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Thread: latest news about my visa appeal/ a celebration or too early to say?

  1. #1
    Member eahjay's Avatar
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    latest news about my visa appeal/ a celebration or too early to say?

    guys.It's been too long since I had my last post and been busy for the appeal and too much worrying . I received a call from my representative that he received a letter from Tribunal Judge who handled my appeal that we won the case and also awarding us a 140 pounds compensation.My representative told me to write to ECM British Embassy in Manila to inform them that they should grant me a visa by now.My question is, do I need to send them an email or should I wait for them to send me one? I haven't receive any notice or email from the Embassy /ECM. If I do where would I address it? I am really confused.Is it really a good news? I'm shaking at the moment and so nervous.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by eahjay View Post
    guys.It's been too long since I had my last post and been busy for the appeal and too much worrying . I received a call from my representative that he received a letter from Tribunal Judge who handled my appeal that we won the case and also awarding us a 140 pounds compensation.My representative told me to write to ECM British Embassy in Manila to inform them that they should grant me a visa by now.My question is, do I need to send them an email or should I wait for them to send me one? I haven't receive any notice or email from the Embassy /ECM. If I do where would I address it? I am really confused.Is it really a good news? I'm shaking at the moment and so nervous.
    Your representative should at least send you a copy of the letter they received from the UKBA, on your behalf. Ask him / her to email you a copy.

    I am guessing that it should specify in the response letter exactly who to contact....

  3. #3
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Hi the British Embassy was notified straight away in our case and requested my wifes passport. Don't sit around waiting for them to contact you get your partner to do what I done. Email the ambassador Stephen Lillie demanding the visa be issued asap. This will generate some action straight away. This is where I sent my email and mark it for the attention of ambassador Stephen Lillie.

    Congratulations on your victory.
    My wife is in the air at the moment on her way to Heathrow.

  4. #4
    Member eahjay's Avatar
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    thanks lastlid and bigmarco.I already told my husband to send an email to British Embassy Manila and address it to Ambassador Stephen Lillie. Hope they issued me a visa asap.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Hi the British Embassy was notified straight away in our case and requested my wifes passport. Don't sit around waiting for them to contact you get your partner to do what I done. Email the ambassador Stephen Lillie demanding the visa be issued asap. This will generate some action straight away. This is where I sent my email and mark it for the attention of ambassador Stephen Lillie.

    Congratulations on your victory.
    My wife is in the air at the moment on her way to Heathrow.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Hi the British Embassy was notified straight away in our case and requested my wifes passport. Don't sit around waiting for them to contact you get your partner to do what I done. Email the ambassador Stephen Lillie demanding the visa be issued asap. This will generate some action straight away. This is where I sent my email and mark it for the attention of ambassador Stephen Lillie.

    Congratulations on your victory.
    My wife is in the air at the moment on her way to Heathrow.
    Good advice and info Marco.

    Happy to learn that the plane is on it's way with your precious delivery.

    Wonderful times ahead.

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