Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
It's something that I'm neither for nor against. If the church want to do it fine by me.
I just wanted to post because I love the fact that in support of their stance against Milliband they quote an organisation called "The Coalition For Marriage"
Who actually sets up an organisation calling itself " The Coalition For Marriage".
Anybody out there interested in joining the "Coalition For Marrying Filipina Women" membership is £25 a month.
Yeah..I'll vote for being Banker...note capital B and not W as a couple of our friends wld have me down for

I'm with Arthur on this...nothing against it..some of my best friends are that way inclined.

They are able to have a civil ceremony in a church...but going through God's act of getting married in a church is going too far.

Would be like a black guy gatecrashing a KKK convention.......simply not the done thing.

Ironic thing is the gays aren't bothered either.....obviously a goverment thing...perhaps before there current term ends, they'll have it on the school curriculum...the sooner we bin these liberals, the better for humanity...