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Thread: BBC Squirming like rats in a trap

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    BBC Squirming like rats in a trap

    Interesting to see how this odious outfit desperately tries to put as much distance as possible between itself and some of it's recent past.

    There's reports now that the "Peel Wing" at one of it's buildings is to be renamed as there is now a shadow forming over the late John Peel.

    I heard some hand wringing woman, a former Governor of the BBC say on the radio "it was my experience when at the BBC that when things do go wrong it is difficult to find out who is to blame"

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    Like I said, this whole thing is massive. John Peel is another candidate. And yes the BBC are implicated or if not then potentially vicariously liable in some instances.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Interesting to see how this odious outfit desperately tries to put as much distance as possible between itself and some of it's recent past.

    There's reports now that the "Peel Wing" at one of it's buildings is to be renamed as there is now a shadow forming over the late John Peel.

    I heard some hand wringing woman, a former Governor of the BBC say on the radio "it was my experience when at the BBC that when things do go wrong it is difficult to find out who is to blame"
    Nice one Ded

    I said on here 2 weeks back that the chickens are starting to come home to roost for our dear ol BBC. Seems now they are flocking home.

    Only in just recent times the BBC was a proven accomplice to war criminal Blair and his lies. the BBC are being proven again in such depraved acts as being a vehicle to child molesters. turns out they even providing drinks snacks and ciggys at these shindigs with BBC employees turning a blind eye. Reference today's Daily Mail

    Lets hope the guilty go to jail for this.

  4. #4
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Interesting times for auntie.
    It's very difficult to put any distance between themselves and Messrs Saville and Peel as they were their main employers for most of their careers. I think this going to run for a while and looks like there maybe one or two more names added to the list yet.
    Lets not get carried away with all this BBC is a vehicle for Child molesters bull though as it's not fair to the majority of employees who are doubtless shocked by this story.
    Hindsight is a wonderful thing and lets not forget that This Conservative supporting alleged paedo scumbag is supposed to have spent 11 consecutive New Years Eves at Chequers with our Prime Minister Lady Thatcher and in 1988 the CONSERVATIVE secretary of state for health Kenneth Clarke appointed SAVILLE to Lead a Taskforce to oversee the managing of Broadmoor Hospital, surely one of the last places you should put an alleged sexual deviant in charge of. Surely nobody is suggesting that Ken Clarke should be arrested or even Maggie for that matter.
    This man quite clearly fooled alot of people for a long time along with one or 2 others.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Interesting times for auntie.
    It's very difficult to put any distance between themselves and Messrs Saville and Peel as they were their main employers for most of their careers. I think this going to run for a while and looks like there maybe one or two more names added to the list yet.
    Lets not get carried away with all this BBC is a vehicle for Child molesters bull though as it's not fair to the majority of employees who are doubtless shocked by this story.
    Hindsight is a wonderful thing and lets not forget that This Conservative supporting alleged paedo scumbag is supposed to have spent 11 consecutive New Years Eves at Chequers with our Prime Minister Lady Thatcher and in 1988 the CONSERVATIVE secretary of state for health Kenneth Clarke appointed SAVILLE to Lead a Taskforce to oversee the managing of Broadmoor Hospital, surely one of the last places you should put an alleged sexual deviant in charge of. Surely nobody is suggesting that Ken Clarke should be arrested or even Maggie for that matter.
    This man quite clearly fooled alot of people for a long time along with one or 2 others.
    What the legal people are saying is that the BBC is likely to be held vicariously liable. I don't think vicarious liability would apply to Ken or Maggie in that sense. The BBC as his employer would be held vicariously liable.

    Here's a good example of vicarious liability under similar circumstances at a boys school:

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    What the legal people are saying is that the BBC is likely to be held vicariously liable. I don't think vicarious liability would apply to Ken or Maggie in that sense. The BBC as his employer would be held vicariously liable.

    Here's a good example of vicarious liability under similar circumstances at a boys school:
    I don't think any liability attaches to Maggie or Ken. My point was that hindsight is a wonderful thing and that if the allegations are true then Saville fooled alot a people for a long time including previous Governments.
    The only guilty people in my view are Saville and anybody who knew what was going on and never spoke up. Not a whole organisation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    I don't think any liability attaches to Maggie or Ken. My point was that hindsight is a wonderful thing and that if the allegations are true then Saville fooled alot a people for a long time including previous Governments.
    The only guilty people in my view are Saville and anybody who knew what was going on and never spoke up. Not a whole organisation.
    I see what you mean.

    Vicarious liability is quite interesting. It implicates an employer even if the employee is culpable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    .....The only guilty people in my view are Saville and anybody who knew what was going on and never spoke up. Not a whole organisation.
    And as I've said before, there's a lot that should not only hold their heads in shame, but should expect to be both named and shamed.

    The culture of an organisation is down to those who run it from the top. Also there is a relationship to society in general.

    Having said that, if the people at the top knew (or were aware) of whatever was going-on within that organisation they should expect to be accountable.
    Seems this may not happen.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    And as I've said before, there's a lot that should not only hold their heads in shame, but should expect to be both named and shamed.

    The culture of an organisation is down to those who run it from the top. Also there is a relationship to society in general.

    Having said that, if the people at the top knew (or were aware) of whatever was going-on within that organisation they should expect to be accountable.
    Seems this may not happen.
    Something I have said for years.

    They say that the BBC had a duty of care. That's what it hinges on in terms of their culpability.
    I actually think, even though time has elapsed considerably, that the BBC should be implicated too. People at the top evidently knew it was going on.

  10. #10
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lastlid View Post
    I see what you mean.

    Vicarious liability is quite interesting. It implicates an employer even if the employee is culpable.
    It seems that a few may have known what was going on and not spoken up.Shame on them and I hope they suffer some consequences now.
    But lets not get carried away as he seems to have fooled alot of people for a long time.
    The Queen Knighted him and he also received a Papal Knighthood.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    It seems that a few may have known what was going on and not spoken up.Shame on them and I hope they suffer some consequences now.
    But lets not get carried away as he seems to have fooled alot of people for a long time.
    The Queen Knighted him and he also received a Papal Knighthood.
    Yes. It is amazing to think, in this day and age. A bit like the Hillsborough malarkey. Both equally incredible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Interesting times for auntie.
    It's very difficult to put any distance between themselves and Messrs Saville and Peel as they were their main employers for most of their careers. I think this going to run for a while and looks like there maybe one or two more names added to the list yet.
    Lets not get carried away with all this BBC is a vehicle for Child molesters bull though as it's not fair to the majority of employees who are doubtless shocked by this story.
    Hindsight is a wonderful thing and lets not forget that This Conservative supporting alleged paedo scumbag is supposed to have spent 11 consecutive New Years Eves at Chequers with our Prime Minister Lady Thatcher and in 1988 the CONSERVATIVE secretary of state for health Kenneth Clarke appointed SAVILLE to Lead a Taskforce to oversee the managing of Broadmoor Hospital, surely one of the last places you should put an alleged sexual deviant in charge of. Surely nobody is suggesting that Ken Clarke should be arrested or even Maggie for that matter.
    This man quite clearly fooled alot of people for a long time along with one or 2 others.
    I dont think Ken Clarke and Maggie (The CONSERVATIVES) set up parties, serving light snack booze and fags to those youngsters and middle aged child molesters.......if the reporting is correct, the BBC did know full well under girls age and boys were getting sexually molested.

    You say a few BBC employees knew of these goings on...not what I've read...a great number of BBC employees knew the score...shame on them

    To date 320 people have come forward with 12 sex abuse claimed ...thus far.

    Its thought the BBC will be coughing up at least £ 10 million in compensation.

    The BBC did indeed fool alot of people.

    Aunty beeb..a phrase coined by BBC's loyal subject Terry Wogan which basically sums them all up.

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    Actually I have been looking at a lot of the BBC reports on this . I don't have anything against the BBC per se. Same as I don't have anything against the Hillsborough police per se. But wrongs have been done in the past and they need to be followed through appropriately, in both cases.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    I dont think Ken Clarke and Maggie (The CONSERVATIVES) set up parties, serving light snack booze and fags to those youngsters and middle aged child molesters.......if the reporting is correct, the BBC did know full well under girls age and boys were getting sexually molested.

    You say a few BBC employees knew of these goings on...not what I've read...a great number of BBC employees knew the score...shame on them

    To date 320 people have come forward with 12 sex abuse claimed ...thus far.

    Its thought the BBC will be coughing up at least £ 10 million in compensation.

    The BBC did indeed fool alot of people.

    Aunty beeb..a phrase coined by BBC's loyal subject Terry Wogan which basically sums them all up.
    Gwapito you and I are old enough to say forget the reporting and let Pc Plod sort out what actually happened and who knew what. Most forms of reporting have a bias. Someone else's reporting tells me that Ken Clarke gave the keys to Broadmoor to an alleged sexual deviant/paedo. I for one don't believe that Clarke knew what Saville was like at the time. I have also read that he spent 11 New years eves with Maggie and her family at chequers. Again I dont believe Maggie knew about this. But what I will say is I dont believe its easy to get that close to any Prime Minister of this country if there is the slightest sniff of this sort of scandal about you. Yet we are now being told that it was common knowledge within the BBC that Saville was a nonce. Maggie was the most protected PM of my generation and I find it hard to believe that so many people knew about this.
    If I'm wrong I'll admit it and I'll also be the first to shout string the up

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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Gwapito you and I are old enough to say forget the reporting and let Pc Plod sort out what actually happened and who knew what. Most forms of reporting have a bias. Someone else's reporting tells me that Ken Clarke gave the keys to Broadmoor to an alleged sexual deviant/paedo. I for one don't believe that Clarke knew what Saville was like at the time. I have also read that he spent 11 New years eves with Maggie and her family at chequers. Again I dont believe Maggie knew about this. But what I will say is I dont believe its easy to get that close to any Prime Minister of this country if there is the slightest sniff of this sort of scandal about you. Yet we are now being told that it was common knowledge within the BBC that Saville was a nonce. Maggie was the most protected PM of my generation and I find it hard to believe that so many people knew about this.
    If I'm wrong I'll admit it and I'll also be the first to shout string the up
    I agree. The various processes have to be gone through. But I do believe the writing's on the wall. And the revelations of this whole affair havn't bottomed out yet, I am sure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Gwapito you and I are old enough to say forget the reporting and let Pc Plod sort out what actually happened and who knew what. Most forms of reporting have a bias. Someone else's reporting tells me that Ken Clarke gave the keys to Broadmoor to an alleged sexual deviant/paedo. I for one don't believe that Clarke knew what Saville was like at the time. I have also read that he spent 11 New years eves with Maggie and her family at chequers. Again I dont believe Maggie knew about this. But what I will say is I dont believe its easy to get that close to any Prime Minister of this country if there is the slightest sniff of this sort of scandal about you. Yet we are now being told that it was common knowledge within the BBC that Saville was a nonce. Maggie was the most protected PM of my generation and I find it hard to believe that so many people knew about this.
    If I'm wrong I'll admit it and I'll also be the first to shout string the up
    Absolutely Marco...bias everywhere...I do read more than one paper...if its all true, its hard to believe that the BBC were able to keep such a secret within the 'family'..

    Apparently moneysupermarket have already produced template application forms on its website such is the demand for compensation.

    Let's hope the taxpayers pockets are deep enough.

  17. #17
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    I'm sure plenty of money grabbing so called victims will be rubbing their hands with glee after suffering years of torment

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    ah yes the lawyers will be rubbing there hands with glee open season on the ol tax payers yet again .I just knew there was a reason I did,nt like paying my t v licence when I hardly ever watched the bbc.

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    Savile abuse claims: Met Police launch criminal inquiry

    "Police have started a formal criminal investigation into sexual abuse involving Sir Jimmy Savile.

    Scotland Yard said it had identified 200 potential victims of the late BBC presenter and other people.

    The Met said some "living people" were being investigated but gave no names.

    Cdr Peter Spindler said a "staggering" number of victims had come forward. The NSPCC children's charity said Savile may have been "one of the most prolific sex offenders" it had come across.

    Scotland Yard said the investigation - dubbed Operation Yewtree - moved from an assessment to a criminal investigation after detectives established there are lines of inquiry involving "living people that require formal investigation".

    Looks like there will be a Panorama programme going out on this on monday night.

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    I may be completely wrong here, but it's reached levels where I feel a number of people must have known precisely what was going on.
    Just a feeling, but I'm disgusted at the humanity of some.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I may be completely wrong here, but it's reached levels where I feel a number of people must have known precisely what was going on.
    Just a feeling, but I'm disgusted at the humanity of some.
    I think you are correct, Terpe.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I may be completely wrong here, but it's reached levels where I feel a number of people must have known precisely what was going on.
    Just a feeling, but I'm disgusted at the humanity of some.
    Yes I must confess that my initial doubts about the story have disappeared. It seems to get more shocking on a daily basis. The very fact that they are talking about hundreds of victims now leads you to think that many people must have known about what was happening, shame on them for their silence.
    I hope the Police investigation moves quickly especially as they are now talking about others being involved who are still alive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bigmarco View Post
    Yes I must confess that my initial doubts about the story have disappeared. It seems to get more shocking on a daily basis. The very fact that they are talking about hundreds of victims now leads you to think that many people must have known about what was happening, shame on them for their silence.
    I hope the Police investigation moves quickly especially as they are now talking about others being involved who are still alive.
    Yes. And I think we will find that the BBC will be in hot water too.

  24. #24
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    the bbc should now be shut down because of this,

    which would be good no licence

  25. #25
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    Dont mean to change the subject, but the BBC licence is a lot cheaper than rip off Sky ect.

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    John Simpson on Panorama:

    "The worst crisis at the BBC in 50 years".

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Parnham View Post
    Dont mean to change the subject, but the BBC licence is a lot cheaper than rip off Sky ect.
    unfortunatly if you have sky you still need a licence, theres no choice,

    the bbc licence is not to view bbc but to receive broadcasted signals , so in reality there isn't a comparison

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