How to discontinue membership here?
How to discontinue membership here?
Strange name.....that's two today who have Welsh names
Keith - Administrator
Why Keith? are you worried to meet another scouser like you?
Welcome to the forum!![]()
Not an expert, I only try to help.
Myfanwe Jones! or whatever lol
welcome welcome
♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.
Louella & Iain
Life is what happens to you while your busy making other plans... - John Lennon
Wekcome - you will enjoy it here - beautiful people.
you see, welcome here and sometimes even an english teacher will make us laugh by being unable to spell a word
hurrah for Kuya Alan!![]()
Hi sfgvr... i was reading Beth18's post about her being granted a visit visa and i saw that you were also granted one... i finally got the courage to try and get one myself... and i would really want to know what u did to make it happen... like i told Beth18, i know the basics coz been reading about it for 4 years now lol... but from people who've done it... its more valuable....
I hope u can help me out...Thanks in advance
Hi sfgvr, welcome to this site and have fun!
sorry sfgvr, asking to many questions now hehehe
did u used ur married name when u applied for a passport?
ur going to file for a fiance visa while ur annulment is still on goin?
Thanks again...
Hi sfgvr!!!,its a greattt forum and everyone here is very helpful and kind,and you can have a laugh too,theres lots of humour!!!!
Talaga??!! i never knew u can apply for a fiance visa while the annulment is still ongoing? High din ang chances ng approval?
Kung ganun...fiance visa na lang pala dapat ang kunin ko kung pde nman na magfile kahit di pa na-aanul?
Maiden Name and u declared urself....married? kumuha ka ng affidavit na never mo ginamit un married name?
Sfgvr... thanks talaga sa mga info...
welcome sfgvr,, enjoy the forum ! ,,x
Hi Sfgvr,
I get it now... sorry if it might have confused u. If i can guess... the paper lacking is the finality of ur annulment? (or whatever its called lol)
Yes my fiance's mom... coz my fiance comes & stays here almost all the time, so he doesnt have a stable place there. Usually he just goes back to england for 2-3months then he stays at his dad's or mom's.....then come bk here again... for another 3-4months.
We thought that if its the mom... she can show more concrete evidence of accomodation and financial capability...eventho she jst do Avon as a part time job. We think she's got more savings in the bank than my fiance.
Any opinion about it?
Yes, i saw that option...married women, opting to use their maiden,submit MC & Affidavit stating that she never used her married name...thats the bit i need to clear out as well thats why i asked u if u used your Maiden name but declared ur married? or just used ur maiden name and state that your single?
Thank you again...
Welcome Lady! Hope you get your annulment done soon. Goodluck to the fiance visa application too...
The bravest thing that men do is love women--Mort Sahl
Welcome to the forum
Well this does not apply to Me and Anilyn as we did not need any marriage anulments and we already have our Fiancee Visa, but others may be thinking the same, surely if you do not have the annulment then they will just sit on the application till you provide the paperwork needed? Will they return the application if the annulment papers are not recieved within a given time say 3 months from application? or hold it indefinately? Have they screened the documents recieved for approval or just checked that the documents are there? Our aplication took 10 weeks so I guess the latter and there will be lots of checking after you submit the annulment. Or you would recieve approval and a Fiancee Visa in just 4 weeks? Maybe you do not know the answers to this, but it is worth asking for other people in the same position as you in here.
Have fun in the forum
CPLURLTC Care, Patience, Love, Understanding, Respect, Loyalty, Trust & Concideration / Compassion Are all the values Me & Anilyn hope to give each other, sometimes we may both fail, but we will always try, I am sure most of u in here are the type to do the same with their loved ones.
Ingat Paul & Anilyn
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