Congratulations Alan on joining our other esteemed members
Your knowledge of medical issues and life in general are a great help to forum members.
Keep up the good work and don't use too many fancy words as 'i dinnae ken whit ye mean'!
Congratulations Alan on joining our other esteemed members
Your knowledge of medical issues and life in general are a great help to forum members.
Keep up the good work and don't use too many fancy words as 'i dinnae ken whit ye mean'!
...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...
How nice Jake, I agree with that!![]()
Congratulations Doc and very well deserved.![]()
GOSH they are like buses, you wait for 1 to come along then 2comes at the same time, well done Alan![]()
Congratulations, Alan ... on deservedly becoming this Forum's latest 'Silver Medalist'!
We're truly fortunate in having a *Trusted (in every sense of the *word) Member of your calibre.![]()
Thank you Jake! If ye didnae ken whit I meant … ye ken noo ! ( If you didn’t understand what I meant … you understand now … I hope ! ). I omitted to add in response to your question on the Sunlight “D”ilemma thread that as Scotland has only two seasons, winter and July, I never needed sunscreens there
( not strictly true ! ).
Thanks also to Rayna – I’ve taken your advice not to worry about lack of responses to certain threads ! Michael, and Andy, for your friendship and support. Terpe, Arthur, and Steve, whom I know personally, thank you !
I had hoped no one would notice my “ elevation “ so soon after Arthur, who has contributed far more than me to the Forum. To ALL other friends on the Forum, thanks for reading my posts - I’ve learned more from you than I have contributed. I don’t have an “ ignore “ list and I would hope no one has me on their’s. Friendship and respect matter far more to me than “ reps “ !
Laughter is the best medicine ( although if you laugh for no reason, you NEED medicine). For all members, please count your blessings, try always to stay positive , enjoy life, and look after your health
Congratulations on your richly deserved elevation Doc.
Like many others we're very fortunate to have you here, so keep up the very interesting and informative posts![]()
Congrats Doc for all your valued information...![]()
Congratulations Alan. ..I read your threads Alan. I appreciate the time and effort you obviously make.
A fitting recognition of a wise man. Well done Doc![]()
Congratulations Doc Allan![]()
Well done Alan![]()
Thanks for your messages Ded, Mark ( bigmarco ), Mark ( marksroomspain ), Mark ( GwaPito ), and Les
Much appreciated, and my contributions seem to have delayed onset of Alzheimers![]()
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