Originally posted by compldc72@Oct 1 2005, 03:32 AM
I'm a UK resident and my girlfriend is in the philippines and is filipina.
She has managed to get a 6 months visitor visa on 2 occassions and stayed with me in the UK. In March 2005 she applied for a 3rd visa but was not working so she failed her application. We had some arguments and lost contact with each other, we went our seperate ways.
5 months later, september 2005, she calls me and 3 days later I decide that we should get married (I've known her now for almost 3 years). I was wondering if the fact that we have not really had any contact for almost 5 months (May 2005 - September 2005), that this might go against us when she applies for her fiancee visa? Will they ask lots of questions about why and what because of this???
I've been told that because she is not working and that she has already had 2 visitor visas that she will not get a visitor visa.
I'm planning to go to the philippines to meet her and help with the application in 4 weeks, before she applies.
Do you think they will ask why we did not get married sooner?? I was still going through a divorce so was not able to - will they accept this as an answer?
Do the embassey just accept photocopies of all papers? when she applied for a visa while working in Hong Kong she had to go back for an interview because I did not send the original back statements although I was told by UK embassey that copies would be ok.
Hmm Lee so you knew this lady for 2 years, had her to UK for 2 visits, and then split with her, no contact for 5 months, how is it in 3 days, you then decide to marry her, I would first question you on who proposed ? or how did it come up suddenly that you decide to marry, you dont make that bit very clear ? how did the marriage situation suddenly appear after 3 days, the reason I ask you that, is in the past, I have seen situations where, sudden confirmations of "I love you baby and we should get married" are generally receipe's for disaster, but of course the matter is entirely for you, no one is saying it wont work, I am just cautious when I see stories like this.
As for your contact with this lady, and the fact you have not had any for 5 months, this will only be a problem if it is brought to their attention by your GF in an interview, as at present the embassy is not conducting interviews, it maybe that she will be called for an appointment, the current visa process is to have your application collected, by the CAVA service, the fact that you are applying for a fiancee visa, should eliminate the problem of her not working, as you as the sponsor will be required to show evidence that you can support her without recourse to public funds, therefore, she is unlikely to be refused a visa based on the work issue.
I would caution you to be careful regarding evidence of contact, the fact that no contact has been made in 5 months, to me is a red flag, not for the embassy, but for yourself, why no contact for so long and then in September, a marriage proposal ? who made it you or her ? you might get away with it at the Embassy, by showing continuous contact for 3 years, the fact that she has already had 2 visitors visa's to come and stay with you, may go in her favour, I am perplexed by the fact her 3rd visa was refused.
But then again maybe she did not meet the rules at that time, my suggestion is, you carry on with the application as you have nothing to loose, submit the relevant paperwork, your bank statements, can be photocopies, however, the rules are as follows:
You must submit the original bank statements, with at least 1 photo copy of each document, for a fiancee or spouse visa, so you must have the originals to apply.
The Embassy is unlikely to ask why you did not marry sooner ? that is irelevant, since they only process applications on the basis of whats in front of them, the ECO Entry Clearance Officer, will make a decision based on the probability, that the marriage will take place in UK within 6 months, and that on the probability of the evidence before him or her, that you will live together as man and wife.
If your GF is sucessful, you will need to apply to the Home Office in UK on her arrival for special permission to marry, through your local register office, they will issue you the forms to apply, the fee is £130.00, once the home office grants permission for the marriage, you must marry within 6 months, then you will be able to apply once again for Further leave to remain at the Home Office.
Hope this helps