Hi,First relax.... No one is here to judge you. It sounds to me like you've had a very traumatic past... I don't know your history. But I do know its horrible being alone....
That's how it is for all of us.... You're not I'll your scared because in the past makes you scared and cautious..... So dating sites are a huge thing to jump into.... Though I bow down to the member that suggested it because I know he is a very smart cookie!!!
You need first to accept yourself. And realize the past has finished... What you do now will shape your future! I mean that's why your posting isn't it? To try and get some sense and love back into your life? It's some thing we all crave? In fact I'd even say need.... When the time is right and only then will you be able to move forward right now. Look after you! Learn to laugh and learn to love and that love needs to start with YOU! When you're ready then come back and we'll move you forward...
Right now Forgive Forget and let go..... Hope to catch u soon.. Best Wishes.....