bring any valuable things with you when you are outside. Leave some of your credits cards, passport, ticket etc in your bedroom/hotel room.

    When you're in the Phils., don't forget to buy insect repellent to the pharmacy. Goodluck Jeff!
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  4. #4
    andypaul's Avatar
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    With insect repplent if you have not used previously test it on you a few days weeks before you leave. Just incase your allegic. Don't wanna look like a bright tomato evening with your sunblock.

    For when out and about its just as good to get a cheap camrea phone/ or just a disposable camrea if you don't wanna walk around the market say with a camcorder. Most will take decent enough photos to supplement you more higher qulaity photos.

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LadyJ View Post
    I suggest don't bring any valuable things with you when you are outside. Leave some of your credits cards, passport, ticket etc in your bedroom/hotel room.

    When you're in the Phils., don't forget to buy insect repellent to the pharmacy. Goodluck Jeff!
    and i hope you've been to see the nurse at your docs surgery for some jabs if you havn't already

  6. #6
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    Thankss everyone,i will make a list of everything ,and thanks for all your advice I cant wait until October,i am looking forward to meeting my anghel in person,and hugging her so tight,tsupsss,and im also a nervous wreck tooor at least i will be once i arrive Cebu!! Is it really true everyone who visits is plagued buy mm, the runs ???!!,ill take incontinece pants too,im only slim to begin with ,if i dehydrate i dread to think ,ill return lookin like tutankhamen,ha ,well at least Maria my daughter will have a mummy,ha ,just kiddin,my ex is a good mum.Thankyou all so much for truly kind messages of goodwill and support and avice,and Godbless you all and your loved ones always,,
    Jeff and Maria

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Things NOT to take.....
    UK 9ct Gold as will not make many friends
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    Member petti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    Hi jeff,good luck for your journey.dont forget your sunblock with you.and by the way a small reminders beware of pickpocketters dont put your wallet at the back of your jeans.hubby was once a victim they didnt got the wallet of my hubby but they took with them the digicam goodluck jeff and God Bless
    A Pen!

    Belive me, and you gonna thank me later. Keep it in your pocket.
    You will need it about right before the imigrations check

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Things NOT to take.....
    UK 9ct Gold as will not make many friends

    brass?????,copper.lead,r they ok!!!!

  10. #10
    Member petti's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeffro View Post
    Thankss everyone,i will make a list of everything ,and thanks for all your advice I cant wait until October,i am looking forward to meeting my anghel in person,and hugging her so tight,tsupsss,and im also a nervous wreck tooor at least i will be once i arrive Cebu!! Is it really true everyone who visits is plagued buy mm, the runs ???!!,ill take incontinece pants too,im only slim to begin with ,if i dehydrate i dread to think ,ill return lookin like tutankhamen,ha ,well at least Maria my daughter will have a mummy,ha ,just kiddin,my ex is a good mum.Thankyou all so much for truly kind messages of goodwill and support and avice,and Godbless you all and your loved ones always,,
    Jeff and Maria

    There is a bigger chance you will get the runs out of the airplane food.
    Stay off the chicken, i got myself a visitor from there. (salmonella)

    OH, an also bring dollar to change in to peso. If u go to Manila and have to change terminal, u need to take a taxi. You shoul not pay more than 200p
    to change terminal. Ask the Taxi driver CALM AND EASY, how mutch to other terminal. And remember to bring airport TAX money. (300p domestic and 750 going out)

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by petti View Post
    There is a bigger chance you will get the runs out of the airplane food.
    Stay off the chicken, i got myself a visitor from there. (salmonella)

    OH, an also bring dollar to change in to peso. If u go to Manila and have to change terminal, u need to take a taxi. You shoul not pay more than 200p
    to change terminal. Ask the Taxi driver CALM AND EASY, how mutch to other terminal. And remember to bring airport TAX money. (300p domestic and 750 going out)
    Thanksss ,do you know how much peso i am allowed to take in ?,and would i be better taking dollars ,euro or stirling.Ive been told dollars are more widely accepted than the pound.And im also taking a pre-paid titanium credit card,do you know if these ok to use,the staff at my local Western Union said i can use anywhere where mastercard is accepted and at the banks,i need to be 100% sure about this,the thought of taking all ready cash is a nightmare,as i dont have a debit/visa card .
    Thanks everyone so much,good job im on heart medication,im nervous now,God help me October,pleasssse

  12. #12
    Member petti's Avatar
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    hehehe, how are you going to survive until then m8???
    I think just 50 USD just for starters in there, in 5 dollar bills.
    Thats just to get the first taxi, and emergency expences.
    You just have to make shure that you have some form of Visa card or Mastercard. I dunno the way in the UK, but it should not be too hard to convert your normal ATM card. Mostly ATMs in there accept VISA.
    Remember that taxis only accept hard cash.

  13. #13
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    hehe, i did all the newbie errors in there the first time

    First of all i did not bring me a pen, so i had to wait long (in manila) to get something to write the imigrants ticket form, and all i got to borrow was an broken old pencil. And in the stressfulfirsttimeheat, that was intense.

    Second i did not bring any money in there, and i was in a hurry to make the other terminal in manila. When we got closer to the destination i flashed with my VISA card, and wondering abot how to pay. The driver whent from coloured to pale in his face, and shaked his head... "nononono i dont take!"
    So i asked "so drive me to an atm then, so that you can get your money."..
    ...and thats why he ripped me off for 500 peso, becauce i had to pay 300. but somehow he did not have change

    Oh my god, i was so nervous the first time, lol i had to go puke in toilet
    when i finaly got into the destination terminal.
    But its wourth it when u se your love waiting there outside mactan, i promise.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeffro View Post
    Hi everyone,hope your all great!!,
    other than my passport,money etc what are the essential items i need and should take with me when i visit Cebu in October?.
    So far,ive a camcorder and some CK boxer shorts,and after shave of course ,and im not even on a promise ,ha ha
    Get on ebay, and buy one of those money belts, like i did.
    Stash your cash and a photocopy of your passport detail pages in there (fold them to fit). Take enough cash out for the day, every morning, lots of moneychanging booths in the malls, and it doesn't matter what currency you take.
    But if you take anything else but £ Sterling, you will lose twice on the exchange charges... £ to $ to Php... = lost money.
    So, I strongly recommend good old fashioned Pound notes... 20ies and 50ies...

    Visa, Mastercards and bank debit cards are accepted in most ATMs, but you are limited on the amount you can draw out per transaction, some give 5000, some 10.000 pesos, and the more often you use the cards the more the bank charges incurred. So reserve the cards for emergencies or large..ish purchases.

    Imodium is a necessity (just in case you get the trots...), And anti malaria tablets are a MUST.... Better safe than sorry.
    Some baby wipes and kleenex are a good idea too, as in most public conveniences the toilet paper is noticeable for its absenteism...
    And if you have to use your girl friends house WC... I am not sure you will get used to the Tabo system in a hurry... So my suggestion is to train your guts, to evacuate before you leave the hotel in the morning...
    In most hotels you will have to insert the key fob into a special wall switch to activate the air conditioning... And it may take a long time to cool the room down to an acceptable level.
    So you might need something thin enough to leave in the holder when you come out of the room, so the aircon will stay on, and keep the room nice and cold for when you return.
    On several occasions, I used a disposable plasticky nail file... It works a treat...

    And most important item of them all....


    Whatever you do, do NOT forget to bring them some decent chocolate and sweets as "pasalubong" or present...
    This is a requirement which is mandatory for an easy and carefree life... It seems that your Gf status will be enhanced in her immediate community, by the amount of chocckies you fetch... The neighbours will talk for ages about it and the "white guy"....

    Enough for now I think.... If i come across something else I will post it for you. If you have any other specific queries go ahead and post.

    Good luck.

  15. #15
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    on our way from Dumaguete, we are gonna pick up tonnes and tonnes of Dunkin Donuts to bring to Bayawan for her family

    it'll work a treat -- she says

  16. #16
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    yes aromulus is ,

    with the money belt, photocopies of passport,your return airtickets and your travel insurance cert, and leave the copies or the orginals at your g/f place or if in a hotel in the safe.

    i've always taken £20's notes, usually £600 and atm cards, and changed it in the money changers in the mall, better rate.

    and yes the pen !!

    and oh, if your taking somethnig for your g/f or her mom, a box of choclates, even cadburys roses over there are really expensive

  17. #17
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    cool! i sometimes send marivic chocolates, and even if i send LOADS, she maybe gets 2 or 3 bites coz the family and friends eat it!

    that's what i love about her - real generous

  18. #18
    Respected Member 5olidsnake's Avatar
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    don't forget to keep boarding passes from your flights safe in your money belt.
    take loads of photos of you together,
    don't wear any jewellery or expensive clothes, that just makes you a target. be 100% streetwise, try to blend in (impossible if your a 6 feet)
    and a must that i learned NEVER pay a taxi driver whilst sitting in the car and leave your luggage in car then jump out (take bags out first then pay taxi driver) he drove off !!!
    change big notes in shops (like minimart or shopping malls), so you have plenty of coins for jeepneys/buses.
    exchange your sterling money in phils, you will find many moneychangers in areas like Ermita (you will get a better rate than england) but make sure you have some peso's to get you traveling from airport. take a few ATM cards (emergency money) not all mine where accepted in machines.

    regards martin

  19. #19
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    cool yam yam martin

    thanks for all the great advice!

  20. #20
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    Hey Tom and Jeff, hoping you'll tell us your experiences when you come back here from Phils.

    Goodluck to you both!
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  21. #21
    Respected Member LadyJ's Avatar
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    and I forgot, don't come back in this forum without our pasalubong
    Not an expert, I only try to help.

  22. #22
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    thanks Lady J!

    Will do!

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 5olidsnake View Post
    don't forget to keep boarding passes from your flights safe in your money belt.
    take loads of photos of you together,
    don't wear any jewellery or expensive clothes, that just makes you a target. be 100% streetwise, try to blend in (impossible if your a 6 feet)
    and a must that i learned NEVER pay a taxi driver whilst sitting in the car and leave your luggage in car then jump out (take bags out first then pay taxi driver) he drove off !!!
    change big notes in shops (like minimart or shopping malls), so you have plenty of coins for jeepneys/buses.
    exchange your sterling money in phils, you will find many moneychangers in areas like Ermita (you will get a better rate than england) but make sure you have some peso's to get you traveling from airport. take a few ATM cards (emergency money) not all mine where accepted in machines.

    regards martin
    yes when we go by taxi, i always get the wife to phone for it, and let her get in, and agree a price, then i'll go out a minute later and watch their face drop, as they know they missed out on some easy php, if they see a whitey its doubled or tripled !!!, yes and have lots of 100php notes, so the little monkeys can't pull the no change scam !

  24. #24
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    HAHAHAHAAA! i have so been planning to get mar to do all the negotiation LOL

  25. #25
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    always go using the meter. dont let the driver ask for a fixed fare when ur in a cab. most of the taxi drivers here are ********.

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    Many many thanks!!!!

    Hi everyone,i hope you ae all great!!!,
    Can i just thank all of so very very much for all your kind advice,it truly is a fantastic help and guide for me,and also any other members who will visiting for the first time .I am sorry many of you have had some bad experiences,,but thanks to all of you i will be a lot wiser now,i promise when i return November,ill post pictureS on the gallery of my visit..Sorry i am late replying to this and other topics,my daughter Maria is off school for the holidays, and my other kids ,so im just so busy trying to catch up and being dad ,anyone fancy having a cute girl of 12 for a lodger for 6 weeks,the Philippines would be perfect!!!ha ,only kidding,she is my rock!!!!!!
    best wishes and many thanks to everyone!!!!!,
    have a greatttttttttt dayyyyyy
    Jeff n Maria

  27. #27
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your daughter can look after my 8 month old son, i'm sure they both be worn out after a few hours , your not that far from me

    i'll put him on your door step , knock and err

  28. #28
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeffro View Post
    Hi everyone,hope your all great!!,
    other than my passport,money etc what are the essential items i need and should take with me when i visit Cebu in October?.
    So far,ive a camcorder and some CK boxer shorts,and after shave of course ,and im not even on a promise ,ha ha
    awz CK boxer shorts,wow branded? lolz don't forget aswell a pairs of thongs for your gf, chocolates and p20 sunblock very hot in there

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    awz CK boxer shorts,wow branded? lolz don't forget aswell a pairs of thongs for your gf, chocolates and p20 sunblock very hot in there
    Sod CK boxers........

    Get the Matalan ones, hell of a lot cheaper, do exactly the same job, last much longer and the colours don't fade in the wash.

  30. #30
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes when we go by taxi, i always get the wife to phone for it, and let her get in, and agree a price, then i'll go out a minute later and watch their face drop, as they know they missed out on some easy php, if they see a whitey its doubled or tripled !!!, yes and have lots of 100php notes, so the little monkeys can't pull the no change scam !
    To true loads of change also really handy are 20 peso notes otherwise for small things even 100 pesos is to much for change which mounts up if it happens all day.

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