so you're a Luzon Tagalog person! LoL
i will probably visit your region in dec
so you're a Luzon Tagalog person! LoL
i will probably visit your region in dec
Yup, Tagalog! So Goodluck to your journey to Philippines. Bet Marivic is very excited to meet you. expect a warm welcome from her family because that's the way we do it in the Philippines. We receive you with a big smile and open arms.Got to go now Tom, hubby needs the computer. Thanks for the chat. You're a nice guy...Marivic is lucky to have you.
A winning horse doesn't know why it runs in a race.
It runs because of the hits of pain.
Life is a race. God is your rider.
So if you're in pain,
then think God wants you to win
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