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Thread: 6 jobs that pay the UK average wage

  1. #1
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    6 jobs that pay the UK average wage

    A lot of talk about the UK average wage in the run up to the regulation changes back in July. Here's a Yahoo article on the very topic:

    "The average full-time employee in the UK earns £26,200 according to the latest figures from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings. We reveal five roles that pay around that, what it takes to get them and what kind of salary range to expect."

  2. #2
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    am not on the bracket am afraid not even on tip
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  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Never been anywhere near that bracket when still working. Now long retired, I [fairly] recently made a point of checking what my then salary would equate to in today's figures ... and, guess the outcome ...

    ... HAD I still been employed as a Senior Clerk/Records Officer in Social Services, I'd be earning marginally below the minimum income level currently required for bringing a non-European spouse to the UK from abroad.

    So there you go!

  4. #4
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    Rather scary how anyone can live on these salaries in this day and age with such high costs of living in the UK, never mind with a family.

  5. #5
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Rather scary how anyone can live on these salaries in this day and age with such high costs of living in the UK, never mind with a family.
    Well this government say you can. And they still want to cut your pay.
    And we all know what the real average wage is.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    My last job before retirement 4 years ago was in support (stores) in the NHS and my yearly income was around £11,000.00 (eleven thousand) before tax!
    And my pension is of course lower, I get by but no hope of sponcering anouther partner.

    I would rather be alone than be with a western woman

    I am happy and content

  7. #7
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    My last job before retirement 4 years ago was in support (stores) in the NHS and my yearly income was around £11,000.00 (eleven thousand) before tax!
    And my pension is of course lower, I get by but no hope of sponcering anouther partner.

    I would rather be alone than be with a western woman

    I am happy and content
    sorry for being nossy Mick..why whats wrong to be with a western woman still a woman i think same with any race but yeah just curious sad to be alone but if your happy then .. but am sure time comes someone out there is for you
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  8. #8
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moy View Post
    sorry for being nossy Mick..why whats wrong to be with a western woman still a woman i think same with any race but yeah just curious sad to be alone but if your happy then .. but am sure time comes someone out there is for you
    In my dating efforts before I met my now ex wife, I found that most British woman around my age I am now 68 but am talking about a few years ago! were all widows or divorcees, nothing wrong with that except most seemed to have been left money or made money in a divorce and had a fixed line in what they expected from a partner.

    My first contact with Filipinas was when some were recruited to the hospital I worked at, they were lovely woman but not looking for partners as they had them at home.

    My next contact with a Filipina was when I went to Dubai to visit my son who was a chef there, one girl showed me a dating site with Asian ladies in and I met the Filipina I married in 2008.

    But it turned out she only wanted the visa to work in the UK, there should be a lot of post from me about the events, she had a child by a Filipino after we married and before she finally joined me in the UK, I discovered the child when I started divorcing her.

    So no western woman for me, I would have loved to meet another Filipina but from this thread it shows I cannot anyway near meet the financial requirements now.

    I am happy enough though.
    I forgot to add that I lost my house when I divorced my British wife after 26 years married and her 5th affair, I remember my solicitor saying I lost the house just because I was the man, we had no children at home by then.
    Last edited by mickcant; 11th September 2012 at 18:17. Reason: Addition

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    Rather scary how anyone can live on these salaries in this day and age with such high costs of living in the UK, never mind with a family.
    you and me both...I was on the lower earning bracket in the late 80's...the thought of being on it now twenty odd years laters gives me nightmares

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