I'm backI need some information regarding visa settlement... I posted before that i was refused three times for visit visa and the last time i want my daughter to join her father in UK... Thank God she there now but I am still worried bout my husband and daughter. I am planning now to apply for settlement visa but i need more information.. I am now here in Saudi working I got a yearly contract and have good salary my husband is not working and under the govt fund. My daughter she is only 9 months old now and i really missed her so much. I want to apply here in saudi for settlement visa i need to know if i have a chance of approval if i apply here since i have the work and my income is good. Can i apply and work also here if i will be approve? I need the job here to prove them that i am not using any money from the govt that i can support my self....I just want to be with my love ones specially my daughter who really needs me and my husband not in good condition. I am worried that no one there to look after my baby if something happen to my husband.I want to apply my visa in six months time to show how much money i have in my bank to support me in two years. I really need help now any suggestions ...