Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
Didn't get a chance to reply to this. What will probably "give" is house prices.
In the distant short term, yes ...long term putting money into bricks and mortar for me always the best place.

I grant you house prices have fallen in recent times, they will recover..that, im sure of.

Its like the folks who quickly sell there shares when value drops...really not a smart move....that's surely a time to buy or at least hang onto what you got

Btw...like its been said..pointless in my mind getting worked up over something you got no control over...for example, there latest fuel rises...not good, I know but, I compare what we pay here in UK and what folks pay in the Philippines for there utilities.... a whole bunch more I can tell you...no heating bills but they sure have electricity bills, they are monstrous.

Really, it could be a lot lot worse