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  1. #1
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Utter garbage!

    You wanna situation like in Phils where goverment own everything...they set price to what they wanna screw you...honestly...without competition we wouldn't have cheap utilities..

    It was war criminal blair who took us for a ride...he's still creaming it in.
    cheap utilities? How do you work that out?. And now we are being screwed by foreigners that own our resourses. The government has no say on what prices they charge, I agree Blair was a . But you have to blame the government in power now. They were elected to put things right and they are not doing it. And the posh boys never will.

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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    cheap utilities? How do you work that out?. And now we are being screwed by foreigners that own our resourses. The government has no say on what prices they charge, I agree Blair was a . But you have to blame the government in power now. They were elected to put things right and they are not doing it. And the posh boys never will.
    Well, I beg to differ. On the strength of Ann Widdencombe piece in the Express last....the fact is this coalition is turning things around.

    If you'd taken the time to read my later post...I was comparing utility prices with the Phils which like some of you crave dont have any competition...the goverment does everybody.

    Yes, utility prices may be on the up but, without competition the rises would of skyrocketed by now and we'd be out in the fields chopping down trees for heat etc.

    Honestly, we've never had it so good

  3. #3
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Well, I beg to differ. On the strength of Ann Widdencombe piece in the Express last....the fact is this coalition is turning things around.

    If you'd taken the time to read my later post...I was comparing utility prices with the Phils which like some of you crave dont have any competition...the goverment does everybody.

    Yes, utility prices may be on the up but, without competition the rises would of skyrocketed by now and we'd be out in the fields chopping down trees for heat etc.

    Honestly, we've never had it so good
    I did take time to read it we are talking about this country not the phils. I honestly dont know what planet your on? Like I said before your alright JACK.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    I did take time to read it we are talking about this country not the phils. I honestly dont know what planet your on? Like I said before your alright JACK.
    Actually im on the looking at the bigger spectrum planet.

    Im comparing living expenses here and the Philippines...that's what my good lady does.

    Yes, expensive here but at least after we put expensive fuel in our cars...paid our expensive utilities etc we can still eat without going cap in hand to friends and relatives and save for holidays halfway around the world namely, the Philippines.

    Over there its quite different...Graham we tell you that.

    Dame Margaret Thatcher was a knighted for goodness sakes....on the whole people who fail dont get knighted.

    She may of been disliked up north but down here in the South she was I said before, if she was so unpopular as you claim how come she was prime minister for so many years.

    Remember the three day week?....that was labour's fault.

  5. #5
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=gWaPito;388424]Actually im on the looking at the bigger spectrum planet.

    Im comparing living expenses here and the Philippines...that's what my good lady does.

    Yes, expensive here but at least after we put expensive fuel in our cars...paid our expensive utilities etc we can still eat without going cap in hand to friends and relatives and save for holidays halfway around the world namely, the Philippines.

    You ever heard of foodbanks? How many kids are there now having free school dinners?
    You havnt got a clue have you?

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Dame Margaret Thatcher was a knighted for goodness sakes....on the whole people who fail dont get knighted.

    She may of been disliked up north but down here in the South she was I said before, if she was so unpopular as you claim how come she was prime minister for so many years.

    Remember the three day week?....that was labour's fault.
    i think your the only one who loves her gWaPito , the southerners who love thatcher are they the same ones who voted for the Labour Party to win three consecutive general election victories

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i think your the only one who loves her gWaPito , the southerners who love thatcher are they the same ones who voted for the Labour Party to win three consecutive general election victories

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i think your the only one who loves her gWaPito , the southerners who love thatcher are they the same ones who voted for the Labour Party to win three consecutive general election victories
    I wish you guys would read posts on threads you are commenting about...really so annoying.....Graham stated towards the end of her relm it all started going pear shaped ending with her own putting the knife in her back.

    Thus the decline of the conservative party...Hague was brilliant even Portilo would of made a great prime minister but the liberal cancer had already taken hold by then.

    This day on only UKIP can save our nation...dont waste your vote by not voting then have the bear faced cheek to moan about the state of our elected goverment.

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Portilo would of made a great prime minister dont waste your vote by not voting then have the bear faced cheek to moan about the state of our elected goverment.[/QUOTE]

    i must agree with this about portilo, with what i know, but i dont vote and yes may moan a little who ever is in, but hey its a free country

  10. #10
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post

    Dame Margaret Thatcher was a knighted for goodness sakes....on the whole people who fail dont get knighted.

    She may of been disliked up north but down here in the South she was I said before, if she was so unpopular as you claim how come she was prime minister for so many years.

    Remember the three day week?....that was labour's fault.
    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    I wish you guys would read posts on threads you are commenting about...really so annoying.....Graham stated towards the end of her relm it all started going pear shaped ending with her own putting the knife in her back.
    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i think your the only one who loves her gWaPito , the southerners who love thatcher are they the same ones who voted for the Labour Party to win three consecutive general election victories

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Well, I beg to differ. On the strength of Ann Widdencombe piece in the Express last....the fact is this coalition is turning things around.

    If you'd taken the time to read my later post...I was comparing utility prices with the Phils which like some of you crave dont have any competition...the goverment does everybody.

    Yes, utility prices may be on the up but, without competition the rises would of skyrocketed by now and we'd be out in the fields chopping down trees for heat etc.

    Honestly, we've never had it so good
    Well, I beg to differ too.

    Have a read of this. Yes, it is a bit old now but it does give you a little bit of an insight into what determines gas prices in the UK....certainly not Anne Widdecombe, the Daily Express or the coalition.

    "The UK depends on gas imports from Europe

    By the way, Gwapito, what on earth are you smoking? I would hate to hear what mumbo jumbo you come up with on the determining factors for the price of petrol.

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