Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
Lastlid - Reference rip off Gas Prices I think you will find that it is the usual lack of planning and investment that has caused the situation detailed in this (July 2012) article

LONDON, July 24 (Reuters) - Britain has less gas storage capacity, relative to its annual
demand of around 80 billion cubic metres, than other major European gas consumers.


I suspect this means we always have to pay top dollar for gas because we have nowhere to buy and store it when prices are cheap
Storage. Have a look in Cheshire. They banged out a few holes in the ground there for that very reason, only a few years ago. Maybe not enough though....but as far as I know the campaign was being extended.

Quite a canny project actually. Pumping gas into holes washed out in the salt under the ground in Cheshire. I know people that worked on it.


Seems they have been doing the same in Yorkshire. I hope the HSE are operating there as I wouldnt like to think all that gas blew the arsenal out of Grahams back yard....

Drilling holes in the ground, safely. Thats what I do for a living.