Yesterday I went to see a very experienced Immigration Solicitor at my local law center.... She told me she was 95% Certain that we would win our case, and they would be happy to represent us.... But couldn't speed up the trial date we had to wait for the date we have been told 2nd Jan to arrive....

This morning I glanced at my emails! Expecting to find the usual spam!! Only to find... Manila Single Tier Enquiries Email. That said....Please be informed that the decision to refuse your application for entry clearance to the UK has been reviewed by an Entry Clearance Manager and has been overturned. Kindly submit your passport, so that an Entry Clearance Officer can consider your application further. We are notifying the Asylum and Immigration Tribunal that the decision to which this appeal relates has been withdrawn.

At LAST!!!! So we're very HAPPY! But I know just how much help weve had from this FORUM. You've given us Solid Advice.. Friendship and support and I'd love to say a big thank you to you all. I let you know our wedding date and when my Fiancee is arriving.

Now I'm not leaving this site so if you want to add me as a friend Id welcome your requests.... Right now it's time to tidy up FAST!!!!