A very sensible perspective from a father
A very sensible perspective from a father
I am dead against drug abuse. But feel that the focus should be on those that sell them in the first place. Those that advocate "stringing up" the users / abusers forget that they could so easily have a member of their family that is either unlucky enough or indeed foolishly enough to consume them.
Anyway, the prisons are full and drug abuse is a wider issue than we think. A different approach is needed for that reason alone.
its not so much the street seller, they themselves are the lower end of the chain (victims users)
go further up you may be surprised who you find up there at the top
and thats why it continues
Top of the chain being who else but ferrari drivers
As for going soft on the drug taking kids...spare a thought for the victims of some of these drug taking kids....you only gotta look at the papers...houses getting broken into...the elderly getting mugged and sometimes .....string them up I say
Some of you may change your tune when one of your kids have been beaten black and blue all for the sake of his dinner money etc...all these losers need locking up...look at that story reported last week when that girl was 20 p short of her bus fare...some drug addled teenage raped and beat her beyond recognition...that scum was caged for 22 years yehey!..commonsense at last from our courts.
They should all hang Imagine...
' what am I on'....nowt Lastlid....never have, never will. Same for alcohol.
Perhaps having alcoholism and barbiturate abuse in my crazy family helped put me off those.
So let's be tougher on the dealers and execute them it would free up prison space and reduce the supply of drugs on the street
iv had druggies (cannabis users ) tell that many of their friends in the same game , when caught with x amount, then comes court day, the amount read out is much less than was confiscatedbut obviously they dont complain at the inaccuracies because a lighter sentance can be a bennefit,
any guesses what happened to the rest![]()
What is it that you smoke? Must be good stuff.
I don't think there are many places in the country where there isn't significant drug abuse. I would be very surprised if your neighbourhood is the exception. Have a look in your local paper. You will see many drug related stories each week. What this means is that it exists. What it doesn't mean is that it is being halted. What the public tends to be aware of is just the tip of a larger iceberg.
Drug abuse knows no geographical or social boundaries.
The problem is that there is a big demand for most of these drugs
Movie stars, catwalk models, music industry, media types, and the most of the square mile seem to operate on cocaine
I dont think the dealers are forcing anyone to buy their items and if anything they cant supply enough of it
I wonder when they are going to win this WAR ON DRUGS anyway - not in my lifetime thats for sure
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