Hahaha, there is a similarity but rather a loose one.
Plenty of folks will advise that you don't need any. Wrong!!!. Period
Anyone thinking of driving around had better be sure to be very careful.
As a foreigner (well lets say rich guy) you're going to be wrong even when your right. Sorry if this sounds negative.
My bro-in-law has drummed this into me at every occasion and always with a story that sounds like it was written by Jasper Carrott.
It's been said that the philosophy and logic is that as a foreigner, the accident would never had happened at all if you were not there.
He's taught me a lot and really does know a lot about this. His advice for me is to get the best comprehensive insurance I can. Read through all the small print and make sure it includes everything. Including "act of god".
On the positive side repairs seem usually pretty good and very cheap.
However, on the negative side medical expenses are extremely expensive (even when they're not).
My bro-in-law has actually advised me not to drive if I could avoid it. He said in all major cities the traffic enforcers and police instinctively scan for foreign drivers and are very smart in developing some kind of violation especially for you. The fines will always be in cash.
Before I move over there I've a lot to learn
Considering the costs involved in buying a vehicle and coupled with the dangers, I considering living close to my extended family and even employing one of them as a live in houseboy/driver.
Sorry if I've rambled off-topic again.