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Thread: Help from Terpe or Joe

  1. #1
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Help from Terpe or Joe

    Hi I was just wondering if I mention in my budget plan and other information in appendix 2 section that my father who lives with me pays lodging to me as it is my property and is that ok to put in this thank you...

  2. #2
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    Last edited by lastlid; 30th September 2012 at 10:00. Reason: mistake, sorry

  3. #3
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    Mark, in principle that's a workable and allowable income stream.
    It's really a question of how you implement it and how you evidence it for UKBA to be willing to 'tick the box' and not believe that on the balance of probabilites it's circumventing the no-third-party-sponsorship rule. You must be very careful on this point.

    Under the 'Maintenance' requirement there are specific details on documentary evidence such as bank statements and declarations.

    Personally I doubt though that this idea is something that can be used immediately. You need to set up some documentary evidence that the source of income is properly maintained and has been operating for some months

    UKBA will follow the following steps:-

    - Establish the sponsor’s gross income (if the income varies than an average should be calculated.) Disability benefits can be included as income.

    - Establish the sponsor’s current housing costs from the evidence provided.

    - Deduct the housing costs from the gross income.

    - Calculate how much the sponsor and his family would receive if they were on Income Support

    - Compare the sponsor’s gross income after deduction of housing costs with the equivalent Income Support rate.

    In terms of 'hard' evidence the caseworker and ECO need to be satisfied that the applicant can meet the requirement to be adequately maintained.
    This should be supported by documentary evidence of:-

    - Employment payslips

    - Statement letter from the employer confirming the person’s employment and annual salary

    - Bank statements showing the salary has been paid into the person’s account.

    - Official documentation from HMRC confirming entitlement to the benefit, who the benefit is paid to and the amount received.

    - At least one bank statement showing payment of the benefit or allowance into an account in the name of the recipient of the benefit.

    - Current housing costs.

    My best guess is that you would need to provide evidence of accommodation income from your 'lodger' (father) in addition to bank statements showing that the tenancy income has been paid into that account.
    You may well be advised to show some form of tenancy contract.

    As I've mentioned before, as far as UKBA are concerned your position is marginal and that's why it's important that you must be professionally advised.

  4. #4
    Respected Member marksroomspain's Avatar
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    Hi Terpe I read a post on here once which said that as long as my DLA can come to 50% of the £111.45 then that could be used as maintenance for my wife I actually recieve £74.60 so that more than covers that is that true thank you...

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