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raynaputi UKBA Inquiry Response 10th September 2012, 13:58
sars_notd_virus :cwm23::angry: 10th September 2012, 14:00
jlags90 That seems a long wait...... 10th September 2012, 14:04
lastlid Not funny. :NoNo: 10th September 2012, 14:23
Bluebirdjones Not funny, not helpful, not... 10th September 2012, 15:04
malchard888 Did u get an e mail address... 10th September 2012, 19:45
jlags90 True enough. I posted my... 11th September 2012, 12:21
lastlid It baffles me that it should... 11th September 2012, 12:27
Arthur Little ... Rayna ... no WONDER ... 11th September 2012, 12:52
Arthur Little "Entertain" your inquiry ...... 11th September 2012, 12:44
Trefor Sorry to hear this. At least... 11th September 2012, 12:51
KeithD Ghostbusters! :Erm: 11th September 2012, 15:26
filbrit Whoa! I didnt know that FLR... 11th September 2012, 13:14
han Hello rayna; Sorry to... 11th September 2012, 15:26
gWaPito So does that mean you sent... 11th September 2012, 15:37
raynaputi Errr...:Erm: my Fiancee Visa... 11th September 2012, 16:05
gWaPito Cheers for that... 11th September 2012, 16:55
raynaputi I called UKBA back today..and... 28th September 2012, 10:28
Steve.r What a bunch of a holes 28th September 2012, 10:32
filbrit sorry to hear that! they're... 28th September 2012, 10:57
MissAna why are they doing this to... 28th September 2012, 11:15
joebloggs :NoNo::angry::furious3: 28th September 2012, 10:57
andy222 Amazing they are quick enough... 28th September 2012, 11:34
han oh dear.... This is NOT... 28th September 2012, 12:52
malchard888 We have been waiting 5 1/2... 28th September 2012, 13:00
lastlid My sentiment entirely. 28th September 2012, 14:47
Arthur Little :cwm23: ... MINE too!! 28th September 2012, 15:59
Arthur Little That's God's honest truth! ... 28th September 2012, 17:22
Dedworth Letters to MP's might rattle... 28th September 2012, 13:03
raynaputi Keith said there's no point... 28th September 2012, 13:16
Dedworth If you don't ask you don't... 28th September 2012, 13:19
raynaputi I'm gonna do that now..but I... 28th September 2012, 13:30
Dedworth That's OK he's part of the... 28th September 2012, 13:36
Arthur Little Well ... :anerikke: ...... 28th September 2012, 19:03
sparky we applied for the ILR visa... 30th September 2012, 16:39
raynaputi Just an update..I wrote to... 30th September 2012, 17:25
Terpe Well done Rayna... 30th September 2012, 18:16
Arthur Little :iagree: ... here's wishing... 30th September 2012, 18:47
joebloggs :xxgrinning--00xx3: Rayna 30th September 2012, 20:37
malchard888 E mail just been sent to my... 30th September 2012, 21:16
Arthur Little Well done, Malcolm ... my... 30th September 2012, 21:39
raynaputi UPDATE Well, still not a... 28th November 2012, 20:51
MissAna :NoNo: they are getting... 28th November 2012, 20:54
lastlid I am joking when I say this... 28th November 2012, 20:57
raynaputi That's what Keith and I were... 28th November 2012, 21:02
andy222 You wont get a email from... 28th November 2012, 21:29
raynaputi hahaha..your description of... 28th November 2012, 21:35
andy222 You have my full sympathy.... 28th November 2012, 21:42
joebloggs if you dont get a response by... 28th November 2012, 23:02
raynaputi Thanks for this Joe. I will... 28th November 2012, 23:08
raynaputi 21st December and I got no... 21st December 2012, 13:24
Dedworth Sounds like you've done... 21st December 2012, 13:39
raynaputi :Brick::Brick::Brick: 21st December 2012, 13:42
Trefor Sorry to hear they still are... 28th November 2012, 22:19
malchard888 We are still waiting too... 28th November 2012, 23:29
joebloggs definitely something has gone... 28th November 2012, 23:33
lastlid The problem is that it pushes... 29th November 2012, 00:42
Arthur Little :yeahthat: line of thinking... 29th November 2012, 14:51
MissAna guys, we will call the UKBA... 3rd December 2012, 12:08
malchard888 We had a reply in writing... 3rd December 2012, 12:36
KeithD A comment we now know is... 21st December 2012, 12:05
MissAna we called the ukba earlier... 4th December 2012, 10:37
joebloggs you'll have a great time if... 4th December 2012, 11:52
MissAna yeah i love snow 4th December 2012, 17:49
raynaputi No update yet...:cwm23: but... 21st December 2012, 11:27
grahamw48 Keep copies of everything... 21st December 2012, 12:03
malchard888 Yes Rayna, they are a right... 21st December 2012, 13:37
KeithD Just look at all the search... 21st December 2012, 14:17
MissAna hopefully early month of 2013... 21st December 2012, 16:40
MissAna ANY NEWS ABOUT YOUR FLR(m)... 7th January 2013, 10:51
malchard888 Still no luck with us Ana, 8... 7th January 2013, 11:09
raynaputi Still waiting...for 9 months... 7th January 2013, 11:22
MissAna same here 7 months and 2... 7th January 2013, 12:12
jlags90 Four months and two weeks of... 7th January 2013, 13:18
raynaputi You better call UKBA about... 7th January 2013, 13:26
MissAna oh my! yeah i think you... 8th January 2013, 04:35
MissAna i know lots of people have... 10th January 2013, 14:01
raynaputi I just got a copy of letter... 10th January 2013, 14:14
MissAna :NoNo: this news makes me... 10th January 2013, 14:21
Dedworth Saves you the trouble, just... 10th January 2013, 19:57
joebloggs i dont think you will be... 10th January 2013, 14:27
raynaputi Oh I hope so Joe! Lots of... 10th January 2013, 14:31
ritchieco Me too, my application is... 12th January 2013, 22:56
angellegwen Hi ritchieco, may i ask what... 22nd January 2013, 15:54
raynaputi Inaction and delay prevented... 15th January 2013, 18:36
MissAna found a great business... 16th January 2013, 13:13
raynaputi Oh same thing for me..but... 16th January 2013, 15:19
KeithD For those who want to... 16th January 2013, 21:55
MissAna okay guys i got a letter from... 19th January 2013, 11:05
raynaputi Didn't you include your... 19th January 2013, 11:25
MissAna we send them the verified... 19th January 2013, 11:28
raynaputi It's better to send the... 19th January 2013, 11:35
MissAna that's what i told my husband... 19th January 2013, 12:07
raynaputi Errr...why??? :Erm: 19th January 2013, 12:11
joebloggs :NoNo:, did he send a birth... 19th January 2013, 12:25
MissAna if i'm not mistaken i think... 19th January 2013, 13:02
jlags90 Did you not include bank... 21st January 2013, 21:48
raynaputi I've read a lot of the same... 21st January 2013, 22:13
Terpe Yes, you're right. I've seen... 21st January 2013, 22:42
MissAna yes we include in the... 22nd January 2013, 15:11
Terpe I think it's still the policy... 21st January 2013, 22:47
MissAna thank you so much for this... 22nd January 2013, 15:14
angellegwen thanks malchard888 for your... 22nd January 2013, 21:21
raynaputi My application reached its... 31st January 2013, 10:41
MissAna i'm so sorry to hear about... 31st January 2013, 10:48
Akilah Blythe Sorry for your loss rayna.... 31st January 2013, 11:22
angellegwen Condolence Raynaputi, i... 31st January 2013, 12:52
mickmyrna Our condolences !!!! May she ... 31st January 2013, 18:58
malchard888 We havent heard a thing... 31st January 2013, 22:44
Arthur Little Can't fathom how UKBA works... 31st January 2013, 11:32
joebloggs well you can only blame the... 1st February 2013, 00:31
jlags90 I am sorry to hear that... 1st February 2013, 21:43
raynaputi I've got a final response... 4th February 2013, 12:20
joebloggs :doh its almost :laugher:... 4th February 2013, 14:09
Michael Parnham I've just been looking at... 4th February 2013, 14:23
raynaputi Also, they can't even effin'... 4th February 2013, 14:27
joebloggs :xxparty-smiley-004: :Bolt:... 4th February 2013, 14:31
Terpe Rayna, I know just how angry... 4th February 2013, 21:52
raynaputi You don't have to say sorry... 4th February 2013, 22:28
fred 5th February 2013, 05:52
jlags90 I was tempted to write... 5th February 2013, 15:05
andy222 Have you tried a letter from... 5th February 2013, 07:50
MissAna to be honest, i can hardly... 5th February 2013, 11:04
melovesengland This UKBA lark is getting so... 5th February 2013, 17:03
Akilah Blythe Hi guys, been following this... 6th February 2013, 12:07
malchard888 My wifes residency permit has... 6th February 2013, 13:10
joebloggs :xxgrinning--00xx3: good... 6th February 2013, 13:42
MissAna congratulations!!! :Jump:... 6th February 2013, 14:49
raynaputi Congrats to you and your wife... 6th February 2013, 14:59
sars_notd_virus I hope they dont lost any of... 7th February 2013, 19:57
Arthur Little Congratulations, Malcolm &... 8th February 2013, 01:52
malchard888 Thanks for your kind wishes... 8th February 2013, 09:12
Akilah Blythe Hi rayna, sorry to bother... 6th February 2013, 14:33
raynaputi Just to give you an idea... 6th February 2013, 15:07
joebloggs excuse backlogs :doh, 10... 6th February 2013, 15:20
andy222 It takes about 2 weeks for... 7th February 2013, 20:20
malchard888 I can ionly hope u get some... 6th February 2013, 15:24
Terpe I'm happy to learn that the... 6th February 2013, 19:01
angellegwen I have a question... 7th February 2013, 11:53
han COngrats to you and to your... 6th February 2013, 18:33
malchard888 This FLR visa expires end of... 6th February 2013, 21:22
Michael Parnham Yes Angel, normally same day!... 7th February 2013, 12:29
angellegwen Really, I'll tell my husband... 7th February 2013, 12:37
malchard888 Its not an issue in the... 7th February 2013, 16:53
angellegwen :cwm25:So if I cancel my... 7th February 2013, 20:27
malchard888 Not worth wasting your £561... 7th February 2013, 22:34
raynaputi It's not possible to change... 7th February 2013, 13:01
angellegwen Thank you Rayna, that's what... 7th February 2013, 15:41
Michael Parnham Yes Andy, that just about... 7th February 2013, 20:23
Akilah Blythe Thank you rayna for the... 8th February 2013, 09:29
raynaputi Well, Keith and I just sent... 8th February 2013, 13:26
joebloggs i think you'll be lucky to... 8th February 2013, 14:18
Terpe Well done I say... 8th February 2013, 21:46
raynaputi Hahahaha..Keith said, if I'd... 8th February 2013, 21:55
Terpe Great idea too... 8th February 2013, 22:21
raynaputi Maybe I should try the Queen... 8th February 2013, 22:29
raynaputi Border agency backlog keeps... 8th February 2013, 23:06
jlags90 Just a quick update. I... 9th February 2013, 12:48
raynaputi UKBA is really making our... 9th February 2013, 13:03
joebloggs most of the blame is due to... 9th February 2013, 13:48
MissAna okay guys, just arrived from... 11th February 2013, 16:20
raynaputi Last week, I got a response... 26th February 2013, 10:49
andy222 Well I didnt expect you to... 26th February 2013, 11:17
raynaputi Well I know that..But I can... 26th February 2013, 11:31
joebloggs funny you got your visa and... 26th February 2013, 11:56
raynaputi Hahaha..I know Joe, and I... 26th February 2013, 12:02
Michael Parnham Well! at least you have not... 26th February 2013, 12:42
Terpe Yes Rayna, I agree with... 26th February 2013, 17:43
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  1. #1
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Keith said there's no point contacting the MP as the application won't be rushed anyway..If he doesn't wanna do that. I don't have any other choice..THIS IS EVEN WORSE THAN GOVERNMENT AGENCIES IN THE PHILIPPINES!!!!!!!!!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    Keith said there's no point contacting the MP as the application won't be rushed anyway..If he doesn't wanna do that. I don't have any other choice..THIS IS EVEN WORSE THAN GOVERNMENT AGENCIES IN THE PHILIPPINES!!!!!!!!!
    If you don't ask you don't get ...........they are paid to represent their constituents........... 5 minutes to bang off a quick email

  3. #3
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    If you don't ask you don't get ...........they are paid to represent their constituents........... 5 minutes to bang off a quick email
    I'm gonna do that now..but I just saw that our MP here is Tory!!!
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    I'm gonna do that now..but I just saw that our MP here is Tory!!!
    That's OK he's part of the group supposedly in charge - cc it to

  5. #5
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    What is distressing about this, if your application is in there hands is they have got you under house arrest...without a passport you can't go anywhere..your life is on hold. Its criminal.

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    I just saw that our MP here is Tory!!!
    Well ... ... regardless of his/her political affiliations ... he/she - as your elected Member of Parliament - has an idisputable moral obligation to act, first and foremost, in accordance with the best interests of his/her constituents.

    Failure [on his/her part] to do so is likely to consign him/her to HIStory! And he/she knows that full well.

    Good Luck, Rayna!

  7. #7
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    we applied for the ILR visa in JUly and last week got a biomentric letter- 2 months later

    i am due to fly abroad beginning of december which i thought would be plenty of time.....

    again they took our money within a week

    dont these people realise that we have lives that we have to get on with- i have already had to miss one trip abroad with work cos of no passport

    its absolutly disgrsaceful- they have had my passport for months surely they can check what they need to in that time and return it

  8. #8
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Just an update..I wrote to the local MP last Friday about this UKBA shambles, complaining about how slow they are..His secretary replied to me right away that she forwarded the email to her colleague..and this morning, I got a call from that guy asking me about the case reference number and other details and told me he would be chasing this case and send UKBA a follow up. I was actually surprised he called me up considering it's Sunday! Anyway, I just hope something good would finally happen!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  9. #9
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    Well done Rayna
    Hope something will happen soon. It's really a disgrace

  10. #10
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Well done Rayna
    Hope something will happen soon. It's really a disgrace
    ... here's wishing you all the very best, Rayna.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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  12. #12
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    E mail just been sent to my MP with Theresa May in copy if I get any kind of reply, ill let u all know.

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by malchard888 View Post
    E mail just been sent to my MP with Theresa May in copy if I get any kind of reply, ill let u all know.
    Well done, Malcolm ... my very best wishes to you and Loida also.

  14. #14
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Well, still not a positive update though! Anyway, I got a response from the North East, Yorkshire and the Humber (NEYH) Customer Service Unit of UKBA regarding my complaint that I sent them last week. It just said that they received my complaint letter last 20th November. The letter also said that they aim to respond to 95% of complaints within 20 working days. But they cannot provide any progress check of the complaint until after the 20 day target date has passed, which they said is after 18th December.

    Oh well, I did everything I can to get them to process my's really hopeless and just an agonizing constant waiting game.. My application has reached its 8th month yesterday! Also, no use emailing Theresa May as she has never read any emails I sent. I always tick the option read receipt when I sent emails to her and our local MP so I'd know if they have read it, but I NEVER once got any read receipt from Theresa May.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  15. #15
    Respected Member MissAna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post

    Well, still not a positive update though! Anyway, I got a response from the North East, Yorkshire and the Humber (NEYH) Customer Service Unit of UKBA regarding my complaint that I sent them last week. It just said that they received my complaint letter last 20th November. The letter also said that they aim to respond to 95% of complaints within 20 working days. But they cannot provide any progress check of the complaint until after the 20 day target date has passed, which they said is after 18th December.

    Oh well, I did everything I can to get them to process my's really hopeless and just an agonizing constant waiting game.. My application has reached its 8th month yesterday! Also, no use emailing Theresa May as she has never read any emails I sent. I always tick the option read receipt when I sent emails to her and our local MP so I'd know if they have read it, but I NEVER once got any read receipt from Theresa May.
    they are getting ridiculous
    No amount of makeup can mask an ugly heart

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post

    Well, still not a positive update though! Anyway, I got a response from the North East, Yorkshire and the Humber (NEYH) Customer Service Unit of UKBA regarding my complaint that I sent them last week. It just said that they received my complaint letter last 20th November. The letter also said that they aim to respond to 95% of complaints within 20 working days. But they cannot provide any progress check of the complaint until after the 20 day target date has passed, which they said is after 18th December.

    Oh well, I did everything I can to get them to process my's really hopeless and just an agonizing constant waiting game.. My application has reached its 8th month yesterday! Also, no use emailing Theresa May as she has never read any emails I sent. I always tick the option read receipt when I sent emails to her and our local MP so I'd know if they have read it, but I NEVER once got any read receipt from Theresa May.
    I am joking when I say this but I wonder if my wife will get ILR before you get FLR?

    Also, I wonder if when someone applies for ILR they are still waiting for the result of their FLR application?

  17. #17
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I am joking when I say this but I wonder if my wife will get ILR before you get FLR?

    Also, I wonder if when someone applies for ILR they are still waiting for the result of their FLR application?
    That's what Keith and I were talking 2014, I would be on my 3rd year of residency in the UK, would qualify already for the required years of stay for citizenship, but would probably still be on the FLR(M)'s first year of validity.
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  18. #18
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post

    Well, still not a positive update though! Anyway, I got a response from the North East, Yorkshire and the Humber (NEYH) Customer Service Unit of UKBA regarding my complaint that I sent them last week. It just said that they received my complaint letter last 20th November. The letter also said that they aim to respond to 95% of complaints within 20 working days. But they cannot provide any progress check of the complaint until after the 20 day target date has passed, which they said is after 18th December.

    Oh well, I did everything I can to get them to process my's really hopeless and just an agonizing constant waiting game.. My application has reached its 8th month yesterday! Also, no use emailing Theresa May as she has never read any emails I sent. I always tick the option read receipt when I sent emails to her and our local MP so I'd know if they have read it, but I NEVER once got any read receipt from Theresa May.
    You wont get a email from that stone faced bitch May. Just keep your chin up.

  19. #19
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    You wont get a email from that stone faced bitch May. Just keep your chin up.
    hahaha..your description of her Andy made me laugh!
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  20. #20
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    hahaha..your description of her Andy made me laugh!
    You have my full sympathy. You are legally here and you deserve to be treated better than that.

  21. #21
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    You have my full sympathy. You are legally here and you deserve to be treated better than that.
    thanks for that Andy.. you really just can't figure out how UKBA people do their work.. If you pay the extra £300, they can give their decision in just a matter of 30mins the least..seems like money talks for them
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  22. #22
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post

    The letter also said that they aim to respond to 95% of complaints within 20 working days. But they cannot provide any progress check of the complaint until after the 20 day target date has passed, which they said is after 18th December.

    if you dont get a response by then, maybe worth contacting your MP and ask them to complain to

    but its a joke, they should be forced to refund your money if it takes longer than 3 months, even 3 months is very poor service.

  23. #23
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    if you dont get a response by then, maybe worth contacting your MP and ask them to complain to

    but its a joke, they should be forced to refund your money if it takes longer than 3 months, even 3 months is very poor service.
    Thanks for this Joe. I will do that if nothing would happen after 20 working days. This really is so unfair.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  24. #24
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    if you dont get a response by then, maybe worth contacting your MP and ask them to complain to

    but its a joke, they should be forced to refund your money if it takes longer than 3 months, even 3 months is very poor service.
    21st December and I got no response from the NEYH Customer Service Unit about my complaint. 3 days late of their 20 day target date. I called and email them for an update and the guy on the other line told me there's no update from the system about my complaint yet. Also called UKBA for an update and as usual STILL PENDING STATUS!!!!!!!!! So I sent an email to our MP again to file a complaint to the ombudsman. I got a response from the MP's secretary forwarding my email to her colleague to handle my concerns and told me I'd be contacted.

    BLOODY UKBA!!!!!!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by raynaputi View Post
    21st December and I got no response from the NEYH Customer Service Unit about my complaint. 3 days late of their 20 day target date. I called and email them for an update and the guy on the other line told me there's no update from the system about my complaint yet. Also called UKBA for an update and as usual STILL PENDING STATUS!!!!!!!!! So I sent an email to our MP again to file a complaint to the ombudsman. I got a response from the MP's secretary forwarding my email to her colleague to handle my concerns and told me I'd be contacted.

    BLOODY UKBA!!!!!!
    Sounds like you've done everything you possibly could - just for the sake of good order and dotting the i's and crossing the t's it might be worth meeting the local MP at his/her local surgery

    hang on though I forgot Christmas Recess till 1st March

  26. #26
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Sounds like you've done everything you possibly could - just for the sake of good order and dotting the i's and crossing the t's it might be worth meeting the local MP at his/her local surgery

    hang on though I forgot Christmas Recess till 1st March
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  27. #27
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    Sorry to hear they still are not giving you any info. Our thoughts are with you.

  28. #28
    Respected Member malchard888's Avatar
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    We are still waiting too Rayna although ours is just a mere 7 months and 2 weeks old and it seems whatever u do or say it falls on stony ground and they dont have the courtesy or decency to give u a sensible response or even a timescale for a successful outcome . What a sorry state of affairs the system has become and maybe UKBA are on a course to implode as they seem totally incapable of providing any kind of service and are just a cash cow for this shameless government we have been saddled with.

  29. #29
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    definitely something has gone wrong recently, maybe its the job cuts, i think it was a 20% cut in the work force, for years it took exactly 4wks in many cases to receive FLR or ILR. some have been waiting 7 or 8 months is totally unacceptable

  30. #30
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    The problem is that it pushes you (applicants in the future) to go for the more expensive alternative. Maybe that is their plan.

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    By Terpe in forum UK VISA/British Citizenship
    Replies: 1
    Last Post: 26th January 2013, 11:56
  3. Tribunal Response. I need a bit of clarification.
    By travina in forum UK VISA/British Citizenship
    Replies: 0
    Last Post: 4th August 2012, 14:01
  4. Response on our email from the Embassy!
    By melovesengland in forum UK VISA/British Citizenship
    Replies: 12
    Last Post: 31st May 2012, 01:45
  5. An interesting response from the Embassy!
    By benb in forum UK VISA/British Citizenship
    Replies: 16
    Last Post: 24th July 2008, 00:47

Visitors found this page by searching for:

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anyone applied for Judicial review for flrm visa in 2013

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how long ukba take to reply the mpukba flr application from philippineswhat if ukba didnt respond to judicial review for flrm visa
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