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Thread: Building a business from home

  1. #1
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    Building a business from home

    You all probably know me from other other previous posts. I know this forum is the place where we can share tips, ideas, anything we have learned, that might help others. I am a Filipino residing in a quite remote place in the UK. I am married to a British man and have one son age 6. I arrived in the UK year 2008 and was 8 months' heavily pregnant at that time. Year 2009, I gave birth to a wonderful son in my life.

    Obviously because I was living in a very remote place, there was no way that I could find a job. I needed to take a ferry going out and about to town which took an hour to commute each day. Basically, my only option was to work from home - which had been my intention even right from the very start. I'd always loved the idea of having my own business, being my own boss and having flexible working hours and no boss or co-employee to deal with, as I had seen plenty of people around the world who'd no choice but to live life the way the majority of people do.

    We always want an easy path. We are afraid to try new things and just want to play safe all the time - even if we don't feel like it - because we have no choice other than to work all day long - even at night - as we have plenty of bills piled up needing to be paid for the next day or so.

    I mentioned this because that is what I have seen with my own husband. He works hard himself, just for us to survive on a daily basis - even if I know he wanted to stay at home with his family.

    I always wanted to help my husband, so that someday, I could hand him some cash even just to pay for my own needs such as clothing, shoes or family support in the Philippines. Or it could be for food for us all to share each day and have all the money ready to pay for whatever is needed.

    I have this burning desire myself to succeed in life - even if I have to do it alone - even if, at the time, I find it hard to explain to my husband that I have to do this because I need to help myself.

    Even if your husband can afford the luxuries in life you want to experience, still you have to do something to fulfil your mission in life before you die and that is my burning desire in helping me to be inspired.

    From 2012, I started to see the fruit of my own labor. In the early stage of living in the UK, I was totally dependent on my husband - from sending support to my family in Philippines, down to my very own personal needs. But it didn't make me feel happy at all although, of course, I am grateful. I did everything to be a good wife and a good mother. I have done plenty of washing, cleaning, doing all the household chores. But for me it isn't enough to be just a perfect wife or a perfect mother because I believe I can also be a full time wife/mum and, at the same time, a provider in the family.

    In a matter of years, I began to see the fruit of my labor, the success that I had been waiting for. I am married with a wonderful man but he has no confidence in himself on what he can accomplish in life, and that is why he has no trust in my ability either. I have spent countless hours on my laptop just to find ways in which to make money from home. I bought all the e-books that I could think of and read them all day/night. I haven't even been involved in Filipino groups although there are quite few here in our locality but they also seem busy working day/night.

    It was the year 2012, where I started to see the fruit of my labor. I have a steady income daily as - being a Gold Power Seller on Ebay, I mainly sell women's clothing. I loved what I am doing and I enjoyed doing it. The minimum I sold was 100 dresses per week.

    In the same year, 2012, we moved to Aberdeenshire. I rented a place at my own expense - approximately £2,000 a month. Expenses include food/bills and while my husband has no permanent job - as he is not comfortable to work aside from the places he gets used to - he is also self-employed. Living in a new environment is quite hard for anybody, especially if you haven't any job waiting on you like my husband. He's had to start afresh, while I myself pay everything for the whole year. year

    2014 was when we decided to move back to where we originally were, as my husband was finding it hard to adjust to the living environment in our new place. I started to slow down my Ebay business to venture out, as I have found another business opportunity that I believe has more potential than what I am currently doing at the moment. I am on Network Marketing which provides great passive income in the long run - an incentive my Ebay business didn't have.

    If you or your wife needs a job - or even get bored at home - wants part/full earnings of approximately £200-$3000+ a month, just find me on facebook and I will get in touch and speak to you to discuss all the business opportunities that we are about to offer you. I am happy to welcome either of you on my team. I have a good solid income on my Ebay, yet this one I believe is what I am looking for.

    We Filipino here outside, need to pool our time and energy to build businesses from home. I will mentor you on how to get started until you are comfortable to do it on your own. We have to support each other and build a growing team and rock the stage. I am looking only for self driven, motivated individuals who have good leadership skills, are willing to learn and can be coachable.

    At this stage of my life, I am proud to say that I am officially self employed, properly registered on HMRC and financially independent. I have two bank accounts and a credit card with a credit limit of £4k. I able to travel anywhere in the UK/Europe for £35 return and have annual free companion vouchers due to my points accumulated each day for my business. I am now a naturalised UK citizen and I paid it all by myself. I send support to my family in the Philippines with my own hard-earned money. I have never asked a single penny from my husband since year 2012 ; instead, he is the one who asks me for money now.

    Note: if this writing against the forum policy, feel free to delete as my intention is to help other FILIPINOS who also want to build a business from home.

    Thank you.

    PS. Contact details are listed on my profile page. I'll be in touch with you. I promise we can build a solid team.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Good for you!

  3. #3
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    I admire your tenacity and endeavour but personally I'm sceptical on how an individual can make £3000 per month working from home with no experience from a shared idea.

  4. #4
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    I know what you mean, but if you are going to give yourself a chance to explore around marketing without even judging it first, then you'll come to realize that building a business from home is easy. I have no doubt in myself because I already have a proven track record of building a business from home that people may find difficult to believe. I am new to the Marketing Area but I am certainly not new to sales as I have success in this field. I am willing to give up my Ebay business because I believe Networking is the business that I am dreaming to have in my life.

    Contact me for further details and maybe I could help. Thank you.

  5. #5
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    That is mostly why the majority of people fail, because even before they get involved in the business - or any marketing related field - they are quick to judge! If I were to say earning £3,000 gross sales on Ebay is just peanuts for me, I would think you might not believe me either - unless you see and try it for yourself.

    Anyway, this business opportunity is not about my Ebay - which I am willing to give up - as I am venturing into Networking and have a group support system that I can count on any time whenever I need to. For me, it's all down to individual choice and your own personal belief system. And if you believe you can do it - or you can't - then you are always right. What you believe is always what you get!

    I understand what you mean, but marketing is about HARD WORK. Like every normal job you happen to have, you cannot just receive the amount you want if you don't put any effort into it on your part as well. That is why I only choose to work with self-driven, motivated individuals. And when they decide it's right for them, I will be there for them all the way through from start to finish, because it's about teamwork too.

  6. #6
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Does it have anything to do with 'Pyramid Selling' and how much money does one have to part with to join??

  7. #7
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    Add me on your facebook and I will show you the business opportunity. Questions will be answered accordingly after you able to watch, to give you a basic idea how it works. My advice is never, ever judge your ability because no one else in the world can make your dream happen - only you! My husband was very sceptical. Even when I started my ebay business, he thought I couldn't do it and he thought building businesses from home was hard. But I proved him wrong. So that is why he never stops me now if I want to venture out on any business, coz I trust myself more than anybody else and now he's benefiting from my success as well. I make his life easy, as he able to save his own hard earned money because I have the ability to make money on my own. Contact details are on my profile. Thank you.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Very true. Only you can make your dream happen. It won't fall into your lap.

    I wish you the very best of luck Marylen, but I won't be investing. I'm out!

  9. #9
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    Good luck also on your life adventure, may you find the same success.

  10. #10
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Salamat. And don't dismiss your Ebay business.

  11. #11
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    Thank you for your great advice, but I found my passion through networking as I can take the business with me anywhere.

    Networking is the best business opportunity that any person can think of, it's business on the go, you just need a laptop with good internet access and off you go, you are set up for life.

    When I am mentoring other people, I have to focus on fixing their HABITS, BELIEFS and ATTITUDES first as, for me, these qualities are very important to prioritize for they will take you places you've never dreamed possible. We have to focus on our inner selves first, before jumping into the outside - coz if you are ready within, everything will fall into place.

  12. #12
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    My sister is into networking business too. She has been successful with her Optrimax Plum Delight. At least she has products in her hand to show some proof. But recently, she joined this Emgoldex thing which is a pyramid scam. Keith and I warned her about it and even showed links of the cases this company have. But as usual with her, she and her husband didn't listen and is saying they're earning money. I don't know if they did get money from it. I just hope she didn't encourage my parents to invest in that fake gold scam!

    I have friends who ventured into networking in the past, the most famous one was Forever Living and those Health---something (I can't remember the names). But eventually, they stopped and didn't really earn anything.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  13. #13
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Phew! , Marylen. ... maybe it's down to me getting old! Although ... ... if I'm being completely honest, I'd have to admit that, never having been particularly business-minded at any point in my life, I found this thread of yours a bit of a hard read, quite frankly.

    Nonetheless, it has to be said, I certainly cannot dispute your obvious ability; moreover, I admire your sheer tenacity and wish you every success with your enterprise.

  14. #14
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    some people gets successful on Networking and some are not, maybe they just have to invest more time into it and kept learning. I had so many trials and errors on my ebay business before I became an expert into it that is why it is very important to have that burning desire on you and also it is very important not to compare yourself to others, if you have seen someone that is not successful on the field that you are wanting to get involved with it doesn't mean you can't be successful too maybe those people aren't that motivated enough to stay longer on the business, you only need to compare yourself to you and no one else. I have read so many bad feedbacks about eBay and people who doesn't earn any money at all but if I let influence myself listening other peoples failure I will never have this success on me. I am into networking I am trying to slow my ebay business because networking is the kind of business I am looking for, if you are interested to be part on my team, find me facebook will talk more about this.

  15. #15
    Respected Member marylen's Avatar
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    @ Arthur I am very sorry I was in a hurry then and use my kindle to type instead it seems my words gets mixed up but anyway I will make it clear next time. lol.

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