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  1. #1
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Thanks once again Terpe my mind is now at rest, yes I hired an immigration adviser who said the application was very strong but thats what threw me a bit when she gave it an 80% chance of success basically because my wife was a fillipina she said if she was american then she would say 100% I asked her why, she said it was prejudice because people there are sometimes looked at as gaining an economic advantage god I know myself how much my wife loves me but she said thats how it goes so thats why I needed further advice just to settle my mind thanks Terpe once again really much appreciated...

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post
    Thanks once again Terpe my mind is now at rest, yes I hired an immigration adviser who said the application was very strong but thats what threw me a bit when she give it a 80% chance of success basically because my wife was a fillipina she said if she was american then she would say 100% I asked her why, she said it was prejudice because people there are sometimes looked at as gaining an economic advantage god I know myself how much my wife loves me but she said thats how it goes so thats why I needed further advice just to settle my mind thanks Terpe once again really much appreciated...
    Hmmm, that's an odd thing for your advisor to say.
    It's easy to suggest prejudice, but in any refusal the ECO needs to say which rule(s) have not been met. Of course they still retain some discretion on those requirements that have some subjectivity, but that's where the immigration advisors need to stipulate why the applicant has met the requirement.

    Anyway, as I've said the old rules on maintenance requirement looks both back at the adequacy of support and forward to the probability of continuing that level of support.

    If you search the forum for pre-July applications and financial standing you will certainly see that your situation would have been good enough then, so must be good enough now. In fact I would suggest your level of savings is significantly higher than most folks whose income was down to the wire.
    But Mark, please don't lose sight of the fact that pre-July applications did NOT rely on savings. There was no requirement to shown any specific savings ONLY REGULAR income that met the minimum requirement of income support minus rent/mortgage plus council tax and secured loans etc.
    Sorry to keep stating the same thing but it is important. Don't forget that your council tax will increase as you are not living alone, so that will need to be factored into your disposable income.

    Good luck Mark, I do hope you can get your wife over asap.

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by marksroomspain View Post

    she gave it an 80% chance of success basically because my wife was a fillipina she said if she was american then she would say 100% I asked her why, she said it was prejudice because people there are sometimes looked at as gaining an economic advantage
    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Hmmm, that's an odd thing for your advisor to say.
    ... damned RIGHT it's an odd thing for an Immigration Advisor (of ALL people) to say ... and, frankly, she deserves to be taken by "the short and curlies" for such a tactless, insensitive remark in the circumstances. Indeed, that very thought crossed my mind earlier.

    But I suppose if she's an otherwise competent person whom you feel you can trust, then ... ... it's probably better in the long run, to simply bite one's tongue. Let's just hope she keeps her costs to a minimum.

    Best wishes with your wife's visa application. Please keep us abreast of its progress.

  4. #4
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Thanks Arthur thanks Terpe for all ur support and advice will certainly keep everyone posted...

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