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  1. #1
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    British gas are tomorrow expected to put gas & electric prices up by 9% this is a disgrace just in time for the winter fuel bills what is this country coming to hitting the poor & elderly Is daylight robbery IMO


  2. #2
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie c View Post
    British gas are tomorrow expected to put gas & electric prices up by 9% this is a disgrace just in time for the winter fuel bills what is this country coming to hitting the poor & elderly Is daylight robbery IMO
    You are absolutely right Stevie. But that is the price we all have to pay for the utilities being privatised all them years ago.
    Sadly the Elderly and the poor are of no interest to all the major funds that now own the shares. Profits and dividends are all that matters

  3. #3
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    You are absolutely right Stevie. But that is the price we all have to pay for the utilities being privatised all them years ago.
    Sadly the Elderly and the poor are of no interest to all the major funds that now own the shares. Profits and dividends are all that matters
    Spot on marco.

  4. #4
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    You are absolutely right Stevie. But that is the price we all have to pay for the utilities being privatised all them years ago.
    Sadly the Elderly and the poor are of no interest to all the major funds that now own the shares. Profits and dividends are all that matters
    your absolutly totally right, and it ain't going to stop, domestic fuel,petrol, diesel, food clothing,tax, it will keep spirling upward, and we will spend less and do without because we cant afford it, hence buying less means they put the price up even more to cover that loss too,

    what will happen theres got to be a breaking point

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    your absolutly totally right, and it ain't going to stop, domestic fuel,petrol, diesel, food clothing,tax, it will keep spirling upward, and we will spend less and do without because we cant afford it, hence buying less means they put the price up even more to cover that loss too,

    what will happen theres got to be a breaking point
    It amounts to an erosion in our standard of living. Almost inevitable, unfortunately. What do you reckon?

  6. #6
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    It amounts to an erosion in our standard of living. Almost inevitable, unfortunately. What do you reckon?
    for many,, already that standard of living is eroding in front of their eyes, this is is just another blow to them, and bit by bit there will be more dropping to the bottom,

    it just cant go on this way indefinatly without a big bang

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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    for many,, already that standard of living is eroding in front of their eyes, this is is just another blow to them, and bit by bit there will be more dropping to the bottom,

    it just cant go on this way indefinatly without a big bang
    Didn't get a chance to reply to this. What will probably "give" is house prices.

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Poor AND elderly ... that's ME!

    Joking aside ... you're absolutely RIGHT, Stevie ... it's a bloody disgrace ... and, as has already been pointed out - by you, Marco and others - a significant portion of the blame rests with the bods responsible for mismanaging this country's economy ... the politicians ... shrewd, yet incompetent, investment bankers like Fred Badwin &c. plus, of course, the omnipresent super-rich and powerful - NONE of whose extravagant lifestyles will these grossly over-inflated price rises make one whit of a difference to.

  9. #9
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Joking aside ... you're absolutely RIGHT, Stevie ... it's a bloody disgrace ... and, as has already been pointed out - by you, Marco and others - a significant portion of the blame rests with the bods responsible for mismanaging this country's economy ... the politicians ... shrewd, yet incompetent, investment bankers like Fred Badwin &c. plus, of course, the omnipresent super-rich and powerful - NONE of whose extravagant lifestyles will these grossly over-inflated price rises make one whit of a difference to.
    Hit the nail on the head Arthur. They are largely responsible for the mess we're in but they're never asked to pick up the tab.
    They'll still be collecting the bonuses and we all sit back and do nothing.
    Apathy Rules.

  10. #10
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Joking aside ... you're absolutely RIGHT, Stevie ... it's a bloody disgrace ... and, as has already been pointed out - by you, Marco and others - a significant portion of the blame rests with the bods responsible for mismanaging this country's economy ... the politicians ... shrewd, yet incompetent, investment bankers like Fred Badwin &c. plus, of course, the omnipresent super-rich and powerful - NONE of whose extravagant lifestyles will these grossly over-inflated price rises make one whit of a difference to.
    absolutely right has it not always been the case that the stinking wealthy rich rake it in from everyone under them and all the way to the bottom, and why do they get away with it, because if you got so much dosh you can get away with murder

  11. #11
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Yes too right marco it was scandalous privatising the utility companies a price all folk are paying dearly for..... It's about time the government stepped in & did seething about it but I dare say these people have shares in these companies


  12. #12
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    They seem to be doing something about it with gas storage projects, but maybe not quickly enough....

  13. #13
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    They seem to be doing something about it with gas storage projects, but maybe not quickly enough....
    IMO opinion it wont make a scrap of difference. The same way as oil prices have dropped significantly from their high but pump prices haven't.
    They'll throw us some scraps every once in a while but take it back of us 6 months later.

  14. #14
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie c View Post
    Yes too right marco it was scandalous privatising the utility companies a price all folk are paying dearly for..... It's about time the government stepped in & did seething about it but I dare say these people have shares in these companies
    Your right again Stevie. Don't forget this lot think it's right for you and I to pay for the mistakes of bankers. You wont get no sympathy from them.Still it gives us something to moan about

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post

    "The UK depends on gas imports from Europe
    Supplies of natural gas from the North Sea are dwindling, and so the UK is becoming a net importer of gas. We are becoming reliant on gas imported through pipelines from continental Europe, and the imports of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) from further afield are also increasing.
    This was a major reason for the increased wholesale gas prices of recent years. European gas prices are influenced by oil prices, and therefore went up during the 2003-2006 period. As our gas supplies are now linked to Europe, our gas prices went up too.
    The European gas market is not fully competitive, and this is bad news for UK wholesale prices during times of high demand. Essentially, during cold weather, European countries hold on to reserves of gas supplies, even if they could make more money by selling to the UK. This makes it difficult for us to get hold of European gas at times of highest demand, causing wholesale prices to peak.
    In March 2006, there was almost a gas crisis due to a spell of cold weather and a fire in a major gas storage facility in the UK. The National Grid, responsible for gas distribution in the UK, warned businesses to cut energy consumption, as gas companies could not find European companies willing to sell them gas.
    What is the future for gas prices?
    The import capacity of the Interconnector pipeline (which links us to gas supplies from Belgium) has been increased, most recently in October 2006. Also in October 2006, the Langeled pipeline which links us to Norway was opened. More import terminals for LNG are also under construction.
    Therefore the overall import capacity for gas has improved, which has contributed to a fall in wholesale gas prices. This should help keep prices low, although as mentioned above, a large import capacity can be useless during times of high demand. When gas prices in the UK increase, the flow of imports should increase. However, with the current European market, this correlation breaks down during cold weather.
    Ofgem are working with European energy regulators and the European Commission to liberalise the European gas market. This is essential if Britain is not to run short of gas during future cold spells. Until this happens, we could see dramatic peaks in winter gas prices.
    Gas bills are unlikely to fall to pre-2003 levels. This is due to increased reliance on imports, and money being spent to combat climate change. For example, under the Energy Efficiency Commitment, gas companies are forced to spend money on promoting energy efficiency.
    However, according to Ofgem, as of October 2006, domestic gas prices in the UK are the lowest in Europe."
    Have a read of this.

  16. #16
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Yes lastlid it will be good to have more storage but the fact remains the prices wont come down.

  17. #17
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    Yeah but how about when water bills increase when electric bills increase petrol increases & so on & so on enough is enough we are all being taken as fools or millionaires


  18. #18
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevie c View Post
    Yeah but how about when water bills increase when electric bills increase petrol increases & so on & so on enough is enough we are all being taken as fools or millionaires
    I can't speak for you Stevie but in my case it's most definitely a fool

  19. #19
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    October 20th join the march.

  20. #20
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    October 20th join the march.
    I'll be there as I was at the one in March last year.
    Once again I will not be standing in a park to listen to Millipeede preach to Trade Unionists when it suits him and stab us in the back a week later.
    It's a good day out if the weather is decent and the soap dodgers don't start their trouble

  21. #21
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    I rent an apartment. One of the chief criteria I used for picking it was the potential energy bill(s) at the end of the month. Energy is more expensive here than on the mainland UK so it is even more painful here.

    Petrol is £145.9 a litre right now.

  22. #22
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    October 20th join the march.
    what march

  23. #23
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    Basically oil and gas, in terms of current and conventional sourcing, is not a finite resource.

    Bring on Frack Gas!

  24. #24
    Respected Member stevie c's Avatar
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    I'm in the same boat as you there marco


  25. #25
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Yes me too.

  26. #26
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    This seems to be about the size of it......

    The Cost Of Your Utility Bills Is Going To Rocket

    The cost of all utility bills (water, sewage, gas and electricity will rocket in the next ten years. Be prepared to pay a good deal more for these services than you pay now.

    Gas and electricity bills will soar because the price of energy will go up. And because our infrastructure providing us with these things is old, falling apart and totally inadequate.

    The amazingly stupid decision by the Germans to abandon their nuclear power means that the price of natural gas must soar. There is absolutely no chance whatsoever of the Germans (or anyone else) obtaining all the electricity they need from windmills, wave power or the sun.

    Because it has turned governments away from nuclear power, the Japanese nuclear disaster will add thousands of pounds to the average annual energy bill.

    Water and sewage bills will soar because our infrastructure in these areas was built in Victorian times and is now in need of repair. A conservative estimate suggests that bringing the system up to date will cost around £100 billion. The real cost will, of course, be considerably higher. Until the improvements are made, huge amounts of money will have to be spent on keeping the systems working. Once the improvements have been made, huge amounts of money will have to be spent on servicing and repaying the related debt. Global water shortages won't help the price problem, either.

    Finally, costs of all services will rise because new EU regulations require water to be treated in a more energy efficient manner in the future. Sadly, the more energy efficient treatment programmes are less acceptable from an environmental point of view. But, hey, the EU will doubtless introduce a new system of fines to ensure that the industry pays extra for adopting the required new techniques.) These new treatment programmes will also result in more expense and, in the medium-term and long-term, much higher bills.

    The shortage of energy supplies, combined with the constant introduction of new EU laws, mean that utility bills will soar.

    Anyone who has difficulty paying utility bills now should perhaps consider downsizing to a smaller property.

    Prices are going to go up a good deal. They will never come down.

    If you find it difficult paying gas, electricity and water bills now then I believe you will find it much more difficult next year, much more difficult the year after that and ever more difficult with every succeeding year.

    Wages and salaries aren't going to rise to match inflation.

    But utility bills are going to exceed inflation.

  27. #27
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Its like a dog chasing its tail one borrows to get the economy going the other takes it out. You know I often think about it. Some on here are on good salaries and good luck to them but has anyone ever wondered about if they lost their jobs and how difficult it would be to get another one with the same salary?. I dont think it would be that easy.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Its like a dog chasing its tail one borrows to get the economy going the other takes it out. You know I often think about it. Some on here are on good salaries and good luck to them but has anyone ever wondered about if they lost their jobs and how difficult it would be to get another one with the same salary?. I dont think it would be that easy.
    You are right Andy. And none of us is gauranteed a job.

  29. #29
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    Its like a dog chasing its tail one borrows to get the economy going the other takes it out. You know I often think about it. Some on here are on good salaries and good luck to them but has anyone ever wondered about if they lost their jobs and how difficult it would be to get another one with the same salary?. I dont think it would be that easy.
    I work in a job matey where they are already talking about driverless trains. I think I may just be lucky and survive till retirement but if not I'm fortunate enough that I could return to Taxi driving as I renew my licence every 3 years as an insurance policy. I'm constantly preaching to the younger ones at work including my own daughter to have a Plan B as driverless trains is going to happen some day. Although they say they will always need a member of staff on the train I can't see them being paid drivers wages. The majority of my colleagues would struggle if that was to happen sooner rather than later.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    I work in a job matey where they are already talking about driverless trains. I think I may just be lucky and survive till retirement but if not I'm fortunate enough that I could return to Taxi driving as I renew my licence every 3 years as an insurance policy. I'm constantly preaching to the younger ones at work including my own daughter to have a Plan B as driverless trains is going to happen some day. Although they say they will always need a member of staff on the train I can't see them being paid drivers wages. The majority of my colleagues would struggle if that was to happen sooner rather than later.
    Interesting. Of course driverless trains are here as we speak. I seem to remember being on them at Zurich airport a few years ago, for example.

    I see there was a bit in the "Evenin Stanna" a few days ago saying that they wouldn't bring them in just yet owing to safety concerns?

    My previous employer was constantly looking at ways at replacing manpower with technology and slowly but surely implementing it.

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