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  1. #1
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Finally the Agony is over.

    Hi Everyone
    Just to let you know that I have this afternoon received a call from Victoria Sharkey to say that we will not be attending court tomorrow because the presenting officer has contacted her to say that they will not be defending the refusal and have instructed the embassy to issue my wife with the visa.I was also phoned by the tribunal to confirm this. To say I am delighted is an understatement and my wife is overjoyed.
    I met Victoria last Thursday at her offices and after studying all our paper work she said to me " Mark if I lose this case I will be shocked" she was looking forward to seeing how the presenting officer was going to put the case forward in view of the fact that the answers to all their refusal points were contained in our application and supporting documents. I feel that the PO probably looked at the case in the last few days and didn't wish to embarass themselves in court.
    Anyway Victoria told me to go and celebrate and be happy as she was now going to get angry on my behalf. She will be pursuing a claim for my costs which on the appeal total £1250. I did explain that money is not the issue for me but in view of the way we have been treated I feel that they should be made to pay.
    I cannot speak highly enough of Victoria who really does know her stuff and after our meeting last week, left me in no doubt that we were going to win. They are a professional outfit who never took on the case or asked me for money until they had studied the refusal and felt I had a good chance of winning.
    As I said although a little angry I am delighted the we are now going to be together.
    I would like to thank all my invisible forum friends for all your help advice and above all support during this difficult time. Especially to Terpe and Joe Bloggs you are stars and our forum is very lucky to have you. I remember along time ago Joe saying that quite often they dont turn up at court to defend these cases and yes Joe you were right. Thank you both for your help and especially for alerting me to Victoria.
    To Arthur, Lastlid, Steve R, Dedworth,Graham and the many many more thanks for your support and the many evenings you have made me smile in these difficult times. Finally Andy I am grateful for your support and your PM's in my Annus Horriblus, they were very much appreciated. I know you have your own fight to take care of now and I will be behind you all the way.
    God bless you all from an eternally grateful and extremely delighted friend.

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    well, thats something nice to read after a hard day at the office, well done to you both

  3. #3
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    What a great news bigmarco.. Surely with all these refusals, all the hassle would be prevented if the case workers/ECO/ECM are double checking everything (documents & decision)! Now you and you're wife would finally be together..go and celebrate!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  4. #4
    Respected Member songz777's Avatar
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    Thats awesome news! we rejoice with you!
    "Nothing ventured, nothing gained"
    "It is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all" Lord Tenneson.

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  6. #6
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    Great news . I'm sorry not to have been able to help directly, but as one of your forum friends I've been following your progress and share your relief at the outcome .

  7. #7
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    Marco, I am absolutely delighted for you and your lady...what brilliant news.

    It must be such a massive weight lifted from the shoulders of you both, and thank goodness now you can get on with your lives TOGETHER again.

  8. #8
    Respected Member alanmf1's Avatar
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    Many Congratulations Great News

  9. #9
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    Well done Marco fantastic news It sounds like you've got an excellent brief there. I hope as you said before that you will pursue righting this injustice (ombudsman MP etc etc) - the idiot (s ) responsible are not fit to be Public Servants and should lose their jobs so others don't have to go through all the bizarre trials and tribulations you and your good lady have had.

    Have a great celebration and happy future

  10. #10
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    AMAZING NEWS!!!! I am sooo happy for you, God bless you both for a long and happy life together!!!

  11. #11
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    I agree Dedworth.

    Don't these incompetent fools realise that they are dealing with British citizens the SPONSORS, not a bunch of innocent ladies from the 3rd world who will silently go away ?

    They are going to be getting a few more nasty shocks when lots of other people decide to exercise their RIGHT not to have to put up with this crap.

  12. #12
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    congratulations Marco , i am so pleased for you both, iv been following your posts and i realy am chuffed at the outcome, you both deserve an easy time now, best wishes to you

  13. #13
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    It really does make me wonder what those clowns at the British Embassy in Manila are playing at

    I suppose they work on the basis that if they hand out a refusal then the applicant might not appeal it
    (surely this can be the only reason)

    £1250 just to rectify their mistake plus all the added stress involved

  14. #14
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    It really does make me wonder what those clowns at the British Embassy in Manila are playing at

    I suppose they work on the basis that if they hand out a refusal then the applicant might not appeal it
    (surely this can be the only reason)

    £1250 just to rectify their mistake plus all the added stress involved
    agree but shame its hardly compensation for the heartbreak and hell they put couples like Marco and his Wife through

  15. #15
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Congratulations Marco....glad to hear its all sorted.

    For others that dont know Victoria Sharkey also gives advice freely on the UK immigration forum where one can get lots of advice on immigration issues. its not as friendly place as here but sometimes very useful if you need the opinion of registered immigration advisors.

  16. #16
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    Absolutely fantastic news.

    "Mark if I lose this case I will be shocked" she was looking forward to seeing how the presenting officer was going to put the case forward in view of the fact that the answers to all their refusal points were contained in our application and supporting documents

    Also, I find it amazing as this could have happened to any one of us. I just said to my wife that we were lucky that it all went smoothly for us.

  17. #17
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    < ... these are tears of JOY, Marco. To say I'm absolutely DELIGHTED would be a GROSS understatement!

    Congratulations, my friend. Now you really CAN treat yourself to that long~~awaited celebratory drink ... as you and your good lady have sooo very much to look forward to ...


  18. #18
    Respected Member juvyjones28's Avatar
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    What a big relief Mark. That's brilliant! I'm so happy and delighted for you and the wife. At long last Congratulations!

  19. #19
    Respected Member acs's Avatar
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    congrats to you and your wife bigmarco, what a relief after such a difficult time you both had.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Hi Everyone
    Just to let you know that I have this afternoon received a call from Victoria Sharkey to say that we will not be attending court tomorrow because the presenting officer has contacted her to say that they will not be defending the refusal and have instructed the embassy to issue my wife with the visa.I was also phoned by the tribunal to confirm this. To say I am delighted is an understatement and my wife is overjoyed.
    I met Victoria last Thursday at her offices and after studying all our paper work she said to me " Mark if I lose this case I will be shocked" she was looking forward to seeing how the presenting officer was going to put the case forward in view of the fact that the answers to all their refusal points were contained in our application and supporting documents. I feel that the PO probably looked at the case in the last few days and didn't wish to embarass themselves in court.
    Anyway Victoria told me to go and celebrate and be happy as she was now going to get angry on my behalf. She will be pursuing a claim for my costs which on the appeal total £1250. I did explain that money is not the issue for me but in view of the way we have been treated I feel that they should be made to pay.
    I cannot speak highly enough of Victoria who really does know her stuff and after our meeting last week, left me in no doubt that we were going to win. They are a professional outfit who never took on the case or asked me for money until they had studied the refusal and felt I had a good chance of winning.
    As I said although a little angry I am delighted the we are now going to be together.
    I would like to thank all my invisible forum friends for all your help advice and above all support during this difficult time. Especially to Terpe and Joe Bloggs you are stars and our forum is very lucky to have you. I remember along time ago Joe saying that quite often they dont turn up at court to defend these cases and yes Joe you were right. Thank you both for your help and especially for alerting me to Victoria.
    To Arthur, Lastlid, Steve R, Dedworth,Graham and the many many more thanks for your support and the many evenings you have made me smile in these difficult times. Finally Andy I am grateful for your support and your PM's in my Annus Horriblus, they were very much appreciated. I know you have your own fight to take care of now and I will be behind you all the way.
    God bless you all from an eternally grateful and extremely delighted friend.
    Absolutely fantastic news Marco
    Well done to you both for the dedication and tenacity you all showed.

    When I read your first few lines I was not just so happy at the outcome, but also so very angry at the way these UKBA people played their stupid game with the lives of genuine people. Even to the eleventh hour.

    I hope your claim for costs will be much faster than the end of this debacle.

    What a long time you both have had to wait and endure for this . It still irritates me that the civil service works in such a way.

    God bless you both Marco, enjoy the moment and savour the victory and look forward to the beautiful future together.

    Great result

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Even to the eleventh hour.
    That amazes me....

  22. #22
    Respected Member GraceAdam's Avatar
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    WOW! That will be a very amazing NEWS Congratulations to you both. You deserved that happiness x

  23. #23
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Congratulations, really pleased for you.

    As for the forthcoming compensation claim, well I hope you really can squeeze them where it hurts them, and hopefully heads could roll over this (but possibly not).

    It might not be about the money, but they need to have it hammered home that they are merely paid public servants, and you (we.....all of us) are their employers

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post

    It might not be about the money, but they need to have it hammered home that they are merely paid public servants, and you (we.....all of us) are their employers
    Yes. Heads should roll over this sort of thing and that includes the ECO's manager who should also be held responsible for the nonsense.

    They had the opportunity to rectify their error at the reconsideration stage. But consciously and wilfully chose not to. No error there. For that they need a good thrashing.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Yes. Heads should roll over this sort of thing and that includes the ECO's manager who should also be held responsible for the nonsense.

    They had the opportunity to rectify their error at the reconsideration stage. But consciously and wilfully chose not to. No error there. For that they need a good thrashing.
    Don't forget, it's the lady who is applying for the visa though, not you or I ...and that is their get-out clause when you're talking of 'paying their wages'.

  26. #26
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Great news Marco.

  27. #27
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    happy 4 you both party time 4 you now the waits over good luck to you both

  28. #28
    Respected Member Rhose's Avatar
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    great news macro!!

  29. #29
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Sent this Email to the Ambassador and have also contacted my MP.

    Dear Mr Ambassador
    I am writing regarding my wife Mrs Mary Grace XXXXXXXXX application for a spousal visa which was refused by your Embassy and the refusal was upheld by an Entry Clearance Manager.
    I was due to appear at the Tribunal Service in the UK tomorrow september 12th but have now been informed by my solicitor that the hearing has been cancelled as the Presenting officer representing you has pulled the case and instructed that the visa be issued.
    Whilst I am naturally delighted at the outcome I am nonetheless extremely angry at the way we have been treated by your staff. Part of the refusal says that I provided no proof that I have ever visited the Philippines in the form of a passport or flight bookings or Photographs of myself and my wife. I have now visited the Philippines 3 times although at the time of my application I provided a copy of my passport which included a visa and 2 entry and exit stamps as well as a copy of My Marriage certificate. You are no doubt aware that to get married in the Philippines requires a British Citizen to obtain a certificate of Legal Capacity to marry from the British Embassy in Manila which is exactly what I did in September last year. Why did your ECO not check this and more importantly why did your ECM not check this before upholding the refusal. Incidentally our supporting documents also included many photographs and copies of flight bookings.
    It is blatantly obvious that the Entry Clearance department at the Embassy is not fit for purpose from the top down. You charge in excess of £900 for a spousal visa application and don't even have the decency to read it properly. This cannot be argued because our refusal quite clearly shows that the application was not studied properly. There are too many mistakes to argue otherwise. For your ECM to then uphold the refusal and allow the matter to proceed to tribunal defies logic. Fortunately someone in the UK spotted your staffs incompetence before the matter went before a judge.
    I am pursuing the reimbursement of our expenses here and have also contacted my MP on this matter.
    I would ask that if your staff have a shred of decency in them would it be possible for them to issue my wife's Visa asap. It is our wedding anniversary on the 4th October and I would very much like to spend it with her.
    I don't feel that this is a lot to ask in view of the way we have been treated and would be grateful if you could in some way speed this up. Perhaps at the same time you could get a member of your staff to apologise to my wife for her treatment particularly the very insulting accusation that she was abandoning our son.

    Thanking you in anticipation
    Yours sincerely

  30. #30
    Respected Member MissAna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Perhaps at the same time you could get a member of your staff to apologise to my wife for her treatment particularly the very insulting accusation that she was abandoning our son.

    and i think that staff deserve to be fired..

    anyway Congratulations.. not long now, soon your wife will be with you.

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