Abu Hamza's wife 'should be kicked out of her £1m council house' now hate preacher has been extradited to the US, says MP
- Tory Greg Hands says most of couple's eight children have now moved out
- Hamza's second wife Najat Mostafa has lived in the property since 1995
The wife of hate preacher Abu Hamza should be evicted from her taxpayer-funded £1million council house, her local MP said last night.
Hamza's second wife Moroccan-born Najat Mostafa, 53, has lived in the five-bedroom property for more than 15 years, bringing up the couple's eight children.
But most of them have now moved out, with just two living there according to neighbours in west London.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/arti...#ixzz28mc4r1R0