Originally posted by compldc72@Oct 1 2005, 04:32 AM

I'm a UK resident and my girlfriend is in the philippines and is filipina.

She has managed to get a 6 months visitor visa on 2 occassions and stayed with me in the UK. In March 2005 she applied for a 3rd visa but was not working so she failed her application. We had some arguments and lost contact with each other, we went our seperate ways.thanks

Strange, but when my wife applied for a 6 month visit visa in 2000 we were told they don't do six months anymore, that all visit visas were now (then) for 12 month multiple entry. They must have changed the goal posts once again.

I don't see how her not working would make her fail the visa application, because if she is going to go to the UK for six months how could she be working? Sounds a little suspicious. And why would she need a job just to show she could leave it?

And no employer would let an employee off work for six months, so she'd basically have to quit the job they demand she needed anyway to utilise the visa.

All very confusing, unless she was applying on her own, with no mention of a sponsor in the UK.

The embassy will want to see originals AND copies of the documents. The copies they keep, the originals they give back straight away, just so they can confirm they are copies of genuine documents, not something you pumped out on Photoshop I suppose.