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  1. #1
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    A £2.3m house with £400,000 mortgage... it's Labour leader Ed Millionaire!

    • He attacked the Prime Minister for his personal wealth but the Labour leader is far from poor
    • He earns more than £130,000 while his partner earns around £200,000 a year

    Ed Miliband likes to portray himself as a man of the people, emphasising his humble origins as the comprehensive-school educated son of immigrants.

    But only days after dodging questions about his personal wealth and sneering at David Cameron’s fortune, it has emerged that the Labour Party leader is so rich he can afford to live in a £2.3million house – with a £400,000 mortgage.

    Land Registry documents also show the Milibands have remortgaged their house in north London with Barclays, the bank he savaged for its role in the interest-rate rigging scandal.

    Read more:

    Sounds a bit of a would be posh chap

  2. #2
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    They are all the same Ded. Me and you will never catch them up we are the joe bloggs of this world Mps are in a different league you just have to accept it. You just have to vote who will represent you better if the tories are making it better for you then good fair play to you. Its personal choice at the end of the day. (Or what we have been brought up with).

  3. #3
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    I have spent my whole working life in an industry where the Trade Unions have never really been able to take a foothold (unlike in Norway where the Trade Union movement in the oil industry is very strong).

    I kind of believe in the need for them but always fear the dark days of Arthur Scargill etc etc

    One of the attributes of unionisation was, ironically, one that I could have done with when I got laid of in 2010 after 30 years service. A strong union might well have kept me that job. Having said that. I did get a nice payoff and it took me just 7 weeks to find another job.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I kind of believe in the need for them but always fear the dark days of Arthur Scargill etc etc
    He's taking the Bruvvers to court, petrified that they will remove his greedy snout from the trough

    Former miners' leader Arthur Scargill has gone to the High Court to fight an attempt by his union to stop paying the cost of his London flat.

    Mr Scargill, 74, says he was given use of the rented three-bed Barbican flat for life when he became president of the National Union of Mineworkers in 1982, a tenure that lasted 20 years.

    He says under the union's rental terms he should have use of it until he dies.

    The NUM says maintaining the flat costs £34,000 a year, which it cannot afford.

    The union paid rent and expenses for the flat - rented from the Corporation of London - until 2011, apart from a period between 1985 and 1991 when Mr Scargill paid for it himself.

  5. #5
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    He's taking the Bruvvers to court, petrified that they will remove his greedy snout from the trough

    Former miners' leader Arthur Scargill has gone to the High Court to fight an attempt by his union to stop paying the cost of his London flat.

    Mr Scargill, 74, says he was given use of the rented three-bed Barbican flat for life when he became president of the National Union of Mineworkers in 1982, a tenure that lasted 20 years.

    He says under the union's rental terms he should have use of it until he dies.

    The NUM says maintaining the flat costs £34,000 a year, which it cannot afford.

    The union paid rent and expenses for the flat - rented from the Corporation of London - until 2011, apart from a period between 1985 and 1991 when Mr Scargill paid for it himself.
    I see cameron has ruled out a mansion tax too.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    This gets better. . What have I started?
    On the subject of trade unions and communism I wonder how many on here have ever sat down and spoken to a communist? Instead of just believing what you read in the rags. Just my opinion.
    Pre the collapse of it in Eastern Europe I spent time in East Germany, Yugoslavia & Romania that gave me a fairly good appreciation of it's evils and why we needed a strong NATO

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    I see cameron has ruled out a mansion tax too.
    I wonder if King Arthur pays tax on his benefit in kind - a 3 bed flat in the Barbican

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Listened to Milliband make his speech today. Very interesting.
    Lots of the usual social democratic language without any of the policies. If he is so concerned about inequality, as he says, then why doesn't he commit now to bringing back the 50p top rate? A very simply and small step but they won't even commit to it. They become more like the US Democrats every day. No wonder the right-wing press feel it is safe to back Labour again. Still, on balance, they probably won't screw things up quite as much as these idiots in government now. Clueless is not the word.

    And I've never understood this idea that Labour have got/did not have no chance with Ed Miliband. It has been obvious since the Lib-Dems did the deal with the Tories that Labour would at least be the biggest party next time, whether Ed Miliband or Basil Brush was leader! Hell, if Lib-Dems had known pre-election then Gordon Brown would still be in Number 10 now or the very least we'd be looking at a Lab/Lib government.

    Fact is, the Tories haven't won an election since 1992 and even that was a dubious (and certainly phyrric!) victory. The idea they have any chance in 2015 is absurd. They just haven't got the numbers anymore. The name is still a byword for scum for large parts of the country and the demographic of the party is seriously old. The last election was the absolute maximum push for them. They had everything in their favour and they STILL couldn't win. The best they can do is biggest party and that is unlikely to automatically equal government next time!

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manila_Paul View Post
    .......whether Ed Miliband or Basil Brush was leader!
    Bring on Basil Brush.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    Bring on Basil Brush.
    He'd do a better job than Osborne, for sure!

  10. #10
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I agree.. There would be no stopping him once he gets his tail up.

  11. #11
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    All I can say to that is looking after number one and im alright jack are the same in my view. I have been made redundant twice in my working days and both under thatchers rule. And I saw the interest rates go up to 16% many lost their houses. I saw her bring the poll tax in. The nail in her coffin thank god. Thats what I remember about it. Anyway I dont know what is going to happen in the future even if labour do get in power. It will be a uphill battle.

  12. #12
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    I guess you must have upset somebody then.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    I guess you must have upset somebody then.
    How times change...looks as if we've been inundated with socialists where wealth and self created good fortune are filthy words...Citizen Smith lives on...

    You say you met my type before well, I have certainly met your type on many occasion.

    Take a leaf out of Steve's book and get on your bike Steve's case he got on a plane to China...these are the few examples you should your energies into something productive.

    The situation isn't gonna change for many a year now no matter how much you get on your MP's case....think of number 1.

  14. #14
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    How times change...looks as if we've been inundated with socialists where wealth and self created good fortune are filthy words...Citizen Smith lives on...

    You say you met my type before well, I have certainly met your type on many occasion.

    Take a leaf out of Steve's book and get on your bike Steve's case he got on a plane to China...these are the few examples you should your energies into something productive.

    The situation isn't gonna change for many a year now no matter how much you get on your MP's case....think of number 1.
    Personally speaking Gwapito I have nothing against wealth creation or people who've done well for themselves unless of course they've walked all over others to get there.
    I do have a serious problem though when you ask ordinary working people to pick up the bill when everything goes tits up.
    My blood boils when I hear another round of Bankers Bonuses being handed out while Public Sector workers have a pay freeze imposed.
    BTW I love Citizen Smith and he wasn't a socialist he was an Urban Guerilla. Power to the People

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Personally speaking Gwapito I have nothing against wealth creation or people who've done well for themselves unless of course they've walked all over others to get there.
    I do have a serious problem though when you ask ordinary working people to pick up the bill when everything goes tits up.
    My blood boils when I hear another round of Bankers Bonuses being handed out while Public Sector workers have a pay freeze imposed.
    BTW I love Citizen Smith and he wasn't a socialist he was an Urban Guerilla. Power to the People
    Marco...your views are balanced and I respect and agree with most of what you post.

    Llike most where I work we join the union for our own protection and the Unite Union have done us proud.

    I do hope George sticks to his word...I was reading about it earlier today, heartwarming stuff I must say....although, over the years we've heard it all before..nothing ever comes of it.

    Another thing that puzzles me is why some folks assume that the house of cards will eventually tumble all because they've worked hard at something worthwhile all there my eyes that's purely negative thinking...if one thinks like that why bother about anything.

    ' Power to the people' surely is a socialist saying

  16. #16
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    How times change...looks as if we've been inundated with socialists where wealth and self created good fortune are filthy words...Citizen Smith lives on...

    You say you met my type before well, I have certainly met your type on many occasion.

    Take a leaf out of Steve's book and get on your bike Steve's case he got on a plane to China...these are the few examples you should your energies into something productive.

    The situation isn't gonna change for many a year now no matter how much you get on your MP's case....think of number 1.
    Oh your talking about steve your buddy?. How do you know what I am like?. Yes I stick up for workers rights. From your posts I can see your a hypocrite. And I wont do as you say and go to china. What gives you the right to dictate to me? All I want is the same opportunity that you was given and that is to bring my wife here. Now your showing your true colours.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Oh your talking about steve your buddy?. How do you know what I am like?. Yes I stick up for workers rights. From your posts I can see your a hypocrit. And I wont do as you say and go to china. What gives you the right to dictate to me? All I want is the same opportunity that you was given and that is to bring my wife here. Now your showing your true colours.
    'Hypocrite'...I can assure you I stand by what I say.

    Even you buddy frm the Isle Of Dogs can vouch for that...I've left a paper trail all the way from June when this all started...I suggest you read my posts again...then again then, I dare you to call me a hypocrite.

    Good day.

  18. #18
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Take a leaf out of Steve's book and get on your bike Steve's case he got on a plane to China...
    i dont know if he went to China because he wasn't earning £18.6k so he couldn't bring his wife here, i thought he found a job in China that he wanted to do

    Steve where r u

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i dont know if he went to China because he wasn't earning £18.6k so he couldn't bring his wife here, i thought he found a job in China that he wanted to do

    Steve where r u
    Either way..Steve's done something about fuss no tears

    - - - Updated - - -

  21. #21
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Steve where r u [/QUOTE]

    here i am

    - - - Updated - - -

    god its sound like something from EASTENDERS, but saying that i dont watch it grow up the lot of yer, all we can do is what is right for ourselves and if that works maybe past it on to others,where theres a will theres away, also steve went to china to get away from this thread

  22. #22
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Your right steve I was just putting the hypocrit into his place.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Your right steve I was just putting the hypocrit into his place.
    You put me in my place ha!

    Btw...nobody is obliged to read anything here ..'you dont like'.dont read

  24. #24
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    Here we go again another useful thread turning to personal insults rather than reasoned discussion.

    Please do continue everyone and see the thread closed.

  25. #25
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I have just seen my name floating about and had a read of the thread.

    On my personal situation I found the whole thing in the Uk as getting out of hand, whoever is in charge. New rules for one omits others and their rights to a family life, the growing red tape to try to weave your way through to get your loved one here, the increasing prices of the visas, the way we are ripped off at every turn by our government. I had just had enough. I wanted to bring my wife and son here to the Uk, have the benefits that it brings, but what sort of life it is these days? is there 'real' quality of life? I think we have lost sight of reality and values; we pinch here to save there. I had just had enough.

    For a long time I have been saying to my friends here that my long term plan was to move to Phils, and this still stands. But like many who are thinking about such a move the reality is (especially for those who are still relatively young and working) that you still need a job or how can you live? I was not fortunate enough to keep my house when i got divorced so have no property to take a rented income from, so that was a non starter. As for my job in the Uk, I was in fact over the limit of £18,600. My lifestyle was minimal as I lived with my parents, but I still have to maintain my family in Phils. Saving for flights, running my family in Phils and all other expenses leaves you with very little to save, and like most you live from pay day to pay day. This is what I needed to change.

    I have been very fortunate, my plan has worked. I decided to try to find an alternative way of being together with my family and still make money and be together with them. I (through a friend) was introduced to a company in Germany who needed managers in China. Bingo!! I was offered the job, without an interview and here I am now.
    The beauty of this position is that the money I am on is 4 times more than I was earning in the Uk, which means I can save for that rainy day or invest in the future. Being here 'is' the dream job I have always wanted and although I feel out of my depth sometimes, I need the challenges it brings. But most of all I am now only 2.5 hours flight away from my family in Phils. There are no restrictions for my wife to come to China to be with me, no silly 'learn English rules', no red tape, no proof of relationship, proof of income blah blah blah!!!
    In the next week or so I am going to be hunting for an apartment exactly for this purpose and then I hope that within the month I will be together with my beautiful wife and son.

    I really think that the British system is failing, making rules to stop a loving relationship because you earn less than someone else is just crazy. Like I said, I was lucky enough to be over the limit but how can this be right?? My move was driven by the desire NOT to be in the Uk anymore because I can’t handle the day to day rubbish and bullying big brother aspect of life, I don’t like the way we are hearded by the media and whipped up into a frenzy over the latest star’s comments or sensationalised stories and photos of bare royal flesh. Grow up Uk...get a life!!

    The most important thing for me is to look after number one, by that I mean myself and my family. My move gives me the freedom to do what I like, when I like and where I like. I am not dictated to by an over baring nanny state. We make our own destiny and at least I am trying my best to make my one shot at life the best for us all.

    I hope that clarifies the situation. And guys, PLEASE keep it civil... I still wave a big axe even here in China

    By the way Lastlid, you have a cute baby
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  26. #26
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Steve`s great escape.
    Well planned and executed.. Congrats once again on your well managed departure from the U.K.

    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    I have just seen my name floating about and had a read of the thread.

    On my personal situation I found the whole thing in the Uk as getting out of hand, whoever is in charge. New rules for one omits others and their rights to a family life, the growing red tape to try to weave your way through to get your loved one here, the increasing prices of the visas, the way we are ripped off at every turn by our government. I had just had enough. I wanted to bring my wife and son here to the Uk, have the benefits that it brings, but what sort of life it is these days? is there 'real' quality of life? I think we have lost sight of reality and values; we pinch here to save there. I had just had enough.

    For a long time I have been saying to my friends here that my long term plan was to move to Phils, and this still stands. But like many who are thinking about such a move the reality is (especially for those who are still relatively young and working) that you still need a job or how can you live? I was not fortunate enough to keep my house when i got divorced so have no property to take a rented income from, so that was a non starter. As for my job in the Uk, I was in fact over the limit of £18,600. My lifestyle was minimal as I lived with my parents, but I still have to maintain my family in Phils. Saving for flights, running my family in Phils and all other expenses leaves you with very little to save, and like most you live from pay day to pay day. This is what I needed to change.

    I have been very fortunate, my plan has worked. I decided to try to find an alternative way of being together with my family and still make money and be together with them. I (through a friend) was introduced to a company in Germany who needed managers in China. Bingo!! I was offered the job, without an interview and here I am now.
    The beauty of this position is that the money I am on is 4 times more than I was earning in the Uk, which means I can save for that rainy day or invest in the future. Being here 'is' the dream job I have always wanted and although I feel out of my depth sometimes, I need the challenges it brings. But most of all I am now only 2.5 hours flight away from my family in Phils. There are no restrictions for my wife to come to China to be with me, no silly 'learn English rules', no red tape, no proof of relationship, proof of income blah blah blah!!!
    In the next week or so I am going to be hunting for an apartment exactly for this purpose and then I hope that within the month I will be together with my beautiful wife and son.

    I really think that the British system is failing, making rules to stop a loving relationship because you earn less than someone else is just crazy. Like I said, I was lucky enough to be over the limit but how can this be right?? My move was driven by the desire NOT to be in the Uk anymore because I can’t handle the day to day rubbish and bullying big brother aspect of life, I don’t like the way we are hearded by the media and whipped up into a frenzy over the latest star’s comments or sensationalised stories and photos of bare royal flesh. Grow up Uk...get a life!!

    The most important thing for me is to look after number one, by that I mean myself and my family. My move gives me the freedom to do what I like, when I like and where I like. I am not dictated to by an over baring nanny state. We make our own destiny and at least I am trying my best to make my one shot at life the best for us all.

    I hope that clarifies the situation. And guys, PLEASE keep it civil... I still wave a big axe even here in China

    By the way Lastlid, you have a cute baby

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post

    By the way Lastlid, you have a cute baby

  28. #28
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    I have just seen my name floating about and had a read of the thread.

    On my personal situation I found the whole thing in the Uk as getting out of hand, whoever is in charge. New rules for one omits others and their rights to a family life, the growing red tape to try to weave your way through to get your loved one here, the increasing prices of the visas, the way we are ripped off at every turn by our government. I had just had enough. I wanted to bring my wife and son here to the Uk, have the benefits that it brings, but what sort of life it is these days? is there 'real' quality of life? I think we have lost sight of reality and values; we pinch here to save there. I had just had enough.

    For a long time I have been saying to my friends here that my long term plan was to move to Phils, and this still stands. But like many who are thinking about such a move the reality is (especially for those who are still relatively young and working) that you still need a job or how can you live? I was not fortunate enough to keep my house when i got divorced so have no property to take a rented income from, so that was a non starter. As for my job in the Uk, I was in fact over the limit of £18,600. My lifestyle was minimal as I lived with my parents, but I still have to maintain my family in Phils. Saving for flights, running my family in Phils and all other expenses leaves you with very little to save, and like most you live from pay day to pay day. This is what I needed to change.

    I have been very fortunate, my plan has worked. I decided to try to find an alternative way of being together with my family and still make money and be together with them. I (through a friend) was introduced to a company in Germany who needed managers in China. Bingo!! I was offered the job, without an interview and here I am now.
    The beauty of this position is that the money I am on is 4 times more than I was earning in the Uk, which means I can save for that rainy day or invest in the future. Being here 'is' the dream job I have always wanted and although I feel out of my depth sometimes, I need the challenges it brings. But most of all I am now only 2.5 hours flight away from my family in Phils. There are no restrictions for my wife to come to China to be with me, no silly 'learn English rules', no red tape, no proof of relationship, proof of income blah blah blah!!!
    In the next week or so I am going to be hunting for an apartment exactly for this purpose and then I hope that within the month I will be together with my beautiful wife and son.

    I really think that the British system is failing, making rules to stop a loving relationship because you earn less than someone else is just crazy. Like I said, I was lucky enough to be over the limit but how can this be right?? My move was driven by the desire NOT to be in the Uk anymore because I can’t handle the day to day rubbish and bullying big brother aspect of life, I don’t like the way we are hearded by the media and whipped up into a frenzy over the latest star’s comments or sensationalised stories and photos of bare royal flesh. Grow up Uk...get a life!!

    The most important thing for me is to look after number one, by that I mean myself and my family. My move gives me the freedom to do what I like, when I like and where I like. I am not dictated to by an over baring nanny state. We make our own destiny and at least I am trying my best to make my one shot at life the best for us all.

    I hope that clarifies the situation. And guys, PLEASE keep it civil... I still wave a big axe even here in China

    By the way Lastlid, you have a cute baby

    Good for you Steve..
    and very nice to know you still wave that big axe
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  29. #29
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    My move was driven by the desire NOT to be in the Uk anymore because I can’t handle the day to day rubbish and bullying big brother aspect of life, I don’t like the way we are hearded by the media and whipped up into a frenzy over the latest star’s comments or sensationalised stories and photos of bare royal flesh. Grow up Uk...get a life!!
    and you moved to china the worlds biggest bully

    good things are working out for you Steve thou

  30. #30
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    I have just seen my name floating about and had a read of the thread.

    On my personal situation I found the whole thing in the Uk as getting out of hand, whoever is in charge. New rules for one omits others and their rights to a family life, the growing red tape to try to weave your way through to get your loved one here, the increasing prices of the visas, the way we are ripped off at every turn by our government. I had just had enough. I wanted to bring my wife and son here to the Uk, have the benefits that it brings, but what sort of life it is these days? is there 'real' quality of life? I think we have lost sight of reality and values; we pinch here to save there. I had just had enough.

    For a long time I have been saying to my friends here that my long term plan was to move to Phils, and this still stands. But like many who are thinking about such a move the reality is (especially for those who are still relatively young and working) that you still need a job or how can you live? I was not fortunate enough to keep my house when i got divorced so have no property to take a rented income from, so that was a non starter. As for my job in the Uk, I was in fact over the limit of £18,600. My lifestyle was minimal as I lived with my parents, but I still have to maintain my family in Phils. Saving for flights, running my family in Phils and all other expenses leaves you with very little to save, and like most you live from pay day to pay day. This is what I needed to change.

    I have been very fortunate, my plan has worked. I decided to try to find an alternative way of being together with my family and still make money and be together with them. I (through a friend) was introduced to a company in Germany who needed managers in China. Bingo!! I was offered the job, without an interview and here I am now.
    The beauty of this position is that the money I am on is 4 times more than I was earning in the Uk, which means I can save for that rainy day or invest in the future. Being here 'is' the dream job I have always wanted and although I feel out of my depth sometimes, I need the challenges it brings. But most of all I am now only 2.5 hours flight away from my family in Phils. There are no restrictions for my wife to come to China to be with me, no silly 'learn English rules', no red tape, no proof of relationship, proof of income blah blah blah!!!
    In the next week or so I am going to be hunting for an apartment exactly for this purpose and then I hope that within the month I will be together with my beautiful wife and son.

    I really think that the British system is failing, making rules to stop a loving relationship because you earn less than someone else is just crazy. Like I said, I was lucky enough to be over the limit but how can this be right?? My move was driven by the desire NOT to be in the Uk anymore because I can’t handle the day to day rubbish and bullying big brother aspect of life, I don’t like the way we are hearded by the media and whipped up into a frenzy over the latest star’s comments or sensationalised stories and photos of bare royal flesh. Grow up Uk...get a life!!

    The most important thing for me is to look after number one, by that I mean myself and my family. My move gives me the freedom to do what I like, when I like and where I like. I am not dictated to by an over baring nanny state. We make our own destiny and at least I am trying my best to make my one shot at life the best for us all.

    I hope that clarifies the situation. And guys, PLEASE keep it civil... I still wave a big axe even here in China

    By the way Lastlid, you have a cute baby
    I salute your courage and determination Steve and hope everything continues to work out well for you

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    Last Post: 10th August 2012, 08:41
  3. Free Speech on the forum
    By aposhark in forum Loose Talk, Chat and Off Topic
    Replies: 99
    Last Post: 30th April 2011, 12:10
  4. Oliver Cromwell's speech...........
    By Alan in forum Loose Talk, Chat and Off Topic
    Replies: 5
    Last Post: 24th May 2009, 20:32

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