...my husband got impatient with a flower he bought at Wilkinson and he thought of pulling it out of the flower pot but I said give it more time....and so I wrote this poem...
Were you the gardener I knew?
Were you not the one who admired my flower's hue?
Were you not the one who wished you could have me in your garden?
..and make it heavenly the the GARDEN OF EDEN.
Oh, I do remember back when..
You set your eyes on me, it was heaven.
You might have thought I am the flower you wanted
But, I wans't in full bloom, so you waited.
You waited 'til I have my leaves grown
You watched me as my colourful flowers bloom.
You said I am the kind of flower you needed
To bring life to the boring garden you created...
I was so happy of the thought of a new place to grow...
It made me excited being replanted and watered by you
i thought I'd bring colour and scent to your garden.
I thought it will look and smell like heaven.
You told me you'll take care of me
That as a gardener you will be my refuge
You'll keep me warm in the cold winter night
Ans you wanted me to grow more wonderful in your sight...
I did believe, would a gardener lie?
I wasn't afraid, though replanting might make me die.
I believed you will always be there for me..
So there was nothing in the new world to worry.
Now, I am already seated in a luxurious pot in your garden.
But my roots are numb, shivering in the cold weather.
My leaves are dry, and flowers do not bloom.
To your place, I just seem to add gloom.
Oh, what shall I do to please you, gardener?
When my flowers do not bloom and my leaves wither?
Shall you wait until my roots are strong?
Or will you throw me to bin where you thought I belong?
Everything was a deceit to your eyes.
My beautiful colours vanish, I seem to die.
Did you regret the day you said you wanted me?
Or, will you wait til I bloom beautifully?
... good news is, the flower finally game one flower... and i know it's not because of this poem. haha!