Hi everyone! Almost didnt recognize the site, nice layouts and that...its been quite a while since my last post...and i'm still thankful for the quick replies i got then and i hoping i'll get the same with my new query.

I filed for an annulment ages ago...still not annuled at the mo lol

I'm getting very frustrated about it...starting to loose my patience as well.

I'm re-considering getting a tourist visa for now...coz i just really want to visit my fiance's family...and they all want to meet me as well coz its been 4 yrs now since i first met my fiance.

I just want to ask...if it will be wise if i'll tell the embassy people about my current annulment? tell them the whole truth...if they asked me who are these people inviting me to the UK...like tell them that they are my fiance family and they want to meet me while im still healthy enough....(got a medical condition 'kidney transplant")

Will a medical certificate from my doctor saying that i need to be back in the Philippines after 3months for my checkup...a valid reason ... a reason to go bk to the Philippines?

I got two little businesses....a computer shop and supplier of general merchandise in our province Batanes... will that be enough as proof for financial earnings?

Also got a joint account with the fiance... can i tell them about it?

Im really hoping for ur non-tiring help.... thanks in advance.