thanks Peter, Pauldo, Keith - Very honest and relevant replies, helps me a lot - lets explain some more.
We were planning to get married after she got her 3rd visa but of course she failed - I spoke to someone at the UK visa embassey in London yesterday and they said, basicly if a filipina does not work then they will not get a visitor visa, as they have nothing to come back for - i understand that having 6 months of they would lose their job anyway but it's the visa people. Anyway, he said she is more likely to get a fiancee visa as she has little to keep her in the philippines and that she has already been to UK before.
After she failed her visa we had arguements and she got upset because I said i would not support her financially - within 4 weeks of this I could no longer contact her. I've always found it hard to be without her so perhaps thats why when she called I couldn't wait to go and see her. She has told me she later met someone else who DID support her, of course this person isn't the nice guy she thought and has no love for him. This guy also wants to marry her (still not 100% on this) and she does not want to marry him but he seems to be forcing her by threatening to hurt her....any ideas on this, is it a scam.
My initial intention was for her to get the 6 month visitor visa and see how it goes but can not do that now cos she won't get it so that's why I have got for the fiancee visa - I then have a number of months to confirm our feelings, I have nothing to lose as if I get cold feet or bad feelings I can call of the wedding within the 6 months. I know it's not an ideal situation and there are lots of other guys out there, I have met many online, but this girl has always been close to me heart. I did met another girl while we were apart (by this time I'd guessed she had met someone else) and the love from this girl was nothing like the love I get from my filipina. I have been out to see her and her family before, they are all nice.
Once again, some great replies from you guys, if you have any other ideas about this odd situation then please let me know.