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Thread: Romanians top league of overseas criminals

  1. #31
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    I honestly believe that we are now paying the price for Maggies policy of selling of the crown jewels. Our Utilities are owned by everyone apart from the British,council housing sold off and never replaced and you can fly to the continent for what the railway companies charge for a ticket from London to Birmingham. Everyone moans about the price of Gas and Electricity but thats what happens when you privatise these industries.
    Besides my main beef is that we're in the EU and I'll always blame the Tories for that.

  2. #32
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    I honestly believe that we are now paying the price for Maggies policy of selling of the crown jewels. Our Utilities are owned by everyone apart from the British,council housing sold off and never replaced and you can fly to the continent for what the railway companies charge for a ticket from London to Birmingham. Everyone moans about the price of Gas and Electricity but thats what happens when you privatise these industries.
    Besides my main beef is that we're in the EU and I'll always blame the Tories for that.
    100% agree marko.

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    No Joe...that's was what she inherited from Labour. 25% inflation actually, and I was signing on those unemployed just before she got in. The country was on its knees because of out of control unions and people demanding pay rises of 35% (railway workers for example).
    That's pretty close to how I remember it.

    For some reason I cant upoad this picture.

    Remember the advert "Labour isnt working". This Tory election poster depicted the massive unemployment situation in the UK in the run up to the Tories winning the elections in 1979.


  4. #34
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    Wether we agree with it or not, one of the biggest things that Thatcher ever did (apart from nick the school milk of off the kids ) was to break the back of the unions.

  5. #35
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    unfortunately the good romanians get tarnished by the roma thieving scammers type .ive got 2 romainian lodgers in my house in the uk and they are excellent people really nice guys they put my rent in my bank every week unlike there english counterparts lol they told me its the roma,s that give ordinary romanians a bad name.the only time ive been ripped off was by english scumbag dole scroungers who were paid the rent by the council and do a runner with the rent money i rest my case

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    unfortunately the good romanians get tarnished by the roma thieving scammers type .ive got 2 romainian lodgers in my house in the uk and they are excellent people really nice guys they put my rent in my bank every week unlike there english counterparts lol they told me its the roma,s that give ordinary romanians a bad name.the only time ive been ripped off was by english scumbag dole scroungers who were paid the rent by the council and do a runner with the rent money i rest my case
    I agree. This is the problem. We can be too quick to tar everyone with the same brush. We don't like it when we are on the receiving end of it, but we often don't care when we are guilty of it ourselves.

  7. #37
    Respected Member Iani's Avatar
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    Might be an unpopular view, but I've been to Romania, albeit a long time ago, and I was amazed by how friendly the people were. This was especially telling, as it was less than a year after they'd had a revolution, and prior to that if they had been seen talking to a foreigner, then they would have had a visit from the secret police. That sort of fear in society takes a long time to go.
    I have trouble reconciling my personal experience with the facts on our streets. I absolutely hate to start making such suggestions, however the Romanians you see in pictures being arrested and begging, they look different in features and dress from the Romanians I saw over there.

    You can probably guess where this is leading.

    There is a similar thing in Turkey. Go to resorts there, talk to people and Turks are just........well, very astute people you wouldn't want to get into an arguement with. They know all the tricks, but aren't "bad" people, same as anyone anywhere.
    Anything really bad happens though, every single time, they will say "oh they are Kurds".

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    I have trouble reconciling my personal experience with the facts on our streets. I absolutely hate to start making such suggestions, however the Romanians you see in pictures being arrested and begging, they look different in features and dress from the Romanians I saw over there.
    Yes. And those in the pictures - are they all from Romania?

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    I honestly believe that we are now paying the price for Maggies policy of selling of the crown jewels. Our Utilities are owned by everyone apart from the British,council housing sold off and never replaced and you can fly to the continent for what the railway companies charge for a ticket from London to Birmingham. Everyone moans about the price of Gas and Electricity but thats what happens when you privatise these industries.
    Besides my main beef is that we're in the EU and I'll always blame the Tories for that.
    I thought it was the family silver?

    I recall getting a nice little earner or two at the time.

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    I honestly believe that we are now paying the price for Maggies policy of selling of the crown jewels. Our Utilities are owned by everyone apart from the British,council housing sold off and never replaced and you can fly to the continent for what the railway companies charge for a ticket from London to Birmingham. Everyone moans about the price of Gas and Electricity but thats what happens when you privatise these industries.
    Besides my main beef is that we're in the EU and I'll always blame the Tories for that.
    Yes, I agree that privatisation...certainly of utilities was a wrong move, as was the selling off of the public housing stock (which I stated previously).
    This housing was intended for the 'poor', not for people to buy up cheaply and sell on at a profit, merely because they happened to have been occupying the house for a few years...subsidised by other taxpayers.

    I don't blindly support the policies of any particular party. The Tories also did their share of stupid things...but that's greedy egotistical politicians for you.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iani View Post
    Might be an unpopular view, but I've been to Romania, albeit a long time ago, and I was amazed by how friendly the people were. This was especially telling, as it was less than a year after they'd had a revolution, and prior to that if they had been seen talking to a foreigner, then they would have had a visit from the secret police. That sort of fear in society takes a long time to go.
    I have trouble reconciling my personal experience with the facts on our streets. I absolutely hate to start making such suggestions, however the Romanians you see in pictures being arrested and begging, they look different in features and dress from the Romanians I saw over there.

    You can probably guess where this is leading.

    There is a similar thing in Turkey. Go to resorts there, talk to people and Turks are just........well, very astute people you wouldn't want to get into an arguement with. They know all the tricks, but aren't "bad" people, same as anyone anywhere.
    Anything really bad happens though, every single time, they will say "oh they are Kurds".
    I think it's accepted that we're talking about Roma Gypsies...not the general population of Romania, who I'm sure are quite a different sort of people.

    It has been pretty well documented that the Romas are up to no good when they come here and to other EU countries.

  12. #42
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    End of the day the customer (in this case, the electorate) is always wasn't the pits everywhere Joe....where I lived unemployment was near zero.

    You seem to have forgotten what the unemployment figures were before she took over from Callaghan....1 in 10 I believe...made famous by ub40.
    well where did the billions from the sale of anything British go ? where did the money from the sale of millions of council houses go

    thatcher was already PM for 2yrs.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I think it's accepted that we're talking about Roma Gypsies...not the general population of Romania, who I'm sure are quite a different sort of people.

    It has been pretty well documented that the Romas are up to no good when they come here and to other EU countries.
    The ones often pictured in the press or on TV involved in begging, doping babies, selling the Big Issue are Roma generally of Romanian nationality. These are the people France is currently getting to grips with. Other Romanians dressed in standard European garb with more Latin/Mediterranean features are the ones heavily involved in ATM skimming, shoplifting, people trafficking, identity fraud etc

  14. #44
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    I suppose there is the odd honest one...maybe just hasn't been shown the ropes yet.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    well where did the billions from the sale of anything British go ? where did the money from the sale of millions of council houses go

    thatcher was already PM for 2yrs.
    Presumably it was used to clear up the mess that Labour had with the current situation.

  16. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    I honestly believe that we are now paying the price for Maggies policy of selling of the crown jewels. Our Utilities are owned by everyone apart from the British,council housing sold off and never replaced and you can fly to the continent for what the railway companies charge for a ticket from London to Birmingham. Everyone moans about the price of Gas and Electricity but thats what happens when you privatise these industries.
    Besides my main beef is that we're in the EU and I'll always blame the Tories for that.
    Utter garbage!

    You wanna situation like in Phils where goverment own everything...they set price to what they wanna screw you...honestly...without competition we wouldn't have cheap utilities..

    It was war criminal blair who took us for a ride...he's still creaming it in.

  17. #47
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    Btw By cheap, I mean't cheap compared to utility costs in the competition cant tell me you want that.

    Im definitely not blaming the tories for the state the country is in can only blame blair for his stack um high policies,' the more we let in, the more votes'

    Yes, I agree the council stock shouldn't of been sold but, would you have turnt down the chance to buy cheap housing on principle...

  18. #48
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Utter garbage!

    You wanna situation like in Phils where goverment own everything...they set price to what they wanna screw you...honestly...without competition we wouldn't have cheap utilities..

    It was war criminal blair who took us for a ride...he's still creaming it in.
    cheap utilities? How do you work that out?. And now we are being screwed by foreigners that own our resourses. The government has no say on what prices they charge, I agree Blair was a . But you have to blame the government in power now. They were elected to put things right and they are not doing it. And the posh boys never will.

  19. #49
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    Off topic because this thread is meant to be about Romanian low life early 1979 Labour were kowtowing to militant trade unions who were shafting the public with the winter of discontent, the pound was at an all time low against the dollar and Callaghan had to go to the IMF with his begging bowl. The slogan "Labour isn't working" couldn't have been more true and it was no surprise the Conservatives were voted in

  20. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    cheap utilities? How do you work that out?. And now we are being screwed by foreigners that own our resourses. The government has no say on what prices they charge, I agree Blair was a . But you have to blame the government in power now. They were elected to put things right and they are not doing it. And the posh boys never will.
    Well, I beg to differ. On the strength of Ann Widdencombe piece in the Express last....the fact is this coalition is turning things around.

    If you'd taken the time to read my later post...I was comparing utility prices with the Phils which like some of you crave dont have any competition...the goverment does everybody.

    Yes, utility prices may be on the up but, without competition the rises would of skyrocketed by now and we'd be out in the fields chopping down trees for heat etc.

    Honestly, we've never had it so good

  21. #51
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Well, I beg to differ. On the strength of Ann Widdencombe piece in the Express last....the fact is this coalition is turning things around.

    If you'd taken the time to read my later post...I was comparing utility prices with the Phils which like some of you crave dont have any competition...the goverment does everybody.

    Yes, utility prices may be on the up but, without competition the rises would of skyrocketed by now and we'd be out in the fields chopping down trees for heat etc.

    Honestly, we've never had it so good
    I did take time to read it we are talking about this country not the phils. I honestly dont know what planet your on? Like I said before your alright JACK.

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Well, I beg to differ. On the strength of Ann Widdencombe piece in the Express last....the fact is this coalition is turning things around.

    If you'd taken the time to read my later post...I was comparing utility prices with the Phils which like some of you crave dont have any competition...the goverment does everybody.

    Yes, utility prices may be on the up but, without competition the rises would of skyrocketed by now and we'd be out in the fields chopping down trees for heat etc.

    Honestly, we've never had it so good
    Well, I beg to differ too.

    Have a read of this. Yes, it is a bit old now but it does give you a little bit of an insight into what determines gas prices in the UK....certainly not Anne Widdecombe, the Daily Express or the coalition.

    "The UK depends on gas imports from Europe

    By the way, Gwapito, what on earth are you smoking? I would hate to hear what mumbo jumbo you come up with on the determining factors for the price of petrol.

  23. #53
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Anybody remember black wednesday I suppose that was labours fault too.

    In politics and economics, Black Wednesday refers to the events of 16 September 1992 when the British Conservative government was forced to withdraw the pound sterling from the European Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM) after they were unable to keep it above its agreed lower limit. George Soros, the most high profile of the currency market investors, made over US$1 billion profit by short selling sterling.
    In 1997 the UK Treasury estimated the cost of Black Wednesday at £3.4 billion, with the actual cost being £3.3 billion which was revealed in 2005 under the Freedom of Information Act (FoI).[1]
    The trading losses in August and September were estimated at £800 million, but the main loss to taxpayers arose because the devaluation could have made them a profit. The papers show that if the government had maintained $24 billion foreign currency reserves and the pound had fallen by the same amount, the UK would have made a £2.4 billion profit on sterling's devaluation.Newspapers also revealed that the Treasury spent £27 billion of reserves in propping up the pound.

  24. #54
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    Lastlid - Reference rip off Gas Prices I think you will find that it is the usual lack of planning and investment that has caused the situation detailed in this (July 2012) article

    LONDON, July 24 (Reuters) - Britain has less gas storage capacity, relative to its annual
    demand of around 80 billion cubic metres, than other major European gas consumers.

    I suspect this means we always have to pay top dollar for gas because we have nowhere to buy and store it when prices are cheap

  25. #55
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    So why dont the government invest in more storage space instead of giving money to foreign aid? Its the government in power now that has to make these decisions.

  26. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    So why dont the government invest in more storage space instead of giving money to foreign aid? Its the government in power now that has to make these decisions.
    I suppose because the utility companies have all been sold off to foreigners it's up to them to make the investment - easier for them just to rake in the profits from the long suffering British public. The Govt needs to put some serious price controls on these robbers or renationalise the utilities

  27. #57
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    wow i am glad i dont read the papers, and i just have to think about myself and my family, yes stress with work but with work that helps me save and get out of this country quicker,plus i dont vote either so who ever is to blame for what ever, things will not change overnight,be happy with what you have and who you are, seems to be the best thing

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Lastlid - Reference rip off Gas Prices I think you will find that it is the usual lack of planning and investment that has caused the situation detailed in this (July 2012) article

    LONDON, July 24 (Reuters) - Britain has less gas storage capacity, relative to its annual
    demand of around 80 billion cubic metres, than other major European gas consumers.

    I suspect this means we always have to pay top dollar for gas because we have nowhere to buy and store it when prices are cheap
    Storage. Have a look in Cheshire. They banged out a few holes in the ground there for that very reason, only a few years ago. Maybe not enough though....but as far as I know the campaign was being extended.

    Quite a canny project actually. Pumping gas into holes washed out in the salt under the ground in Cheshire. I know people that worked on it.

    Seems they have been doing the same in Yorkshire. I hope the HSE are operating there as I wouldnt like to think all that gas blew the arsenal out of Grahams back yard....

    Drilling holes in the ground, safely. Thats what I do for a living.

  29. #59
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    I suppose because the utility companies have all been sold off to foreigners it's up to them to make the investment - easier for them just to rake in the profits from the long suffering British public. The Govt needs to put some serious price controls on these robbers or renationalise the utilities
    Sorry Ded but that was the word I was looking for SOLD OFF thats what thatcher and the tories do. To be honest in my opinion she thatcher should not be buried she should be burnt at the stake. She wrecked the west midlands engineering industry that employed millions. That will never come back.

  30. #60
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    I've just found this 6 month old article about Roma scum fighting in Manchester

    Terror as feuding gypsy clans battled in Levenshulme street

    Roma Big Issue Sellers

    Roma Big Issue Sellers Big House in Romania :-

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