I'm sorry to say you've asked a very controversial question.
At this time of night I cannot give all the background information.
Can I suggest you do some searches on here about the EEA route.
In principle if an EU citizen has applied for and been granted their FREE family permit to have their family member join them, then that is sufficient for a 5 years residence.
This family permit to join the EU member in say UK is very easy to get and is free with no financial status to meet, no English language test, no proof of relationship and almost no restrictions on access to public funds. Of course this does not apply to British Citizens unless they elect to live outside UK.
All in all, if you are engaged or married to a British Citizen who is living in UK the you will need to jump through many hoops and pay big money to enter UK. Then you will pay big money to stay here.
Now look what you did. I nearly started to rant.