Here is a Letter from my MP and the Response from UKVisas.

Mr Simon Burns MP
House of Commons
London SW1A OAA.

29th Setpember 2005

Dear Mr Bennett,

Further to your visit to my constituency office on 23rd July 2005 at 3.30pm, I am sorry to hear of the problems you are experiencing in getting your wife Gina to the United Kingdom, I have since written to the Minister along the lines we discussed to see what the situation is at present, and have received the following response to the representations I made on your behalf.

As you will see this is self-explanatory, I note that Mr Hooper says that you were asked for information on the 1st July and they are still awaiting documentation, when they have recieved this they can proceed with your case.

I hopet this is helpful in clarifying the position.

Yours sincerely,


Letter from UKVisas.

Simon Burns MP
House of Commons
London SW1A

23rd Setpember 2005

Dear Mr Burns,

Re: Ma Gina Yap

Thank you for your letter of 25th July 2005 regarding the application by the above named, your letter has been passed to me for a response.

I regret that I am unable to reveal details of any correspondence received from third parties in such cases as this information is classed as confidential.

However, I can confirm that Mr Bennett was asked to supply further documentation to advance the application on the 1st July 2005, to date, he has not complied, if the documentation is supplied then we may be able to advance the case, I hope this letter is helpful.

Yours sincerely,

Peter Hooper.

Petes commentary :

However, I can confirm that Mr Bennett was asked to supply further documentation to advance the application on the 1st July 2005, to date, he has not complied, if the documentation is supplied then we may be able to advance the case, I hope this letter is helpful.
Well is it me or am I just crazy or plain stupid, Here are the documents asked for :

1. A bank statement to 31st July 2005.

2. A copy of Child Support payments to October 2005.

3. A copy of July's Pay statements.

Derrrrrrrrr !!!!!!

How can I respond and produce the documents, when I would need to wait the whole length of July for the bank statement for a forward month, and pay statements for weeks I had not yet worked ????

I mean come on guys, is it me,...or are these cretins just plain stupid !!!

And they still think the case is ongoing ???

Gina was issued with a visa on 29th August 2005, and this letter was dated 23rd wonder we have problems with them.