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Thread: Starting a business in the Philippines. Information required!

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) epidot's Avatar
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    Starting a business in the Philippines. Information required!


    I'm wondering how much a Salon/Parlor owner would make on average per month. Im looking to pay for my GF to start her own business in Bulacan but I have no idea what salary we would expect to bring in each month...

    She has told me that she currently spends about 35,000 php each month to survive, so we would need this kind of profit after costs with the business.

    Please can anyone advise if its even remotely possible to make this kind of money with a parlor which I would be looking to spend about 500,000php to build in Bulacan.

    Thank you

  2. #2
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    35,000 each month to survive in the philippines? what does she pay with that amount?

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    35,000 each month, thats a lot for philippines, think she wants to live like a queen

  4. #4
    Respected Member Leen's Avatar
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    That's what i had in mind also....we are paying for 2 properties here but our monthly expenses dont reach that amount....makes me wonder
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  5. #5
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    She might be feeding their whole barangay!

  6. #6
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    My wife's sister earns 28000 each month teaching in Cavite. We worked that out the other day. I will check with my wife as I may have picked her up wrongly.

    MANILA, Philippines - "Senator Ramon Revilla Jr. has called for an increase in the minimum salary of public elementary and high school teachers from the present P15,000 plus to a level close to P25,000 a month."

    Later correction. It,s 22000 that she earns as a teacher.

  7. #7
    Respected Member jlags90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by epidot View Post

    she currently spends about 35,000 php each month to survive

    What an expensive way to survive!
    I earned 25% of that amount...
    Paid rent...
    Bought food...
    Partied (sometimes)...
    Helped parents out...

    and I survived...

    UKBA,UKBA I am dreading to hear from you...
    UKBA, a BRP for Christmas will do...

  8. #8
    Respected Member blessed_ekim0826's Avatar
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    that's too much for a simple living here unless she is very high class woman.

  9. #9
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    How much money does a person from the Philippines earn or make a day?

    "From the least paid all the way to the president, I took to the streets to try to find out. The results, while holding no scientific nor Wall Street Journal like quality, are interesting nonetheless."

    I say per day, as when I ask people on a lower-income, this is what they quote me, exactly:

  10. #10
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    How much money does a person from the Philippines earn or make a day?

    "From the least paid all the way to the president, I took to the streets to try to find out. The results, while holding no scientific nor Wall Street Journal like quality, are interesting nonetheless."

    I say per day, as when I ask people on a lower-income, this is what they quote me, exactly:
    thats an interesting informative link epidot in my opinion i think your being had

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by epidot View Post

    I'm wondering how much a Salon/Parlor owner would make on average per month. Im looking to pay for my GF to start her own business in Bulacan but I have no idea what salary we would expect to bring in each month...

    She has told me that she currently spends about 35,000 php each month to survive, so we would need this kind of profit after costs with the business.

    Please can anyone advise if its even remotely possible to make this kind of money with a parlor which I would be looking to spend about 500,000php to build in Bulacan.

    Thank you
    I'm not an expert on business in the Philippines, and know nothing about the running of a Salon/Parlor.
    All I can say is that your considering a significant financial outlay.
    Also, no-one can possibly give any meaningful comment on the viability or otherwise of the venture you outline.
    So many unknowns.

    Here are some thoughts on the questions/ideas you need to establish the facts on:-

    - location and size of the premises
    How much is the cost/rental of similar sized establishments in that location
    Is it inside a mall? or is it in the street?
    What's the footfall there? how likely to capture regular business? how likely to capture and retain new business? Any competitors existing?
    Location is a key aspect in any part of the world.

    - Cost of utilities and ongoing supplies
    Think about the monthly costs for water and energy etc for such an establishment.
    Consider how many customers you want/need per day and the associated likely supply costs.

    - Cost of staff
    Be sure that your GF can hire/retain/train good staff. Be sure that employment requirements can be met.
    How many staff? What skill levels

    - Can you comply with local health and safety issues and other local legislation?
    Also be aware of the liabilities that can be encountered in that type of business.
    Accidents/allergies/improper procedures/customer complaints/lawsuits
    Remember you are dealing with chemicals and sharp instruments

    - What services will be offered?
    Don't forget equipment costs can be high

    - Is you G/F competent to run a profitable business?
    Is she going to be a good hands-on manager that is always present on the premises?
    She'll need to be.

    Finally, I agree with the comments of others P35k is rather high as a 'survival' threshold in the Philippines.

    Research, research research. Google can be your friend.

    It's been said that to make a small fortune in the Philippines you need to start with a large one.

    I'm not saying it can't be done. It can.
    But you had better keep a very low profile, and put all your trust in your g/f

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    My wife's sister earns 28000 each month teaching in Cavite. We worked that out the other day. I will check with my wife as I may have picked her up wrongly.
    Later correction. After checking with the wife, it's 22000 per month that her sister earns as a teacher.

  13. #13
    Respected Member MissAna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by epidot View Post
    She has told me that she currently spends about 35,000 php each month to survive,
    sir, in my view 35,000 is a lot of money to spend in a month. i am curious of how it came up to be? is she studying? or is she also helping her family to survive?

  14. #14
    Respected Member MissAna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by epidot View Post

    I'm wondering how much a Salon/Parlor owner would make on average per month. Im looking to pay for my GF to start her own business in Bulacan but I have no idea what salary we would expect to bring in each month...

    She has told me that she currently spends about 35,000 php each month to survive, so we would need this kind of profit after costs with the business.

    Please can anyone advise if its even remotely possible to make this kind of money with a parlor which I would be looking to spend about 500,000php to build in Bulacan.

    Thank you
    right, i actually emailed my mom in the philippines to get information about the cost of living there and how much money would you spend to build a business just out of curiosity. She know this sort of stuff because she has lots of friends who are bussiness minded and she handles a small company in the Philippines.

    cost of living in a 6 family home is:
    40,000 pesos this is when me and my sister are in the college studying nursing in Cebu (except the tuition fee of course) and now since we both a college graduate,she still spends around 40k every month because rates are climbing fast!
    (p.s my mom and dad are both working).

    and lastly the cost to invest a business in the philippines is:
    minimum of 200,000 pesos

    these are only the estimates of my mum

  15. #15
    Respected Member melovesengland's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by epidot View Post

    I'm wondering how much a Salon/Parlor owner would make on average per month. Im looking to pay for my GF to start her own business in Bulacan but I have no idea what salary we would expect to bring in each month...

    She has told me that she currently spends about 35,000 php each month to survive, so we would need this kind of profit after costs with the business.

    Please can anyone advise if its even remotely possible to make this kind of money with a parlor which I would be looking to spend about 500,000php to build in Bulacan.

    Thank you
    35 grand? Is she joking? thats way to much for a living in the PI and to tell you honestly I havent seen a business in the philippines owned by white, succeeded and boomed since I left. I knew a few who ended up closing their business as its not making ANY profit and lost their money. BE CAREFUL, LOVE!

  16. #16
    Member Lhailhani's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MissAna View Post
    sir, in my view 35,000 is a lot of money to spend in a month. i am curious of how it came up to be? is she studying? or is she also helping her family to survive?

    yes wondering.. she could put 15k as a savings 25k i spent for 2 months budget of me and my son... paying bills, groceries.. but still we ate enough and healthy food and can survive.. although i have small business like baking.. but still 35k is enough and more for a month expenses

  17. #17
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    I guess it depend on what kind of life style the person has.. so if the person is thrifty she can save more for the future... and can survive everyday with simple and healthy food on the table ..less wants and luxuries ..

    And my cousin just closed her parlor few months ago. :0 lotsa competitors... if u want a parlor first i guess u should know how to do that thing a beautician does.. u must know all the work inside so less people less expenses for salary part.

  18. #18
    Respected Member Rhose's Avatar
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    35,000? she has a different kind cost of living.. and also better to think of a kind of business which you can earn your capital for a year... Lot's of competition here in business industries but if your thinking of salon especially on part of Bulacan... Being an industrial economist I would rather suggest to put your money in basic necessity business on that area ...probably it will click and your gf will earn lots rather than in a salon. You will never regret to put your money on it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post

  21. #21
    Respected Member Rhose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    good idea lastlid.... taho factory

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhose View Post
    good idea lastlid.... taho factory
    Yes. I love Taho. In fact I wondered if it could be sold here in the summer...

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  24. #24
    Respected Member Rhose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Yes. I love Taho. In fact I wondered if it could be sold here in the summer...
    why not!!

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhose View Post
    why not!!
    Yes. On the promenade in Blackpool or something....

  26. #26
    Respected Member Rhose's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    great! a big income in transportation..

  27. #27
    Respected Member Rory's Avatar
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    My wife as a budget and she lives very well there as we wait for her to be here.

    Rent 8,000
    Internet 1,300
    Water 700
    Electric 4000 ( i know, this is big. Air-con on most of the time)
    Others 8000 ( Broken down as 2000 a week for personal items, clothes, food, etc)

    Total 22,000 peso and she lives like a queen. I know she can save money as well out of the 8000 peso for personal use that is on the list above.

    My wife was not working when we first meet. To keep her busy as well i invested 50,000 peso in a small business to keep her occupied while we await for her visa. 40,000 in stock, 10,000 for hangers, mannequins, business license and first 2 months rent. Rent was 3,000 a month. The mark-up on each item was 30-50% from cost. She made enough money to pay the rent and a little more. She thought the 3,000 peso a month was to much so she closed the store and started to sell on the wet market, 30 peso a day rent but reduced the mark-up.
    All this was to keep her busy and it works, she wants to work every day, that is normal there, she sells on the internet and her brother sell clothing for her in the mountains as a walking market.
    Making money is very hard there, 35,000 peso a month from a saloon is a huge net profit per month. All i am expecting to make from my wife's business is my money back or a lot of shorts,jeans, dresses and shoes coming here but it will all have been worth it was she is very happy working for herself.

    Only my personal opinion but i think you are dreaming if you think you can make 35,000 profit from a 500,000 outlay. That is an 84% return per annum. I work in accounts and i know that sort of figure is unrealistic. As businesses go, starting from scratch you are going to make a lose the first year, might break even after 2-3 and can make some money from year 3+. If you are buying a on-going concern then you can not buy a business for 500,000 peso that is making 420,000 net profit a year.

    Sorry for being so negative, i have my eyes wide open and this is only my opinion, please prove me wrong and go for your dreams.

  28. #28
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    wise words rory

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by epidot View Post

    I'm wondering how much a Salon/Parlor owner would make on average per month. Im looking to pay for my GF to start her own business in Bulacan but I have no idea what salary we would expect to bring in each month...

    She has told me that she currently spends about 35,000 php each month to survive, so we would need this kind of profit after costs with the business.

    Please can anyone advise if its even remotely possible to make this kind of money with a parlor which I would be looking to spend about 500,000php to build in Bulacan.

    Thank you
    I used to get my hair trimed in a parlour in manila for 70peso my kids 50peso and it was a nice place,so to make 35000per month is a lot of heads.

  30. #30
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    I used to get my hair trimed in a parlour in manila for 70peso my kids 50peso and it was a nice place,so to make 35000per month is a lot of heads.
    yeah ,, heads would have to roll so to speak

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