This is going to be a long post, I can feel it. Leave now while you can, lol :P
I went to the UK for a month (I actually just came back earlier this week) to go and tour around and meet the guy I fell for for the first time. I know it's pretty uncommon that the girls are the one traveling to the UK since it's usually the other way around, but in our case, the guy is 2 years younger than me and is currently unemployed. I understand his situation completely and I really wanted to meet him (he was the first guy who made me fall madly in love), so I decided to risk it and just visit him over the summer.
I had all these expectations for us, thinking how if we REALLY wanted each other, being in a long distance relationship would prove challenging but still feasible in the long run. I was genuinely in love with him, thinking things can go further from an online relationship. But sadly, when I got there, I only got to spend a few hours with him and that was it. I was in his town for a week and he never even contacted me after our meeting. Not even to greet me on my birthday :( (Yeah I went the week of my birthday, instead of celebrating it with my family, I thought I could celebrate it there with him. He said he would make it the best birthday I'd ever had. Well, it turned out to be the worst :'( )
I guess he might've found me fat and unattractive (which is true but he already saw me before), or I guess he was really busy (but I don't buy it since all I ask was some time with me, even for a quick lunch or dinner). I was so distraught and so lost that time because there I was, stuck in a small town, alone with no one to talk to, feeling down and depressed. I was thinking about a lot of things and it was making me crazy.
Being the frank and honest person that am (lol), I sent him messages, telling him about all my feelings, asking him if we had a future. It took him a while to respond (it took him a week, he responded the day before I left!), but at least he told me that because we lived really far away, he can't see us having a real relationship. He said he still really liked me and he still wanted to talk online, but I just had to let go. It still just pains me to remember what he did to me, and talking again like nothing happened would crush me even more.
When I fall in love, I fall truly. Call me old fashioned and/or a crazy romantic, but I do believe love doesn't choose who we fall for. I just happened to have fallen for a British guy, so I wanted to post this here. This site helped me in some ways and I figured sharing my story might also help others... in the sense that no matter how good things are online, it can be very much different when you meet in person.
I sacrificed a lot of time and money for this. I invested a lot of feelings for him, and I expected too much from it all, hoping it can turn into a 'real' relationship. Sadly, it didn't turn out as planned and I had to learn it the hard way.
Still, I regret nothing. I was only as true and as honest as I can be. And I really did learn a lot from this, from him. I met someone during my travels there and he reminded me, "What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."
I am trying to move on now but I know it'll take me a while to get there. I often think there's no one out there for me anymore, but I'm trying to fight these thoughts.
Anyway, thanks so much for reading. It's an annoyingly long post and I'm terribly sorry :P But at least now we see it isn't mostly the guys who get used (or felt used) by Filipinas, it can go the other way around too! Hehe. (Although sometimes, I feel like I was the guy in our so-called 'relationship' since I was the one pursuing, lol :P) But yeah, heartbreak and all that spares no one as well.
To all the happily married/engaged ones here, I honestly envy you for finding the right one. May you continue to be happy and in love.

And to my fellow single ones (if there are single people here lol), let's continue hoping and praying there is someone for us, and that things will go right for us soon as well.
