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Thread: Anyone had good experiences with their MP in Immigration help?

  1. #1
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    Anyone had good experiences with their MP in Immigration help?

    Its been over 3 months now since my Fiancée applied for her Fiancée visa and over 4 weeks since her interview.
    So I contacted my MP, who was great. He asked me for a copy of my Fiancées Fiancée Visa application form, which I sent to him. Within a day he said he had passed my documents onto the home office and asked that they investigate the application . He said he will contact me as soon as he hears back from them. He said it can take a while as papers have to be requested from the embassy.

    Do you think this is a good thing? Could this help to speed up or slow down everything? What do you think he means "request the papers from the Embassy?"

    Does anyone know of anyone who have contacted their MP and its helped to speed things up or has had a positive effect in someway?

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Hi Yellowcloud

    I think its difficult to say. Remember if your MP is conservative then its there stated policy to reduce migration.

    I am also waiting for a spouse visa decision and as my wife is pregnant and we had waited 7 weeks I decided to contact my MP.
    To be fair to him they contacted UKBA and then called me to tell me the application was with a case worker but would take 3-4 months.
    I am really not sure if contacting my MP has helped or hindered the process.

    If my application is refused and I have to leave my country in order to be with my family then I will certainly be contacting my MP, but while the application is in process I am really not syre if its a good or bad thing

    Would like to hear other opinions on this

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    As I've said before go and meet with your MP don't just write to them

  4. #4
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    Just my 2 centavos worth.

    Firstly, I'm pretty sure that not many MP's actually know the details of Immigration Law, and probably don't appreciate the implications of the Financial Requirements.
    I'm certain that even less understand that EU citizens coming to UK can have their family join them at no cost at all, with no English Language test, no financial testing and virtually no questions about their marriage, and have access to Public Funds.
    Unbelievable right?

    Bearing all that in mind, do not forget that ALL MP's are very aware of the hot issue around immigration. They are ALL very aware that public opinion goes against any relaxation of immigration restrictions. In fact public opinion leans towards even tighter restrictions.

    That's a pretty tight corner for an MP of any party persuasion.
    I would say that if you're seeking help on a very specific issue where you feel UKBA has made a clear mistake/error and that your evidence is compelling then involving your MP can be a big help in overcoming barriers and getting the higher levels engaged.
    I would guess your MP would not want to put his name to a general opposition to the perceived fairness or otherwise of current immigration rules.

    Just sharing some personal thoughts.

  5. #5
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    I think your advice is spot on.

    I contacted my MP as I happened to be in a situation when I started work the same time as a Swiss national who is married to a Japanese national with one child. I am married to a Filipina national and also have one child. So we both made applications for our spouse and child to join us. This is were our experiences differed. At zero cost and 1 week processing they are happily living together. They are a very nice couple and I think have a positive effect on our economy and society.
    Meanwhile it has cost me £2000 plus seemingly endless documentary evidence, english tests etc and I am still waiting for a decision 9 weeks later.

    This is what I pointed out to my MP and was told that this is due to individual country agreements and it would take 3-4 months for me to get a decision on my application.

    So even if we think the rules are unfair we just have

  6. #6
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    oops...pressed reply too quick

    So we just have to comply with the current rules, however unfair

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stevek View Post

    I think your advice is spot on.

    I contacted my MP as I happened to be in a situation when I started work the same time as a Swiss national who is married to a Japanese national with one child. I am married to a Filipina national and also have one child. So we both made applications for our spouse and child to join us. This is were our experiences differed. At zero cost and 1 week processing they are happily living together. They are a very nice couple and I think have a positive effect on our economy and society.
    Meanwhile it has cost me £2000 plus seemingly endless documentary evidence, english tests etc and I am still waiting for a decision 9 weeks later.

    This is what I pointed out to my MP and was told that this is due to individual country agreements and it would take 3-4 months for me to get a decision on my application.

    So even if we think the rules are unfair we just have

    Sums up the unfairness and correct me if I'm wrong Switzerland isn't a member of the EU they just have a series of agreements and a "special relationship".

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