Quote Originally Posted by Lhailhani View Post
I'm a dreamer, way back but when i'm with him my life stopped. contented to be a full time mother. but now I'm back with my old self.. And fulfilling everything I dreamed of.

Yes right.. I should love my self first.. but I do LOVE MYSELF MORE NOW that i can't trust any man.. all i can see to them is BETRAYAL.. CHEATER,LIAR. omg I also can feel/think I am a man hater after all.. He is my ONLY BOYFRIEND (my husband) I should move on move on move on..lotsa of pushing to move on iim sure.. That I need..

I'm not really looking for some... you guys here being friendly is enough for me . The time you take to read and write your response mean so much to me. I don't want to hurt someone so i guess I have this huge wall.to stop whatever i have or wants and back out.

Dating site is ok yes I understand. When my cousin arrive here few weeks ago. Her husband is foriegner she open a new account for me at... HOT or NOT.. CherryBLOSSom.. and she txted me after few days if i have or talking to some people.. i told her that i deactivated all. i find it a waste of time talking , asking, answering, bragging etc. some are kind of pervert.sorry but thats how i find some of people there.. so I deactivated.

Wish one day someday I can write here SOmething new something that is happy right RHOSE!
hi! I may not know your story and how you've been through but I hope you give yourself the time to reflect and forgive the one who've hurt you and yourself. I know it sounds easy but it's a lot of hardwork. It's hard to forgive someone but if you will try hard it will unload a burden as heavy as the world and you'll find life a lot brighter. Love yourself, that's easy thing to say. How can you truly love yourself if you can't even love other people? If you still have hate in your heart, you can't open yourself to love. Take small steps to a much better you, free from anger, hatred, pity, and bitterness. See the world as a colorful world, look at men with new interest, that not all men are the same. There are lots of good men who will treat you right, who will respect you for who you are. Don't close your door to possibilities, life is too short to live it on pain and anger. We all undergo painful experience in our life, but don't let stop you from reaching out for a better and brighter future. Life is beautiful, it is a gift.