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Thread: Moving from Hollywood CA to Uk soon.

  1. #1
    Member Mhy's Avatar
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    Moving from Hollywood CA to Uk soon.

    Hi all, I would like to get information, about life, jobs, kids schools, people and the whole 9 yards. Me (filipino/Hawaiian), my wife (from uk but grew up in California) and our 2 kids. We are moving out of California to Uk for a fresh start and job. As a filipino, Am I going to have a hard time living in the UK? I was told that the weather and people are different. If so, how different? Thanks and I appreciate it.

  2. #2
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    How long have you been in the USA? The UK is for the most part a very racially tolerant and open country, more so then the USA IMHO.
    The UK will be a lot quieter, salaries are less then the USA and cost of living is higher. I'd say you are may expect a lower quality of life in the UK, but if your closer to your wifes family than that will make up for it.

    If your in London you're children could continue in the American School, otherwise you'll have to look up statistics for schools in the UK to find a good state school. The good state schools are often oversubscribed, so private may be the way to go with that. The school system starts earlier in the UK, so depending on the age of your children it could be a slightly jump in curriculum.

    What kind of work are you in?

  3. #3
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    good luck, bring lots of warm cloths like as if you where going to Alaska

  4. #4
    Member Mhy's Avatar
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    hi rickyr
    i came here in hollywood when i was 10 from hawaii. my wife is originally from birmingham/redditch. we both grew up here in los angeles ca. and used to california lifestyle. we have been talking about moving to her "home land" since 2002. now that its happening im kinda getting excited and SCARED at the same time. i know that UK is quieter, greener and family oriented. our kids are 10 and 13. me and wife are in the media business. i'm praying that we are making the best decision for our kids and families.
    thanks and hope to meet new friends in uk.

  5. #5
    Member Mhy's Avatar
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    thanks for the heads up stevewool. cannot wait to meet new friends in uk.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    what part of the uk are you looking at moving too

  7. #7
    Member Mhy's Avatar
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    we are thinking about brighton or redditch. my wife is from redditch/birmingham. hows brighton?

  8. #8
    Member Mhy's Avatar
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    hi rickyr, i replied to your post a while ago and i don't know why its not posting. but i'm checking

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    redditch, birmingham is the midlands, the center of england just abouts and very very busy,brighton is the south coast, next to the sea, a little sleepy

  10. #10
    Member Mhy's Avatar
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    we have 2 kids 10 and 13. is there any job/s in redditch? is redditch better than brighton? what do you mean by "a little sleepy"? thanks for the info

  11. #11
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    oohhhh...can we exchange houses?!?!?! hahahaha
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  12. #12
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    redditch, birmingham is the midlands, the center of england just abouts and very very busy,brighton is the south coast, next to the sea, a little sleepy
    Redditch is very nice but keep away from Birmingham your wife would not recognise it now.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhy View Post
    hi rickyr
    i came here in hollywood when i was 10 from hawaii. my wife is originally from birmingham/redditch. we both grew up here in los angeles ca. and used to california lifestyle. we have been talking about moving to her "home land" since 2002. now that its happening im kinda getting excited and SCARED at the same time. i know that UK is quieter, greener and family oriented. our kids are 10 and 13. me and wife are in the media business. i'm praying that we are making the best decision for our kids and families.
    thanks and hope to meet new friends in uk.
    Wow Mhy, why on earth would you imagine there are any benefits to be gained in your lives by coming to UK with no jobs and no accomodation ??
    Apart from that your children are at a key point in their education.

    No offence, just very curious.

  14. #14
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    you must be nuts coming to the uk from california absolutly nuts lol There were 250,000 people left the uk last year looking for a better life and lots of them heading to the USA ,what does that tell you lol.I,m taking my philippina g f to the u.k to let her see for herself how expensive it is to live there and i,m sure she,ll want to go back to the philippines lol.If nothing will convince you to stay put well redditch is a nice place just the right distance from birmingham as birmingham was never one of my favorite places to visit .Brighton is the gay capital of the u.k so its never gonna be sleepy it has a vibrant nightlife 7 days a week its got a nice feel to it with the smell of the sea drifting about so not much pollution there lots of nice places to eat and its full of antique shops .It all depends on your lifestyle if its the quiet life you want then redditch is the one .good luck on your venture where ever it maybe.

  15. #15
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    I'd suggest if I was in your position that you rent for the first year after arriving, so that your not committed to any particular area, or in fact the UK in general. Then if after a year you want to move to a better area, or home, then you have the flexibility.

    The economic situation in the UK at the moment is worse thn the USA. But the quality of life in th countryside can be great.

  16. #16
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    sleepy brighton in the day time, if you are gay it must be the best place to live, but other people live there too, each to there own, i know where i would rather be i think, just like hollywood, parts are fantastic but other parts just like brighton, redditch and birmingham too, its what we all get use to

  17. #17
    Member Mhy's Avatar
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    what up raynaputi, yeah lets switch cribs for a month. haha. if you don't mind me asking, how do you like uk? i know there's pros and cons. why did you choose uk?

  18. #18
    Member Mhy's Avatar
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    good question. we (wife and i) have been talking about it since 2002. i'm also doing it for my kids. most of my sons cousins are in redditch, birmingham and brighton. i'm also doing it for my wife. theres really nothing here in l.a. people think, "the grass is greener in hollywood", it's not! economy here is getting worst and worst. not like 10 years ago. people here in the u.s. are rude, no manners and so many "wannabes and haters". i'm not raising my kids like that. i would love for my kids to have cousins and aunts, uncles and the whole 9 yards. and good education too.
    now i'm wondering?! are we making a bad decision? be honest please, thanks

  19. #19
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    No you are not making a bad decision, I'm sure you know what you are doing. A lot of people here in the UK don't realise what a great part of the world we live in and what a great country this really is, and take everything for granted. I'm sure your decision for your family is right, but I must say I would let the kids finish school first.

  20. #20
    Member Mhy's Avatar
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    thanks for the info tiger31. l.a. is getting worst. economy is bad, people are racist, rude, no manners and no heart. i've been here since i was 10 and its time for a change and the grass is NOT greener. i'm also doing it for my wife (shes from redditch and birmingham) and doing it for my kids too. and yes i/we want a quiet life.

    am i making a bad decision? please be honest. thanks

  21. #21
    Member Mhy's Avatar
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    thanks michael!

  22. #22
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhy View Post
    thanks for the info tiger31. l.a. is getting worst. economy is bad, people are racist, rude, no manners and no heart. i've been here since i was 10 and its time for a change and the grass is NOT greener. i'm also doing it for my wife (shes from redditch and birmingham) and doing it for my kids too. and yes i/we want a quiet life.

    am i making a bad decision? please be honest. thanks
    The u.k aint what it used to be either we have been flooded by eastern europeans and when your in town centre in my home town all you here is foreign languages yapping away sometimes you think to yourselves are we really in the u.k i think its called multi culturisim but its not working very well.but your right you get bad things everywhere you go its how you handle things that matters .redditch is a nice place much better than birmingham ,my daughter lives there and hates it .anyway it would be best to rent first before you put down your roots and having family around will help

  23. #23
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhy View Post
    what up raynaputi, yeah lets switch cribs for a month. haha. if you don't mind me asking, how do you like uk? i know there's pros and cons. why did you choose uk?

    Hahahaha..well I got here to UK to be with my then fiance, now husband (which is the owner of this forum btw
    )..I've been here for a year now (by end of this month)..time flies so fast eh? The place where we live in is quiet as we are in the country side in North Wales..Although I grew up in the city (Manila, Philippines) so I find it a bit difficult just going to shops if I want something as I always have to drag my husband to take me to town (only 3 miles from where we live though)..but after a year being here, I;m kinda adjusted..UK is a nice place if you would disregard the very unpredictable weather (I hate rain!), BUT if it's just me who would decide, I'd rather live in Manila, where my entire family is (no one beats the comfort of your family around you)..but my husband needs the NHS here and is dependent on it..Yet I know if you would ask him, he would rather stay in Las Vegas and live there..our house has lots of photos of the Grand Canyon other scenery in Las Vegas! He's been to Hollywood but he said the traffic there is so annoying and that the place is so overrated..but still, compared to the weather here and the beaches around your area, I'd rather be there..ahahahaha
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  24. #24
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    A lot of people here in the UK don't realise what a great part of the world we live in and what a great country this really is, and take everything for granted.
    not all of us are with living in the UK

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhy View Post
    thanks for the info tiger31. l.a. is getting worst. economy is bad, people are racist, rude, no manners and no heart. i've been here since i was 10 and its time for a change and the grass is NOT greener. i'm also doing it for my wife (shes from redditch and birmingham) and doing it for my kids too. and yes i/we want a quiet life.

    am i making a bad decision? please be honest. thanks
    I wouldn't dwell too much on the negative stuff...we live in the county of Wiltshire...its a lovely place wife calls it the land of Sedi...plenty of work here as well...all becoz its the pits in one place doesn't mean its the same all Filipino wife can vouch for that.

    Out of Redditch and Brighton..I'd go for overall more pleasant place to live.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    No you are not making a bad decision, I'm sure you know whf2at you are doing. A lot of people here in the UK don't realise what a great part of the world we live in and what a great country this really is, and take everything for granted. I'm sure your decision for your family is right, but I must say I would let the kids finish school first.
    Good post Michael..reputation sent ...I absolutely agree...but then, it all depends your situation I guess. With money you can live a good life anywhere...even in The Philippines

  27. #27
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mhy View Post
    Hi all, I would like to get information, about life, jobs, kids schools, people and the whole 9 yards. Me (filipino/Hawaiian), my wife (from uk but grew up in California) and our 2 kids. We are moving out of California to Uk for a fresh start and job. As a filipino, Am I going to have a hard time living in the UK? I was told that the weather and people are different. If so, how different? Thanks and I appreciate it.
    you'll be fine , as long as you got your family with you (wife and kids)...might be a little difficult to start with getting jobs but if theres a will , theres a way
    I've been here for nearly three years now and i can say I've well adopted the British culture but not the weather...
    I can also say that the cost of living near the Black country is also slightly less than if you plan to live near London.

    good luck with your plans.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  28. #28
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Good post Michael..reputation sent ...I absolutely agree...but then, it all depends your situation I guess. With money you can live a good life anywhere...even in The Philippines
    I agree reputation sent aswell Michael and Gwapito.
    To some the grass is always greener on the other side. This country is not without fault but I still love the place and am proud to call it home. We have much to be proud of and celebrate.
    Unfortunately I have no experience of Redditch and will leave to our members from that area. However I have friends in Brighton and my brother used to live there. I have many happy memories of Brighton going back to my childhood and still look forward to going there during the summer months. I feel it would be a lovely place to live.
    Good luck to you MHY in whatever choice you make

  29. #29
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    With money you can live a good life anywhere...even in The Philippines[/QUOTE]

    yep with lots of money you can but better to have work too

  30. #30
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    no matter where you live there will always be problems, its how you cope with them, yes england is a great place to be, but like many places it has gone down the hill no matter where you live,

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