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Thread: the family home in the phils

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    the family home in the phils

    what happens when the father and mother die, what happens to the home if there are brothers and sisters, what law is there or is it sorted out between themselves, someone mentioned that it goes to the youngest,

  2. #2
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    from what i understand from my gf the youngest gets the property if mama and pappa did,nt make a will.but if property is of high value then i think its usually divided.I know thats why buying land its essential to make sure its a clean title as ive heard of many cases where land has been sold then distant relatives come out the woodwork and stake a claim and one almighty mess evolves.all the children must agree to the sale of land if one objects no sale.

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    best to stay out of family business then, whats mine is Ems over in the phils, i understand that

  4. #4
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    steve your best to rent for at least 6 months to allow you time to scout around because bohol is a fairly big island and is quite rural in most of it also some cheap land can be had but its finding it which is the problem as estate agent shops don,t exist much there.what you need to do is just float around and look for signs on the property itself once the locals know your on the lookout word spreads very fast on the coconut vine .let emma do all the talking when you find a place to be honest if your in view anywhere the price will shoot up .we foreigners get over charged on almost everything.I let my g f handle my money and leave her to deal with the locals as she,s as tight as a ducks ass lol

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