Hi again thought Id just pop in and see how you were doing? I understand youre fearful.... You're absolutely right! Some men are total shits.....(Please excuse language) But I can assure you not all of us are!
Choosing a partner is very hard after all we are all different needs and wants.... The thing is life is not a race..... So don't panic and grab the first person and hang on!!!! Take your time don't look for love. Look for a person you can trust and rely on. When u find the right one. You'll know it... If you have doubts trust your instincts and walk away. Don't look back...
Make male friends ..... See who treats you the best. Find a person that respects you and treats you like a princess.... Don't settle for second best!!! Ever...... Remember all relationships teach us things. Learn from each experience.... But never forget. Your important and deserve love and respect always.... I'll keep an eye on this thread. Good luck and best wishes......Regards Stu.