View Poll Results: Which Version of Windows are You using?

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  • Windows XP (Home and Pro)

    11 84.62%
  • Windows Vista (Any edition)

    1 7.69%
  • Windows ME or 98

    0 0%
  • Windows 2000

    1 7.69%
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Thread: Windows XP vs Windows Vista

  1. #31
    Join Date
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    Well, if you're using XP and your worry is security. Your internet provider is giving you an INTERNET SECURITY. Most of ISP is providing in every client. McAfee Internet Security is very good.

  2. #32
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    In my own opinion XP is still the BEST. Windows Vista is alot of CRAP, driver wise not all are compatible. It's a waste of space VISTA is..

    there is nothing i can't run on vista that i used to have on xp,vista is not a load of crap or waste of space!

  3. #33
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    Good for you!!! you're the only lucky person who don't have problem with VISTA unlike everybody. It's really depends on what activities you have with you machine. If u just use for chatting and printing that's fine but for us who uses more than chatting and printing. It is really a waste of time and space.

  4. #34
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    you're the only lucky person who don't have problem with VISTA unlike everybody
    Incorrect statement. Lestaxi1 said it is fine, I say it is fine, that does then not make it everybody. Assuming is dangerous, Cameron just done it and now looks a plonker ........ hang on.....he already was one
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #35
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    oh dear not wanting to get into argument,but i totally disagree with your statement charlwill. i know of maybe 10 peoplw with vista installed and after early doubts are totally converted now. ok i do have a good knowledge of pcs but my view is the same.when it first came out sure there were lack of drivers,not anymore as i said before everything from photo editing,game paying,burning discs,running various applications all work great. i use my pc for many reasons not just email and printing! i build my own pcs,and repair other peoples. my pc is always running great,don't use a firewall,use nod 32 and a couple of anti spyware progs.

  6. #36
    Respected Member baboyako's Avatar
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    I have not used vista at all.
    here are some of the problems I get every day! with w2k/xp

    my experience with XP is that is has lots of graphics problems. When I alt-tab the icons don't draw properly - pointless feature & doesnt work properly.

    the curved edges on the windows are not anti aliased

    both systems. delete a directory & the folder will still show up, click on it it will tell you it doesn't exist

    log on/off from xp, the 'workstation locked' dialog doesn't redraw.

    password expires tommorow, it says 'your password expires in 1 days'

    in word, insert a picture, insert another one.. back to the old directory - not where you were...

    if an application locks up, drag another window over it & you can make pretty patterns

    in xp my mouse keeps jumping around. mostly keeps going to the bottom left corner .. but not all the time

    hit F5 in explorer & it doesn't refresh directories, only files (I think there is a registry hack to fix this?).

    recent documents does not delete document that have been deleted already (this has been like this for over 10years!!! still not fixed)

    you can connect to another machine with different users (i.e. connect a network drive as one user), then it stops you logging in
    then dont get me started on applications

    and I'm betting none of those are fixed in vista

  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    use nod 32.
    I've just installed NOD32 after using AVG for years, only wished I'd found it earlier. Great AV product, small footprint, totally custom-isable, and most of all, uses very few system resources, unlike Norton and AVG, et al.

  8. #38
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Id rather others do the advanced beta testing other than me, will get involved after about a year thats normally when everything on a piece of software/hardware is sorted.

    If you have a pc come with a vista liscense and you downgrade make sure you keep it as once your ready it will save you spending your money later.

    With regards security internet wise most important thing is the isp which close or hide many ports and the router as many have firewalls and nat bulit in. I ran a port test on a mates pc and his cable connection and cable modem were the security flaws as he had a fully up to date xp os, with exactly the same av,asw and software fw as me running.

  9. #39
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    nod 32 rules. worst av u can install is norton bloated piece of crap,you even have to dload norton removal tool to get rid of it!

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    nod 32 rules. worst av u can install is norton bloated piece of crap,you even have to dload norton removal tool to get rid of it!

    This is the understatement of the century....

    I was conned originally to buy Norton, with my first pc, by some pimple faced little dork at Dixon's...
    Within 3 months, I had collected 346 viruses, worms, with husbands and wives... Norton Didn't get rid of any of them... But managed to provide a fertile breeding ground...

    So my son got the pc in safe mode, deleted Norton and installed AVG free edition........... 35 minutes later the pc was as clean as a whistle.
    At the moment, I am using AVAST, again the free edition... Marvellous program, and not as intrusive as AVG

  11. #41
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    yep norton is crap it likes to own your pc.the 2 you mentioned are both fine but you can't beat nod 32 its best av out there.

  12. #42
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    You should always run AV AND Anti-Spyware software together to collect all the crap. It does not matter which AV you use, this little beauty will find some crap

    Baboyako, most of those problems will not even exist in Vista, as the code is rewritten from scratch, not bolted on as XP is.
    Keith - Administrator

  13. #43
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    yep use spyware doctor myself along with super anti-spyware professional and ad-aware 2007 + nod 32and win optimiser. i use perfect disc to reg defrag and your uninstaller to remove those parts other powders cannont clean

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    yep use spyware doctor myself along with super anti-spyware professional and ad-aware 2007 + nod 32and win optimiser. i use perfect disc to reg defrag and your uninstaller to remove those parts other powders cannont clean
    What you are saying about installing all that software is evidence of how dangerous it could be when surfing the net, lots of evil stuff out there waiting to control your pc.

  15. #45
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    What you are saying about installing all that software is evidence of how dangerous it could be when surfing the net, lots of evil stuff out there waiting to control your pc.
    Or you could just let my kids on your systems, and they'll bugger it up for you
    Keith - Administrator

  16. #46
    Member aphrael's Avatar
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    I kinda like both Vista and XP. But I'd use the Ultimate version of Vista and XP Pro. There's not much you can do with the basic versions of both OSes.

    My only beef with Vista is that the Cisco VPN software won't work on it! I'm still trying to find a solution or workaround, and hopefully it exists somewhere on the WWW. I'm back to using my desktop because I have XP on it which allows me to use the VPN software to connect to the company network.

  17. #47
    Member aphrael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    At the moment, I am using AVAST, again the free edition... Marvellous program, and not as intrusive as AVG
    I like Avast, too! I used to have McAfee but the darn thing was such a memory hog. Haven't had any problems with Avast since using it.

  18. #48
    Respected Member purplealien's Avatar
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    No troubles here, but I use a Mac I use XP at work though and a lot of friend I know are not upgrading to Vista yet.

  19. #49
    Member aphrael's Avatar
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    Oh, no, a Mac user! LOL. Just kidding.

    I'm slowly being beguiled by the Mac into converting.

  20. #50
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    MAC couldn't even do 5% of what I need to run, unless you run Windows on it....then what is the use of having an expensive under-powered computer you can't upgrade?
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #51
    Member aphrael's Avatar
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    What do you need to run, Keith? First time I heard someone say that about the Macintosh.

  22. #52
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aphrael View Post
    What do you need to run, Keith? First time I heard someone say that about the Macintosh.
    You don't read many blog/forums on computers then

    I have over 4.5 Million files on my system, over 1000GB's worth, an none of the marketing or gambling software will run on a Mac, which basically stops business.
    Keith - Administrator

  23. #53
    Respected Member purplealien's Avatar
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    Oh dear, I seem to have started something Horses for courses (no pun intended Lol) I just prefer the ease of use of the software and I dont play a lot of games
    Am I still welcome here ?

  24. #54
    Member aphrael's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    You don't read many blog/forums on computers then

    I have over 4.5 Million files on my system, over 1000GB's worth, an none of the marketing or gambling software will run on a Mac, which basically stops business.
    Oh, I do. I just don't go to any of the OS fanatics forums because they tend to do a lot of OS bashing, not that some are not unwarranted. I know that some applications do not have Mac versions. And Mac users lament this.

    I'm more of a Windows user than a Mac, but there are some apps that are solely for Macintosh that I would like to see ported over to Windows.

    Purplealien, of course you are! (I think. Of course I'm not the forum owner LOL).

  25. #55
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Was at the Apple retail office in Hanover street london and was waiting around in one of the open plan offices while one of their IT guys fiddled around with a laptop so he could show me a problem they had and a few of the apple staff saw i had one of those usb 3g modems on a windows system you just plug in and play they wanted to try it so we had to download software and fiddle with this and that.

    Sorry Apple software and hardware although lovely to look at just don't do the business for me.
    Why do you think at first when they moved over to Intel Chips they went to great lengths to stop people dual booting.

    THe N900 which is Nokias version of the Iphone already in beta form looks like it will be far better for the average person than the apple version.

  26. #56
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Don't mention the v1605 does much more, basically its a pocket laptop.
    Keith - Administrator

  27. #57
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Don't mention the v1605 does much more, basically its a pocket laptop.
    I like them and of course they work on hsdpa networks unlike the &^%$$% which looks nice but actually pretty dam useless when it comes to comuncating either via voice or data

  28. #58
    Member aphrael's Avatar
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    Apple's just looking to make another iPod phenomenon. I'm not going to buy into it, just like I've never let myself get sucked into the iPod craze.

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