Quote Originally Posted by Lhailhani View Post
Just thought of writing what I feel right now... even though i keep sayin i'm ok.. deep inside i know i'm not. Even i am separated for long time ago.. So hard to find someone that i can like....well I actually Like someone and I do really love ... but that's all.. can't be more than that.....

I'm sorry but i know you guys here are matured enough to give advices... I just need to let it out... so heavy to keep inside me... I'M OKEY is a LIE to tell... I am always crying at night... feel so empty inside... blaming what happen in my past. The pain and scars left inside... hunting me always... I just wanted to be happy and be at peace... i don't know what people does or proffession of each and everyone here.But I have these in my mind..

Ok. a short something bout me.. I know some read of some of my post bout me and my husband. Those what happened before made me sick I guess.. You think guys I need to sick doctors advice ?

Can't sleep always.

You think i have some big trouble psychologically now?

Im sorry I just need to let it out my system. These thoughts and feelings.Sometimes no matter how i act that i am strong.. deep inside i am very weak and crying out loud for god sake...

anything u will say will be much appreciated.

Thank you and sorry if i am bothering you to read my nonsense story.
it might be nonsense story yes..but in a way its a lesson to everyone as well or an eye opener

Everything happens for the best. If the person you love doesn't love you back, dont be afraid to love someone else again, for you'll never know unless you give it a try. You'll never love a person unless you risk for love. Love strives in hurting. If you dont get hurt, you dont learn how to love. Love doesnt hurt all the time, though the hurting is still there to test you and help you grow. Dont find love, let love find you. That is why it is called falling in love because you dont force yourself to fall. You just fall. You cannot finish a book without closing its chapters. If you want to go on, then you have to leave the past as you turn the pages. Love is not destroyed by a single failure or won by a single caress. It is a lifetime venture in which we are always learning, discovering and growing. The greatest irony of love is letting go when you need to hold on and holding on when you need to let go

stay happy and kept smiling.. life is still good no matter how it treat you in any shape or form..