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Thread: Please help me understand my situation

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) epidot's Avatar
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    Please help me understand my situation

    I am 26 and a UK citizen. I have had a Filipina GF for over 2 years now. I trust her 100%, she's not trying to scam me, never once asked to come to England and never asked me for money.

    I have been there to visit two times. Here is where it gets complicated.

    She has been married for about 7 years. Her husband moved out after the 1st year as things didn't work out but during that time they had a baby (that's why they got married). He supports her even though they live in different houses and are no longer in love. This has just been a routine practice because there is no divorce in Phil. (MY LUCK TO FALL FOR A FILIPINA...THE 1 DAMN COUNTRY DIVORCE ISNT ALLOWED...)

    We plan to live together but i'm pretty sure she has no grounds for Annulment what so ever and im not prepared to pay £3000 just for it to be declined.

    After investigating, i'm inclined to believe that the only way we can be together is for her to come here and try to obtain UK citizenship in which she can then divorce her husband.

    I would like some advice on this.

    1) Can she be granted a Fiancee VISA to come here EVEN if she is married and has a 7 year old son?
    2) How long would the whole process take for her to come here, get married to me, divorce her husband .. to enable us to then move to the philippines if we so wished?

    I'd prefer to keep her with me in the UK but I don't think she would ever stay here permanently without her son.. or take her son away from his father. So my only option is to move there and start a business with her.

    This whole situation is messed up and for a while i've thought about just letting go... but how can you let love just go when shes the girl I want to spend my life with.

    I've saved £10,000 for any requirements so that's not a problem.

    If my situation is impossible or way to difficult please let me know.


  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    welcome to the forum epidot, read as much as you can on related threads to all those questions you ask,

    spend time getting information and advice, from the members here, they will all give you honest opinions and advice, please listen to it all, because you may be taking on much more than you imagine,

    good luck with your quest

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by epidot View Post

    1) Can she be granted a Fiancee VISA to come here EVEN if she is married and has a 7 year old son?
    2) How long would the whole process take for her to come here, get married to me, divorce her husband .. to enable us to then move to the philippines if we so wished?
    Without wishing to be too blunt... is this a wind up? Look at what you've written there: "Marry me... then divorce her husband?" Which one? You? And why bother with the divorce after she's married you? Better watch out for the bigamy charge though!

    You can't go down the settlement route whilst she is married. Fiance visa, as the name suggests, is for you to marry in the UK. And she needs to be single or divorced/widowed for that to be possible.

    Really, if you want to bring her son and her to the UK (on a permanent basis), the best option is probably going for the annulment. It is costly and time consuming but probably less so than trying to start a business in the Philippines

  4. #4
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    To answer your questions,

    1. She cannot come here to the UK via the Fiancee visa route..although she can via the Unmarried partner of a British Citizen and/or Settled is the link where you can read more about it..

    2. From what I understand (other members can confirm this), if she gets in the UK and live here for quite some time (not sure how long though), she can file for divorce in the UK to be able to marry you. But the divorce won't be recognized in the Philippines as there's no divorce there. She needs her first marriage annulled if you both want to go back and live there. If not, you'd be charged of Bigamy.

    If you are keen to get her here, please read about the requirements, especially the income threshold that a sponsor is required to show in the application. And about the savings, under the new law, you need £16,000 and above of savings to be considered in the application.
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    also i doubt she could bring her son to the uk, not while the father is supporting him and has contact with him.

  6. #6
    Newbie (Restricted Access) epidot's Avatar
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    @ Manila_Paul

    I am very aware that it sounds crazy. I only asked that based on what I have heard and read. I can see that people try all sorts of odd things to get "around the system"

    Well there is no way she would come here perminently and we had no plans for her son to come here. That's why we would need to go back there and start a business.

    Well I guess her coming here is out of the question if she would need to get an annulment either way.

    I just think her situation means an annulment is a total waste of time and money. She has a son, her husband supports her. They have no basis for being accepted for an annulment.

    Is she just supposed to be stuck like this until the day shes dies. Unhappy and stuck as his wife when the billions of people elsewhere is the world can get a divorce. So depressing..

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    Its a long and tricky path if you choose it but not impossible.

    Think about the situation you want to have in 5 and 10 years. Once this is clear you can start to work out what needs to be done to get there.
    It will be a lengthy and costly (both money and emotion) process

    Good luck whatever you decide

  8. #8
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    perhaps you could look into general visit visa ?

  9. #9
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    Am I wrong in thinking that potentially if epidot did move to the Philippines to be with his gf and she hasn't got her marriage annulled, isn't adultery technically being committed opening up eipidot to potential arrest and prosecution for adultery?

    I don't want to sound like I'm scaremongering, but this was something I read about when I first got together with my missus!

    Can anyone confirm or deny what I've said?
    Last edited by DaveUK; 20th September 2012 at 12:48. Reason: change divorce to annulled

  10. #10
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    Am I wrong in thinking that potentially if epidot did move to the Philippines to be with his gf and she hasn't got her marriage annulled, isn't adultery technically being committed opening up eipidot to potential arrest and prosecution for adultery?

    I don't want to sound like I'm scaremongering, but this was something I read about when I first got together with my missus!

    Can anyone confirm or deny what I've said?
    yes i have heard it said on here also, i believe a prison term,

    if her husband gets jelous and decides he wants money from epidot there be trouble

  11. #11
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    I guess it would be unlikely for anything like that to happen, but all it would take is one disgrunted "friend" or relative to upset things.

    Dont't mean to sound negative epidot mate, just want to give you the heads up so you are at least aware no matter what decision you ultimately make.

  12. #12
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaveUK View Post
    I guess it would be unlikely for anything like that to happen, but all it would take is one disgrunted "friend" or relative to upset things.

    Dont't mean to sound negative epidot mate, just want to give you the heads up so you are at least aware no matter what decision you ultimately make.

    its possible, there was a tv program about a British guy it happened to..

  13. #13
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    Ah, of course! I remember seeing that on the forum back when it happened. Thought I had read about a "confirmed" case of it happening, but wasn't sure.

    Thanks for the reminder fella!

  14. #14
    Member Lhailhani's Avatar
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    hi epidot!

    yes, if the guy get jealous and want money from you, he can sue you for adultery.. well as for my situation.. If i go insane and want my ex hub relationship ruined and give trouble to them.. All i can do is to SUE THEM concubinage i guess the term if woman sued the man for having another woman.. correct me if i'm wrong so it is like to the situation u are saying that.. coming here and be with her.

    Just a practical thinking. You are foriegner.. no rights when the husband SUE u here, to depend yourself. specially they have the proof being married.

    2 yrs is not enough to know the person and tell that feelings are mutual.. give some more time to think and analyse the situation.

    But well at the end . still its you who will decide.

    " LOVE CONQUERS ALL" so sweet

    Good LUCK!

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