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Thread: Call to freeze fishing in Europe to replenish stocks

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    G.B. (IOM)
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    Call to freeze fishing in Europe to replenish stocks

    The mrs isnt going to be best pleased. Its virtually all she eats

    "A think tank has made a controversial case for freezing fishing in Europe, saying most fish stocks would return to sustainable levels within five years.

    The London-based New Economics Foundation (Nef) argues in its report that the suspension would generate billions of pounds in profits by 2023.

    Private investment would compensate fishermen and maintain boats.

    A senior UK fishing industry representative said stocks were already improving and the idea made no sense.

    Unsustainable fishing remains a major issue for the EU, where 75% of stocks are still overfished and catches are only a fraction of what they were 15-20 years ago.

  2. #2
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    The Common Fisheries Policy is, imho, a complete nonsense.
    Since it's introduction 40 odd years ago it's never ever met it's targets.

    Instead of conserving fish stocks it has actually depleted them.

    Despite reform after reform it continues to damage the environment, wreck the fishing industry, create huge unemployment and cause waste of food on an unimaginable scale.
    Employment in the UK fishing industry has declined dramatically.

    How on earth can you conserve fish stocks by specifying net mesh sizes, total allowable limits and different quotas on different species.
    It's not rocket science. When the net goes into the water it eventually comes out with whatever is inside. Fish just can't read the no entry sign.

    Add to that the fact that quotas are self-managed and self-regulated by each EU member state. Means governments turning a blind eye.

    Result, fish stocks down.
    Billions of dead fish dumped back into the sea because they didn't meet species quotas. How does that help the fish industry? How can throwing back dead fish that are undersize be classed as sustainable fishing?

    Just another of my pet rants

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Fish just can't read the no entry sign.

    I guess a zero approach is easier to implement, but unimaginable that it might happen. But I guess we can't keep overfishing.

    If it comes to it, my mrs will have to stick to imported tinned (Ligo?) Philippine sardines.....

  4. #4
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    Join Hugh's Fish Fight

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Join Hugh's Fish Fight

    So whats the answer?

  6. #6
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    "Studies have shown that if all of us 7 Billion people on Earth lived the lifestyle of an average person in one of the so-called developed countries, we will need the resources of between five to nine earths.
    The last time we looked, how many Earths do we have?

    Quoting from a renowned environmentalist.

    Importing isn't the solution as we are all fishing from the same pond.....

  7. #7
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    I think one solution worth trying is to put a ban on discarding any part of the catch, and at the same time put a limit on the catch levels allowed.

    By the way Dedworth, that was a very good and hard hitting video clip
    But lets not forget that some fisherman actually want to discard some of their catch in order to increase profits.
    Lose that lower value stuff and then concentrate the 'landed' catch on high value species.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I think one solution worth trying is to put a ban on discarding any part of the catch, and at the same time put a limit on the catch levels allowed.

    By the way Dedworth, that was a very good and hard hitting video clip
    But lets not forget that some fisherman actually want to discard some of their catch in order to increase profits.
    Loose that lower value stuff and then concentrate the 'landed' catch on high value species.
    One of the problems is surely policing such an approach. A full ban is much easier to police, unfortunately.

    Whichever way we look at it, with dwindling stocks or with quoters, in the short term fresh fish will become more and more of a luxury item, if it isn't already.

  9. #9
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    Square mesh is the answer,its used by a lot of UK round fish catchers.The mesh does not close under pressure so undersize fish escape. 25 years in the industry so I know.

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