Gwapito you and I are old enough to say forget the reporting and let Pc Plod sort out what actually happened and who knew what. Most forms of reporting have a bias. Someone else's reporting tells me that Ken Clarke gave the keys to Broadmoor to an alleged sexual deviant/paedo. I for one don't believe that Clarke knew what Saville was like at the time. I have also read that he spent 11 New years eves with Maggie and her family at chequers. Again I dont believe Maggie knew about this. But what I will say is I dont believe its easy to get that close to any Prime Minister of this country if there is the slightest sniff of this sort of scandal about you. Yet we are now being told that it was common knowledge within the BBC that Saville was a nonce. Maggie was the most protected PM of my generation and I find it hard to believe that so many people knew about this.
If I'm wrong I'll admit it and I'll also be the first to shout string the
