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Thread: Apostille Question...can you help me???

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  1. #1
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    Apostille Question...can you help me???

    Hello people!

    I have a question regarding something called 'Apostille' which I discovered for the first today during my CNI appointment at my local registry office as I am marrying my Filipino girlfriend early next year.

    Basically, the woman doing my interview throws in this Apostille thing and I was caught off guard! She said that I may have to travel to London(or post off documents) to get my CNI stamp (Apostille). Now, I find nothing of this process on any forum post on here and I am pretty sure that it is not needed for a English issued CNI to be Apostille stamped when swapped for a Philippine CNI. But it would be great if someone could clarify this for me! I really hope I don't need one, just means more hassle and more money spent!

    Hope to hear from one of you trusted people very very soon with any info that may help me!

    Many thanks :-)

  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    i read something about this before, try search on google,just to verify that i am right. i did previously and what i found is that only for some countries is this needed, and it is not needed for philippines

    An apostille is a form of international legalization of documents for use between countries that belong to the Hague Convention. Both the US and Greece belong to this Hague Convention for the Apostille so they exchange documents using apostilles.

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks for the advice! I believe you are right as I've searched Google and found only one thing about it concerning the Philippines and it was from a post on here funnily enough! The person basically says the same thing as you did, that it is not needed in the Philippines! I'll trust you and the other post! I've never heard anything about it since I've been a member of this forum and it's highly unlikely that it's new to the Philippines especially hearing no posts about it! Anyway, that just means it's less hassle for me!

    Thanks again :-)

  4. #4
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    your welcome,

    - - - Updated - - -

    your welcome,

  5. #5
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Yes I remember being panicked last year when the UK registrar said exactly the same thing to me as I was due to leave in a couple of days.
    However after a couple of Phone calls I quickly established it's not needed for the Philippines.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Romans81 View Post
    Hello people!

    I have a question regarding something called 'Apostille' which I discovered for the first today during my CNI appointment at my local registry office as I am marrying my Filipino girlfriend early next year.

    Basically, the woman doing my interview throws in this Apostille thing and I was caught off guard! She said that I may have to travel to London(or post off documents) to get my CNI stamp (Apostille). Now, I find nothing of this process on any forum post on here and I am pretty sure that it is not needed for a English issued CNI to be Apostille stamped when swapped for a Philippine CNI. But it would be great if someone could clarify this for me! I really hope I don't need on, just means more hassle and more money spent!

    Hope to hear from one of you trusted people very very soon with any info that may help me!

    Many thanks :-)
    Yes, as others have said it's not needed.
    The CNI you receive from your local Registry Office will only be used to exchange for a legally required local Philippine CNI from the British Embassy in Manila.
    You will need to arrange an appointment to do this.

    Please be aware that the UK CNI should be exchanged for the Embassy issue version within 3months of being issued.
    Additionally be informed that the Philippine CNI needs to be used for the marriage licence also within it's own 3 month validity.

    Both you and your fiance(e) will need to obtain a CENOMAR.

  7. #7
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thanks for all the advice and assurance against this Apostille bomb throw and run! lol. I am aware of all the info Terpe, thanks. However, I will be travelling to the British Consul in Cebu and not Manila to exchange the British CNI for the Philippine CNI. I'm able to do that as I will be in Davao City and it saves me the trek up to Manila which to me seems like a bit of a nightmare in that city?!?! Just what I've heard!

    Anyway, thanks again guys, you've all been great! :-)

  8. #8
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    Good to hear all is under control.

    Here's wishing you all the best and a truly memorable wedding day

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