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Thread: new,,,,, but old !!!!!!!!!!!!

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    new,,,,, but old !!!!!!!!!!!!

    hello ( again ) everybody,,,,,,,,,,,,,, i have not been on here for a while now, 12 hour shifts and 14 hour days does not leave much time for internetting !!!!!!!!!!
    anyway,,, some of you may recognise the name or my " story ",,,,,,, last time i was looking for help/information on aquiring a visitors visa for my " friend " in philipland,,, well nothing came of the efforts so i have now taken the decision ( which many on here had given ) to take my self over there to meet in person,,,,, i am looking at early december for a period of around 10 days ,,
    soooo,, what i need help with is,,,,, is Manila the only viable airport, pampanga has been mentioned due to proximity to residence,,,, which airlines etc i have been loking on internet at prices , it seems if i book now i can get around 500 qd ret,,,,,,,, how easy is it to get a visa,,, also i will be looking at hiring a car, is this easy/cheap enough,, obv i have a full licence,,,,,,, is there anything i am missing ,,,,,,,,,,,,, thanyou in advance ( i know many of you have all and more knowledge of what i need ),,,,,,,,,, Rod

  2. #2
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    Sorry if this is a brief response.
    You can enter Philippines for 21 days visa free so no need to make any visa.
    Manila is the major airport and very usually the cheapest port of international entry. Other popular entry points are Cebu and Davao but do check prices and airlines and onward travel opportunities.

    I would definitely reconsider hiring a car in Philippines if this is your first time there. Others may say different, but for me this would be a very risky activity on many aspects.
    Take taxi or hire a van/minibus/car and driver.Seek recommendations

    Will anyone meet you at the airport?
    Do you have an idea of Hotel for overnight stay?
    Have you considered how to manage your money/Exchange etc.

    Please think about your visit and ask specific questions. Everyone here is friendly calm and willing to help from their own experience.

    Don't be shy to ask. You need to climb a pretty steep learning curve.
    Stay in touch

  3. #3
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    check those prices at around £500 they may not include tax, hidden costs , i would expect to pay around £800 return aberdeen to manila,
    im booked to go myself december , aberdeen amsterdam manila, with klm

    from what iv seen and heard of the driving there , no way i would

  4. #4
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    We rented a small minibus and driver at quite reasonable rates, through the wifes family.

  5. #5
    Respected Member rani's Avatar
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    You can check if there's a flight going to Clark or Diosdado Macapagal Airport. That is approximately 30 mins away from Pampanga

  6. #6
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    ,Thank you all for your replys ,,,, as I had expected from this friendly and helpfull forum !!!!!!!
    There are many issues I will be needing further help with ,,,,,,,, thank you terp for the information regarding the visa ,do you mean that I can just get on plane and all oK , do I need to take proof that I intend to ret to UK , or is that taken for granted !!!!!!,,, that is the first problem solved ! ,,,,,,
    The 500 for the flight aparently IS tax incl.....booked now for early Dec from London , not aberdeen which will be extra !!!
    I do still intend to hire a car , can you , terp, tell me what sort of problems you envisage that I may encounter ,,I am well used to driving in various foreign places ,,,,, will a full eu / uk licence be suff or wil I need an internatioal one , and what sort of prices am I looking at ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I will be getting collected at the airport and expect my " friend " will know of local hotel ,,,,,,,,,not sure about money transfer ,, any suggestions are welcome,,,,,,,thllor now ( no doubt more to follow !!! )

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *nomad View Post
    hello ( again ) everybody,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    ,,,,,,,,,, Rod
    Ah ... *"the wanderer" returns!

  8. #8
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    hello Arthur,,,,,,,,, it was nice to see your name come up,,, unfortunatly i was hoping you might have been willing to impart with some of your knowledge !!!!!!!,,

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    ,,,,,,, thank you terp for the information regarding the visa ,do you mean that I can just get on plane and all oK , do I need to take proof that I intend to ret to UK , or is that taken for granted !!!!!!,,,
    Yes, you just turn up at the immigration desk in Philippines and receive a stamp for 21 days visa free. If you want more it's no problem but just say so here.
    You MUST be in possession of either a return air ticket or an onward ticket. In fact these days you'd be lucky if the airline would allow you to fly into Philippines without that. Don't be fooled by anyone who tells you differently!!

    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    ,,I do still intend to hire a car , can you , terp, tell me what sort of problems you envisage that I may encounter ,,I am well used to driving in various foreign places ,,,,, will a full eu / uk licence be suff or wil I need an internatioal one , and what sort of prices am I looking at ,,,
    Well, I admire your sense of adventure and of course it's a personal choice. Many folks do drive there without problems, but imho many more have had problems. My own personal view is that I would rather pay someone else to drive and I'll just chill out.
    For me, not knowing where I'm going to is an issue. Not having roadsigns/directions is an issue. Not feeling able to predict the behaviour of other road users is an issue. The biggest problem imho is that as a foreigner, in any kind of issue on the road YOU are going to be wrong, even if your right and it may build up into a bigger challenge.
    Do a search here in the forum to reveal what others think. I'm not trying to change your mind just giving my reasons why I think it may not be the best plan for everyone to step off that plane into the Philippines for the first time and get behind the driving wheel.

    You UK licence is OK for 90 days. Sorry I can't help you with prices, but do be sure you are very well covered with a good and reputable fully comprehensive insurance cover!!

    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    ,,,,,,,, I will be getting collected at the airport and expect my " friend " will know of local hotel ,,,,
    Don't be hesitant to move to another one if your not totally comfortable with the hotel facilities or with the locality.

    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    ,,,,,not sure about money transfer ,, any suggestions are welcome,,,,,,,thllor now ( no doubt more to follow !!! )

    You'll need to consider that carefully. Do not be tempted to take oodles of wonga in cash with you. Especially as you not that sure of where you are staying.
    Looks like you'll need to rely on a combination of cash/Debit cards/Credit cards etc. I wouldn't bother with travellers Cheques.
    You'll find that the local money changers offer pretty good rates. But do be sure to use only reputable ones.
    Please don't roam around with significant cash in your pocket!!!

    Here's something that works well for me.
    I've been using the Caxton pre-paid card for quite some time now and have found it to suit me exactly. I have 3 cards. A dollar card, a Euro card and a Global Traveller Card in £'s
    The dollar and Euro cards get loaded at the exchange rates on the day you load them, not on the day you 'spend' them, so you have a nice chance to play the markets. Always worked for me so far this year.

    The other benefit is that the card(s) can be loaded up with cash at any time from your UK bank account online, by telephone or by text.That way your risk is contained somewhat.
    BTW, you can get extra cards in the name of your nearest and dearest that also can be loaded from your UK bank in the same way.
    Alternatively consider sending remittances to your Philippine bank (if you have one)

    That's the way I work it anyway. I'm sure other folks have their favorite ways too.

    Always consider security and minimising the risks. There's really not much you can do to control exchange rates, which actually won't change hugely during a month anyway.

    Just my 2 centavos

  10. #10
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    thank you again terpe for your 2 centavos,, ( sometimes the value outweighs the cost !! ),,,,,,,,,,,,,, regarding the caxton card, is that a widely acccepted card similar to our own bank cards,,,,,,,,,,,, are cash points readily available ? ( and i can asure you i will not be wandering around with large loads of wonga !!!!!!!!!)
    regards the car rental,, i understand all your issues and appreciate your concern but i do still intend to explore this possability as a car for me will not be to transport me from one manila hot spot to another ( i dont expect to be visiting any !! ) but i am hoping to have a good look around the country like beaches , other sites of natural beauty or historical value etc , ( any recomendations anyone ? ) ,,,,,, and my friend does not live in a city , so the idea of having a taxi driving me around for days on end is not really viable even if it did appeal to me !! expanding on the travelling around aspect,,,, how am i likely to be treated in rural areas,, friendly, or as a "rich tourist" and fair play for a mugging ,, remembering that i am not the type who wanders around in a white hat, shorts and sandles with a Pentax draped round my neck , but i do apreciate that any tourist may be considered " wealthy " compared with many people,,,,,,,,, other things,, can i get google maps, or similar ( gps ) on my phone,, ( blackberry ) is there a fairly good road system,, petro / diesel readily available,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    and there is more !!!!!!!!!!! what is the cost of living like,, eg,, hotels,, food,, clothing,, petrol etc ??
    i think i will be booking my ticket this week end,,,,,,, ( stop-over midle east ),,,,,,,,, what is the climate like in early december,,,,,,,,
    i think i better stop at that !!! ta Rod.

  11. #11
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    caxton pre pay card is a visa card, use exactly the same as a visa card, atm and to buy ect,

    only thing not to do is use it as security booking into a hotel or it will get blocked, you can use your normal bank card for that, then when you finaly pay bill you can then pay with the caxton card, check out this link for info and which card you need,

  12. #12
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    hello Arthur,,,,,,,,, it was nice to see your name come up,,, unfortunately i was hoping you might have been willing to impart with some of your knowledge !!!!!!!,,
    back ... and many thanks for your confidence in me, Rod. But here on the forum, Terpe & Joe Bloggs are the Mods with the MOST [specialist] immigration knowledge.

  13. #13
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    Ha ha ,,, thank you Arthur , but I am not planing on emigrating , just a short visit this time mate ,,,,,I apreciate that only people who have spent considerabe amounts of time or who actually live there will have the type of specific information that I need cheers , rod.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    thank you again terpe for your 2 centavos,, ( sometimes the value outweighs the cost !! ),,,,,,,,,,,,,, regarding the caxton card, is that a widely acccepted card similar to our own bank cards,,,,,,,,,,,, are cash points readily available ? ( and i can asure you i will not be wandering around with large loads of wonga !!!!!!!!!)
    regards the car rental,, i understand all your issues and appreciate your concern but i do still intend to explore this possability as a car for me will not be to transport me from one manila hot spot to another ( i dont expect to be visiting any !! ) but i am hoping to have a good look around the country like beaches , other sites of natural beauty or historical value etc , ( any recomendations anyone ? ) ,,,,,, and my friend does not live in a city , so the idea of having a taxi driving me around for days on end is not really viable even if it did appeal to me !! expanding on the travelling around aspect,,,, how am i likely to be treated in rural areas,, friendly, or as a "rich tourist" and fair play for a mugging ,, remembering that i am not the type who wanders around in a white hat, shorts and sandles with a Pentax draped round my neck , but i do apreciate that any tourist may be considered " wealthy " compared with many people,,,,,,,,, other things,, can i get google maps, or similar ( gps ) on my phone,, ( blackberry ) is there a fairly good road system,, petro / diesel readily available,,,,,,,,,,,,,
    and there is more !!!!!!!!!!! what is the cost of living like,, eg,, hotels,, food,, clothing,, petrol etc ??
    i think i will be booking my ticket this week end,,,,,,, ( stop-over midle east ),,,,,,,,, what is the climate like in early december,,,,,,,,
    i think i better stop at that !!! ta Rod.
    anybody ??????????

  15. #15
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    I think you'd be better placed for ideas/comments/experience etc if you posted just 1 or 2 questions at a time.
    No offence intended.

  16. #16
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    wow so many questions, all i can add to this is treat it like any holiday abroad, you have to have your wits about you and if you feel unsafe about doing something, well dont do it, just enjoy yourself some fantastic places to visit, best thing is to dont stand out from the crowd, about the pentax around your neck, dont worry, now if it was a nikon, thats differant,on my samsung phone the gps and maps worked well, just make sure you dont go above your plan,make sure before you go anywhere you have enough cash to last you a few days, i hate having to look for a cash machine

  17. #17
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    ok peeps,, thanks for advice,,, going away now for week end >......( only inverness,, should be safe enough there !!! )

  18. #18
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    Hi all ,,,,,, the caxton card , do I get it here before I travel or do I get it over there

  19. #19
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    Hi all ,,,,,, the caxton card , do I get it here before I travel or do I get it over there
    get it here online, global travel card

  20. #20
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Cash points are readily available in most cities and larger towns. Once your are out in the 'countryside' you will find it very hard to find one. The only problem you may find is they have a habit of being 'offline'.
    As far as i know there are no car rental company's here. Even if you could its something i would advise a first timer here not to do. Your best bet would be to hire a van/car to run you around during your visit or use public transport.

  21. #21
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    Thanks again ... So when I get the caxton card throo the post how then do I top it up and can I top it up again while in fillo,,,,,,,,,,,,, just done quich google check for car rental ,, lots of them at manila airport ,,,, not cheap tho , 220 uk for one week

  22. #22
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    Thanks again ... So when I get the caxton card throo the post how then do I top it up and can I top it up again while in fillo,,,,,,,,,,,,, just done quich google check for car rental ,, lots of them at manila airport ,,,, not cheap tho , 220 uk for one week
    read about it on the caxton site , it explains it all very well, register your uk mobile no/ then you can top up by txt, top up online or by phone call

  23. #23
    Trusted Member jake's Avatar
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    Sorry i didn't realize they have car rental at manila airport, Not trying to put you off but i drive on a daily basis here and its not like anything you will have experienced before. Do admire your determination to try though. Have lived here for 14 years and it took me years to master the best routes through manila traffic! Once your out of Manila it becomes a lot easier but you will surprised how many vehicles drive at night without lights. Maps and GPS are not that good and you will find that a lot of routes dont have signposts.
    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    Thanks again ... So when I get the caxton card throo the post how then do I top it up and can I top it up again while in fillo,,,,,,,,,,,,, just done quich google check for car rental ,, lots of them at manila airport ,,,, not cheap tho , 220 uk for one week

  24. #24
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    Thanks again ... So when I get the caxton card throo the post how then do I top it up and can I top it up again while in fillo,,,,,,,,,,,,, just done quich google check for car rental ,, lots of them at manila airport ,,,, not cheap tho , 220 uk for one week
    the caxton site explains everything very well, i believe 1st you apply for card when you recieve it you must top it up online to activate it, with your uk mobile no/ registered with them, recomend having it for roaming while away,, you can top up just by txting top up to them while your in phil, but read the caxton site it will explain it all to you , anything your not sure about just email them, they are very helpfull,
    ps/ you can change the pin number they give you to your own choice number,in most atm s, but that must be done in uk.

    i suggest you take your normal bank cards with you as back up, and tell your bank you wish to use them in phil on those dates, so you dont find they are blocked, you been away before abroad so i guess you already know

  25. #25
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    Great , thanks for help ,,,,,, caxton , I will check out their web page ,,,,, thanks for your input ,,,,,,,,, driving,,,,I don't intend toi stay in manila more than day or so ,,,,,, can you tell me what petrol costs there just now ,,,,, and thank you for your input also ,,, I have done a wee search on here reg driving and I am prepared for a challenge !!!!!!!!!
    Also , on a different point ,,, do I need any jags inocs or anything like that ,,,,,, rod

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    Great , thanks for help ,,,,,, caxton , I will check out their web page ,,,,, thanks for your input ,,,,,,,,, driving,,,,I don't intend toi stay in manila more than day or so ,,,,,, can you tell me what petrol costs there just now ,,,,, and thank you for your input also ,,, I have done a wee search on here reg driving and I am prepared for a challenge !!!!!!!!!
    Also , on a different point ,,, do I need any jags inocs or anything like that ,,,,,, rod
    take some repel mosquieto repellant, depending where you will be,suggest buy Malaria Tablets here in uk, its best to see your doctor or gp practice nurse for advice this and for jabs required, usualy hepititus A(i think its A)but nurse or doc will advise typhoid and that you are up to date with tetinus, wether you have rabies vaccination is down to choice and consideration of where you will be going, cost around £150 i think, consists 3 injections over 4 weeks, so do in advance

    check out nhs fitfortravel link,

  27. #27
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    Thanks again "imagine" ,,,,,,,, now you are begining to scare me ,,,,,,,,,,,I will certainly take some anti malaris tabs with me , and I would have thot that mosky repelant would be better sourced over there ,,,,,, are any of these / others mandatory,,,,,,,, rod

  28. #28
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    my wife lives in guagua pampanga am going over end nov flying into clark as she works nearby at call center i went to cathey pacific and got a good deal but am staying till feb

  29. #29
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    Hi and thanks , I will check cathy pac web page,,,,,,

  30. #30
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nnomad View Post
    Thanks again "imagine" ,,,,,,,, now you are begining to scare me ,,,,,,,,,,,I will certainly take some anti malaris tabs with me , and I would have thot that mosky repelant would be better sourced over there ,,,,,, are any of these / others mandatory,,,,,,,, rod
    maybe better sourced , but can you be sure its genuine repellant? personally i would rather buy here, none of the jabs are mandatory, but do you want to risk your health for a few quid. its only the rabies one thats expensive, if you dont take adequate precautions and you get ill your insurance wont pay out, just leave out the rabies thats one i will be leaving out myself, and hope i dont regret it

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