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Thread: Accommodation for long stay visa in Ireland HELP!

  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    Accommodation for long stay visa in Ireland HELP!

    my wife and I will be travelling together to Ireland on a long stay visa for me to find work so we can reside there together, one of the questions on the application for her entry visa is, accommodation-name and address of host and if there is no host name and address of hotel.. as i have no fixed address there I shall confirm a hotel reservation but for how long?? should i book it for for say 2-3 weeks then explain we will look to rent a property once there or would they need to see that the hotel is booked and confirmed for the initial 3 month period??? i would appreciate your help, thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Marikina City
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    Robert, have you considered the previous posts I've made on your current strategy?

    To secure the outcome you want you need to be sufficiently established in Ireland to be seriously considered as ence of exercising treaty rights.
    Hotel accommodation just isn't going to cut the mustard, and will likely alert the authorities to undertake extra scrutiny of the application. Something that you must avoid.

    Just my 2 centavos Robert.

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