Hi Gang,
My wife has had her visa approved under the new (9th July 2012 rules) regulations yeyyyyThe visa is valid for two and a half years however the new rules now state that she has to be in the UK for 5 years, rather than the previous rule of 3 years (I think it was 3 years).
My question is, when she has to apply for the second visa, where does she make the application, UK or Phils? Also, more importantly, in the second application, what do you present as proof of a subsisting relationship? I mean she is here living with me, we won't be Skyping from one room to the other haha.
I'm guessing we will have to pay for the next visa too? I guess after the second visa application , we go for the ILR, right?
I know I'm thinking far ahead but just curious if anyone is aware?