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Thread: buying your lot part 2

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    buying your lot part 2

    once you have you lot, and you dont intend to live or do anything for years , what is the best thing to do with it, some people say you might get people living on the land or building on the land too, does that happen, also is it best to get a big fence or wall built around the place, we are thinking buy sooner as a investment rather then later, but buying now and not living there will that cause problems

  2. #2
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    Squatters can be a big problem in the Phils.

    As a foreigner, I'd hesitate to give you advice on this one though.

    What does your ladylove think about it ...any experience of such things ?

    In the past I and a British friend of mine rented out houses/land to close relatives...perhaps the safest way, depending upon what kind of family you're married into.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    well Graham, all Ems family are around cavite and marikina, so there is no family at all around Bohol, thats one of the problems we face, good or bad about having the family so close, Emma is all for us buying a lot in panglao, just to keep my happy i think she would rather buy next door to her sister or dad, but thats a big NO NO, i think renting out to the family will be rent free if they where closer if you get my driff, what about buying a lot in one of these gated places, i wonder if that will be the same problems

  4. #4
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    I don't know enough about it Steve.

    Family will normally travel if it's worth their while...even if just temporarily.
    At least you know who you're dealing with or not.

    Personally I wouldn't fancy having an empty and unattended lot in a strange (ie..non-family) place.

    Another useful site and forum here for by people living there (not just about Cebu by the way).

  5. #5
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    Just a few personal thoughts and observations.......

    Buying a lot is fine but who does it revert to if it all goes wrong (not impossible)
    no 50/50 over there = she gets the lot and you will probably have to buy it in her name anyway
    you are a kanu with basically no rights there if it all goes wrong
    In this respect i feel that the renting option is a safer bet
    Renting a place is cheap anyway so why shell out all that money
    Buying a lot is going to benefit WHO

    The first golden rule of most of my ex pat friends in Dumaguete is no relatives allowed in
    their property
    Sounds harsh i know but there are good reasons for it

  6. #6
    Member Lhailhani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Just a few personal thoughts and observations.......

    Buying a lot is fine but who does it revert to if it all goes wrong (not impossible)
    no 50/50 over there = she gets the lot and you will probably have to buy it in her name anyway
    you are a kanu with basically no rights there if it all goes wrong
    In this respect i feel that the renting option is a safer bet
    Renting a place is cheap anyway so why shell out all that money
    Buying a lot is going to benefit WHO

    The first golden rule of most of my ex pat friends in Dumaguete is no relatives allowed in
    their property
    Sounds harsh i know but there are good reasons for it

  7. #7
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    Perhaps a compromise is in order here. As in not putting all ones eggs in one basket.

  8. #8
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by London_Manila View Post
    Just a few personal thoughts and observations.......

    Buying a lot is fine but who does it revert to if it all goes wrong (not impossible)
    no 50/50 over there = she gets the lot and you will probably have to buy it in her name anyway
    you are a kanu with basically no rights there if it all goes wrong
    In this respect i feel that the renting option is a safer bet
    Renting a place is cheap anyway so why shell out all that money
    Buying a lot is going to benefit WHO

    The first golden rule of most of my ex pat friends in Dumaguete is no relatives allowed in
    their property
    Sounds harsh i know but there are good reasons for it
    IF it all goes wrong, well Emma gets everything that is in the phils, thats how it is, you have a great point in renting, we are looking at that also, i am old and wise enough to know that things can go wrong, but i am also with the opiniun that i will make sure it dont thats all we can hope for

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Perhaps a compromise is in order here. As in not putting all ones eggs in one basket.
    all my money will still be here in england plus the house here is in my name, not because if anything does happen but just in case, money we both have differant bank accounts and everything works well, so as they say if it aint broke dont fix it

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    all my money will still be here in england plus the house here is in my name, not because if anything does happen but just in case, money we both have differant bank accounts and everything works well, so as they say if it aint broke dont fix it
    Sounds like you have the compromise lined up then.

  11. #11
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    your wise steve, im sure you will do ok,

    what the ell ,, we only live once

  12. #12
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Sounds like you have the compromise lined up then.
    most of us who are on this forum have been hurt, divorce, let down and so on, some get over it and move on, some dont, it took me a long time to get where i am and i will never get into a situation like i was before, i have my hand on everything that i hold dear to me, thats why i can only use the 1 hand the other is holding EMMA

  13. #13
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    what the ell ,, we only live once thats right Stewert, just hope we can live to do all we want

  14. #14
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    There's lot's of tips on the forum. A search reveals a great deal.
    I've posted many ideas based on Phils law.
    Your thinking is the same as mine in principle, in that if I will my wife a lot then that what it is. Her lot.

    Just to remind you of some very very important points:-
    Make sure above all else that the lot you buy has clean title. It's so easy to do but it's also amazing how many folks don't do it right.

    Yes, be careful of 'squatters', it's not all all uncommon. You will need either family members or some form of caretaker. A fence is not going to do anything. A hollow block wall will cost you an arm & a leg but also to no effect.

    If some folks discover that a foreigner has a hand in the purchase of a lot, many strange things can happen. Just imagine what will happen to your investment if you are prevented from building on it.

    Research, research research. As many often say "google is you friend"

  15. #15
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    again Peter wise words are spoken, or type,, gather everything that i can from fellow members from here who have more knowledge and have lived in differant place too, i have not done that yet, all i can rely on is Ems, but not knocking her she has never brought a house or lot over there so we are both learning, Ems sister is in the process of buying her own house so she does have a idea but all we get is, buy next door to me, so to me thats not good advice, anyway onwards and upwards still lots to look at, LOTS to look at

  16. #16
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    Above all else Steve, be very sure to get that clean title.

  17. #17
    Respected Member Rhose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Above all else Steve, be very sure to get that clean title.

  18. #18
    Respected Member Rhose's Avatar
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    I think if you're going to buy it in province you don't have to worry about squatting just to make sure that there's a care taker of your lot. Just in Manila has a professional squatters.

  19. #19
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    LOL @ LOTS to look at

  20. #20
    Respected Member Leen's Avatar
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    it will be safer to buy it at subdivision in that way even if you will not be here someone has to look after your property...we had 2 properties here but we feel safe leaving it behind coz it's in the will be easier and convenient also if you had a family you can trust to look after the place
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  21. #21
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    6 years in Panglao and never heard of squatting problems here..Many other more serious issues regarding buying land here to worry about IMO. That said we have done it many times without any problems.. Good advice about renting somewhere first ..A really good mate of mine owns this place.. .. He has a great monthly renting deal at the moment which includes use of the swimming pool etc for only 10K a month.. These units are usually 2k a night.
    Suv divisions houses and lots here are rare and very very expensive for what they are..I wouldnt touch them with a bargepole!! Not a good investment IMO.

  22. #22
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Let your wife deal with the buying, you stay in the background cos it could save you a large amount of money. Good Luck!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    6 years in Panglao and never heard of squatting problems here..Many other more serious issues regarding buying land here to worry about IMO. That said we have done it many times without any problems.. Good advice about renting somewhere first ..A really good mate of mine owns this place.. .. He has a great monthly renting deal at the moment which includes use of the swimming pool etc for only 10K a month.. These units are usually 2k a night.
    Suv divisions houses and lots here are rare and very very expensive for what they are..I wouldnt touch them with a bargepole!! Not a good investment IMO.
    Good advice Fred. You're the man.

  24. #24
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    I won't buy land in the Philippines. For one thing, foreigners can't own land - yes, there are "cunning schemes" but remember that the legal system can always be bought, so no legal document can be relied on.

    Kay rents a place in a gated subdivision (a Camella Homes development) for P5K a month. The same house would cost P2M to buy. The maths is pretty I going to live to 90?

    As the youngest child Kay will inherit her parents' place anyway.

    My ex wife has the house I built for her in her home town - her mother and brother live there, but they don't maintain it and she keeps the deeds lodged with her UK solicitor because her mother once mortgaged the house and I had to get it back from the bank for her.

  25. #25
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CBM View Post
    I won't buy land in the Philippines. For one thing, foreigners can't own land - yes, there are "cunning schemes" but remember that the legal system can always be bought, so no legal document can be relied on.

    Kay rents a place in a gated subdivision (a Camella Homes development) for P5K a month. The same house would cost P2M to buy. The maths is pretty I going to live to 90?

    As the youngest child Kay will inherit her parents' place anyway.

    My ex wife has the house I built for her in her home town - her mother and brother live there, but they don't maintain it and she keeps the deeds lodged with her UK solicitor because her mother once mortgaged the house and I had to get it back from the bank for her.

    Yeah renting is OK initially but not something that interests me long term. I want to live in a place that Im not afraid to maintain and constantly improve myself.. No way would I do all of that and then be given 3 months notice by the landlord!!
    I just had to help a yank move house in that situation 2 months back.. They were really happy in their rented bungalow for 3 years...He spent 50k on a beautiful native kubo and had planted the whole garden with plants bushes and trees..He was really pissed off...I could tell.
    Big mistake!!
    Make the place too nice and they either want to put up the rent or lease it to someone else!!
    Not for me long term..No way!

    Good advice Fred. You're the man.
    Yeah, but you`re the main man Graham!!

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Make the place too nice and they either want to put up the rent or lease it to someone else!!
    Absolutely experience also.

  27. #27
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    An awful lot depends on whom you rent from!

    Two examples - a friend who was the doyen of the British community, having arrived in Manila in 1950, never owned property but rented a beautiful house (next door to Juan Ponce Enrile!) in Urdaneta Village, Makati, until he died in the late 90's.

    Another friend, 20 years in the Philippines, rents a smaller but also very nice house from a prominent Chinese family - very nice people - in a very nice place. The trick lies in knowing your landlord - both in the sense of choosing a good one and in the sense of being on social terms with him or her.

    Remember that a foreigner can always be thrown off land that he thinks he owns, anyway.

  28. #28
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Yeah renting is OK initially but not something that interests me long term. I want to live in a place that Im not afraid to maintain and constantly improve myself.. No way would I do all of that and then be given 3 months notice by the landlord!!
    I just had to help a yank move house in that situation 2 months back.. They were really happy in their rented bungalow for 3 years...He spent 50k on a beautiful native kubo and had planted the whole garden with plants bushes and trees..He was really pissed off...I could tell.
    Big mistake!!
    Make the place too nice and they either want to put up the rent or lease it to someone else!!
    Not for me long term..No way!

  29. #29
    Respected Member Ladybug_sim's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    once you have you lot, and you dont intend to live or do anything for years , what is the best thing to do with it, some people say you might get people living on the land or building on the land too, does that happen, also is it best to get a big fence or wall built around the place, we are thinking buy sooner as a investment rather then later, but buying now and not living there will that cause problems
    Hi Steve, just want to add some opinion. If you buy a land there in the Philippines be sure to have a clear title as some member said on here. It happen to my sister before, she bought a piece of land no fence just land and after 2 years the owner knows that my sister is out in the country they sold it to another buyer but I sorted it all so if they do it again they will be in jail. I leave the land with fence and put a big sign for PRIVATE PROPERTY so no one will get in to the land. It is nice if you have your own property to stay or live long coz you can do anything you want to your own land not for the rented property or subdivision... We are all married and we don't think who will own the land as we only think that we have a safe and peaceful place to stay with no worries for rents or whatever when we go back to the Philippines.

    To make sure just mark the place PRIVATE PROPERTY every corner after you put fences. Good luck on it!

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ladybug_sim View Post
    I leave the land with fence and put a big sign for PRIVATE PROPERTY so no one will get in to the land. It is nice if you have your own property to stay or live long coz you can do anything you want to your own land not for the rented property or subdivision... We are all married and we don't think who will own the land as we only think that we have a safe and peaceful place to stay with no worries for rents or whatever when we go back to the Philippines.

    To make sure just mark the place PRIVATE PROPERTY every corner after you put fences. Good luck on it!
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